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Kenmare is winner of Ireland's Best Kept Towns 2008


Kenmare, Co. Kerry is the overall winner of Ireland's Best Kept Town competition, 2008.

The results were announced (1st July 2008) at an awards ceremony in Belfast Castle.

Kenmare also won the Best Kept Large Town category. Lucan, Co. Dublin won the Best Kept Large Urban Centre category, Knockbridge, Co. Louth won Best Kept Village Category and Adare, Co. Limerick won the Best Kept Small Town category.

Ireland's Best Kept towns is an all-island competition organised by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and Northern Ireland Amenity Council, where towns that have reached the highest standards in Tidy Towns in the Republic of Ireland and Best Kept Awards in Northern Ireland are invited to compete against each other.

Participating towns are rotated each year. All entrants were marked against strict adjudication criteria that included cleanliness, the outward appearance of buildings, the presentation of roads and public facilities and the natural environment.

List of Participants 2008

Adare, Co. Limerick - Small Town
Banbridge, Co. Down - Large Urban Centre
Carlow, Co Carlow - Large Urban Centre
Dalkey, Co. Dublin - Large Town
Holywood, Co. Down - Large Town
Kenmare, Co. Kerry - Large Town
Knockbridge, Co. Louth - Village
Lack, Co. Fermanagh - Village
Lucan, Co. Dublin - Large Urban Centre
Newtowncashel, Co. Longford - Village
Portrush, Co. Antrim - Small Town
Richill, Co. Armagh - Village
Tullamore, Co. Offaly - Large Urban Centre.

The full results are -

  • Best Village - Knockbridge, Co. Louth
  • Best Small Town - Adare, Co. Limerick
  • Best Large Town - Kenmare, Co. Kerry
  • Best Large Urban Centre - Lucan, Co. Dublin

  • Overall winner - Kenmare, Co. Kerry.


