Welcoming the launch of the bill to establish the Dublin
Transport Authority (DTA), IBEC Transport Executive Paul Sweetman
said - "The Greater Dublin Area has waited 22 years for
the DTA. With the DTA bill published, focus must move to getting
the bill through the Dáil, followed by the rapid commencement
of the DTA's work."
He added - "The greater Dublin area is overwhelmed with
chronic congestion - reflecting generations of under-investment
and poor planning. Daily gridlock is seriously hampering the
efficient movement of both people and goods, particularly
to and from the capital's port and airport. While still below
the European average for car ownership, the average peak-hour
speed in Dublin city is 13 km/hr. In stark contrast, vehicles
travel at an average speed of 40 km/hr in Cologne and 27 km/hr
in Belfast. In Ireland, public transport accounts for only
10% of the commutes to and from work.
"Money and plans to correct Dublin's transport problems
are in place. Leadership to deliver is now required. The DTA
is identified as a lead authority in many government policy
papers - including the most recent consultation document on
sustainable travel and transport. Given the scale of investment
plans contained in Transport 21 for the greater Dublin area,
commencement of the DTA's work is critical.
"The DTA will consolidate efforts to deliver an integrated
transport network for the city, which will, ultimately, bolster
business competitiveness and provide a sustainable transport
system. IBEC is concerned that, should the Authority's establishment
stall, the much-needed developments set out in Transport 21
will not be implemented."