Protecting County Clare's coastline from erosion


Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Tony Killeen TD, said that the Government is taking the necessary steps to ensure that coastal defences are put in place around the country.

He added that coastal protection works are being undertaken at various locations throughout Ireland in response to the increasing threat posed by climate change. The Minister’s comments followed the allocation - by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - of €3 million for important coastal protection works around the country in 2008 (Click Here). Ross in County Clare has received €180,000 - the third highest figure allocated nationally.

“It is estimated that coastal erosion causes a loss of land area of between 160 and 300 hectares a year around the coast of Ireland” - stated Minister Killeen. “Furthermore, climate experts predict that our coastal defences are likely to be severely battered in the next 50 years. Therefore, it is imperative that we continue to undertake coastal protection works in order to protect farmland, tourist amenities, natural habitats/ecology and private property.

"I am delighted that the Government has allocated €180,000 for important works to be undertaken at Ross. Being an island community, our coastline is one of our most important natural resources and is of particular importance to our tourism industry” - explained the Minister.

“Ross is a well-visited tourist location and one that is particularly vulnerable to the increased threat posed by rising sea levels. I am confident that the introduction of rock armour and gambions will help protect it against the elements.”