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World Ocean Day is a great success in Galway


Celebrations to mark World Ocean Day at the Galway Atlantaquaria drew over 1,500 people on Sunday 8 June, raising awareness of the role of the oceans in climate change, while giving families a fun day out in the fascinating world of the underwater.

Organised by Galway Atlantaquaria and the Marine Institute - with support from Failte Ireland/West - the event featured Bjorn the Polar Bear, accurate reconstructions of Antarctic Exploration, displays of SCUBA diving in the Atlantaquaria�s deep ocean tank and cartoon classes with a fishy theme.

The event was opened by RTE�s Marine Correspondent, Mr. Tom McSweeney.

Galway Atlantaquaria and the Marine Institute would like to thank everyone who made the day possible - including all the sponsors and exhibitors (especially Bjorn the Bear, his handler and the gentlemen demonstrating historic polar exploration gear), Discover Ireland/West, the management and staff of Schooners restaurant, F�ilte Ireland and the Air Corp air-sea rescue helicopter crew, who were called away on urgent business over the weekend.


