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2006 Sustainable
Energy Awards
The Sustainable
Energy Awards, now an All-Island initiative, are organised by SEI
and sponsored by ESB Customer Supply. The awards aim to recognise
excellence in energy management.
Despite the harsh reality of rising energy costs,
companies in Ireland are now making notable strides in embracing
a more sustainable approach to how they use energy and are, ultimately,
achieving cost savings and improving their competitiveness as a
result. This was the message delivered by David Taylor, Chief Executive
Officer of Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), who was speaking at
the third annual Sustainable Energy Awards at the Berkeley Court
Hotel, in Dublin.
This year�s awards saw a significant increase in the
number of SME�s participating, emphasising how organisations - regardless
of size - can benefit from sustainable energy projects. Substantial
savings are also possible from low-cost measures - including energy
awareness campaigns - and the quality and number of such entries
received, demonstrate that more companies are fully engaging their
employees and benefiting accordingly.
Some of the nominated companies achieved savings in
excess of 10% - merely through educating employees about the benefits
of sustainable energy and changing behaviour accordingly.
Mr. Taylor added - �The number and quality of entries
from SME�s is particularly encouraging. Many companies - both large
and small - now realise that energy efficiency is an important issue
for businesses' performance. Those companies involved in the Awards
lead their field in sustainable energy and are reaping the benefits
in competitiveness and contribution to the bottom line.�
L-R: Padraig McManus (Chief Executive, ESB);
Noel Dempsey TD (Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural
Resources), David Taylor (CEO, SEI)
Guest of honour at the awards was Minister for Communications,
Marine and Natural Resources, Noel Dempsey TD.
Minister Dempsey said - �It is now a strategic priority to
move our economy towards greater energy efficiency and a lower
carbon and greenhouse gas emissions footprint.
"For business, that means doing what Irish companies
do well � facing down the competitiveness challenge and taking
proactive steps to ensure success and I am delighted to see
so many companies here tonight rising to meet this challenge.
The Sustainable Energy Awards 2006 were sponored
by ESB Customer Supply. |
The organisation is committed to encouraging greater
efficiency in the use of energy as one important part of protecting
the environment for future generations. As part of this commitment,
ESB Customer Supply has had in place an active program supporting
the effective use of energy by customers since the 1990's - which
enables businesses to get the best value for money from their electricity
Padraig McManus, Chief Executive, ESB said - "ESB
Customer Supply is delighted to be associated with the Sustainable
Energy Awards 2006. Energy saving is the quickest, most efficient
and most economic means of reducing usage and, thus, reducing energy
costs. We all have a part to play in our national obligation to
reduce emission levels.�
Mr. McManus confirmed ESB Customer Supply's continuing
support for the Sustainable Energy Awards.
Thirteen awards in total were presented across seven
categories - including renewable energy, energy management and energy
awareness campaigns. This year, participating companies accounted
for an annual energy expenditure in excess of �400 million and are
achieving average energy savings of 7%, equating to �28 million
per annum.
The seven categories included -
Category A: Coordinated Energy Management Programme |
Category B: Electrical and/or Thermal Energy Project |
Category C: Renewable Energy Project |
Category D: Energy Awareness Campaign |
Category E: Energy Service or Supply Company |
Category F: Excellence in Building
Design or Specification |
Category G: Energy Manager of the Year |
There were nine judges in total. Each judge was chosen
for their extensive experience in the relevant category areas. Each
category was reviewed by four judges and a consensus decision was
arrived at. Finally, each selection was endorsed by the chairman
of the judging panel, Professor Frank Convery. The judging panel
included -
- Prof. Frank Convery, Director, Environmental Studies, University
College Dublin
- Bob Hanna, Chief Technical Advisor (Energy), Dept. Communications,
Marine & Natural Resources
- Gerry Duggan, Chair, Energy & Environment Division, Engineers
- Roeland Van Elsen MRIAI, Sustainability Task Force, Royal Institute
of Architects in Ireland
- Patrick Duke, Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Technology, Dublin
Institute of Technology
- Alan O�Hanlon, Electricity Programme Manager, SEI
- Chris Hughes, Public Sector Programme Manager, SEI
- Alan Ryan, Programme Manager, SEI
- Graham Brennan, Renewable Energy Research Development &
Demonstration Programme Manager, SEI.
Originally launched in 1996 as the Boiler Awards - and renamed
the Sustainable Energy Awards in 2004 - the awards support three
crucial aspects of Sustainable Energy - Excellence in Technology,
Excellence in Organisation and Excellence in People.
In 1996, 65 sites were involved in the competition - accounting
for an annual energy spend on fuel of �24 million. The projects
undertaken yielded energy savings of �368,000. This year, 154 nominations
were received with a combined energy spend of �400 million per annum.
2006 is also the first year that entries from Northern Ireland were
Compere for the evening was Mr. John Bowman and the after-dinner
speaker was Karl Spain.
Awards Winners
Energy Service or Supply Company
The competition for energy-service or energy-supply
is open to all companies that supply and/or maintain energy related
equipment and services. The purpose of this award is to reward excellence
in the provision of support for energy-efficient products and services
and focuses on the supplier, rather than on a particular product.
The finalists in this category were -
- Eirdata Environmental Service Ltd.
- Fingleton White & Co.
- Gerkros Heating Technology
- PowerTherm Solutions Ltd. and White Young Green
For the design, construction and operation of major energy
projects - including Combined, Heat & Power, delivering
significant economic and environmental benefits - the Award
for Energy Service or Supply Company went to Fingleton
White & Company Ltd.
Fingleton White & Co. Ltd. is involved in the design, construction
and operation of a range of infrastructural projects - e.g.
a 16,000MW gas station, hydroelectric stations, wind farms,
CHP facilities, waste to energy projects, effluent treatment
facilities, water oil and gas pipelines, refrigeration systems,
boiler houses, district heating and broadband communication
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; John Melvin
of Fingleton White & Company Ltd.
The company has developed 8 independent Build, Own, Operate and
Maintain, energy & waste management facilities throughout Ireland
- working in partnership with Irish industry to provide for their
energy needs at reduced energy costs and related emissions. This
service is carried out while ensuring customer satisfaction through
regular feedback and communication on an ongoing basis.
Fingleton White & Co. Ltd. provides a range of value added services,
such as energy studies, energy procurement, plant operation and
energy costs saving scheme participation, which help customers minimise
energy usage and so cut costs further.
Excellence in Design or Specification
The objective of this award is to underline the importance
of getting things right from the start. The finalists were -
- Karl Becker
- Kildare County Council
- Svendborg The Marina.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Mayor Fionnuala
Dukes; Brian Swan, Kildare Co. Co.
For creating a flagship local authority building - incorporating
natural ventilation, maximising natural daylight and the use
of renewable energy systems - the award for Excellence in
Design or Specification went to Kildare County Council.
Kildare County Council recently completed a new 12,500m�
office and council chambers.
The project brief included a very strong environmental/sustainable
agenda, with the aim of producing minimal waste and avoiding
mechanical cooling where possible.
The bulk of the elevations for this building face East-West and
a combination of strategies were used. The building is primarily
naturally ventilated, uses exposed slab soffits and controlled glazing
areas - together with shading to ensure that summertime conditions
remain comfortable.
Night ventilation is required to maintain these conditions. This
is achieved through high-level motorised window openings, controlled
via Building Energy Management System to provide the night cooling.
Energy Awareness Campaign
For energy management to be really effective, it has
to address three interconnected aspects:
- The technical solution
- The organisational aspect, such as procedures and systems -
- the people element.
Energy Awareness Campaigns target the people element and, in a
lot of situations, they have the biggest impact on energy consumption.
The finalists in this category were -
- Health Services Executive - West
- Merck Sharp and Dohme
- Microsoft Ireland
- University of Limerick
- Wellman International.
This energy awareness campaign revolves around the �Save-A-Watt-Wednesday�
programme, when all employees are encouraged to reduce energy
use in their working environment and to focus on energy �
�turn it off, use it wisely, take it home�. The Energy
Awareness Campaign award went to Merck Sharp and Dohme.
The vision of the CEO of Merck Sharp and Dohme (Ireland)
is for the company to be the most competitive energy steward
in the pharmaceutical industry by 2008. To achieve this target,
a company-wide goal of reducing energy usage by 25% by the
end of 2008 has been set.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD;
Elizabeth Tobin & Kieran Lavelle, Merck
Sharp and Dohme
As part of the comprehensive energy management system, which has
been adopted to manage the energy reduction programme, they have
engaged with staff through an energy awareness campaign which revolves
around the �Save-A-Watt-Wednesday� programme. All employees
are encouraged to reduce energy use in their working environment
and to focus on energy � �turn it off, use it wisely, take it
Suggestions on energy saving opportunities are invited from staff
as part of the programme, with over 100 suggestions received so
far. This programme, in association with the larger Energy Management
Programme, has achieved savings of over 9.8% in 2005 with projections
for 2006 also very impressive.
Electrical and/or Thermal Energy
This category provides an opportunity to recognise
the efforts of organisations that significantly reduced energy use
through a single energy saving project. There are four equal winners
in this category.
The finalists were -
- ABB, Dundalk
- Astellas
- Carbery Group Ltd
- DIT Cathal Brugha St
- Donegal Creameries
- Flancare Warehouse
- Kerry County Council
- Pfizer Loughbeg
- Pfizer Little Island
- Shamrock Foods
- Town of Monaghan Co-Op
- Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Anthony Gorham
& Tony O'Reilly, ABB Dundalk
By implementing a comprehensive lighting upgrade, this company
has demonstrated that small and medium businesses can also
benefit from energy efficiency. The award for Electrical and/or
Thermal Energy Project, Small Industry went to ABB Dundalk.
During 2005, ABB Ltd. Dundalk increased efforts to become
more energy efficient in all aspects of their business. A
visit from SEI to discuss the Dundalk Sustainable Energy Zone
- and the company�s subsequent inclusion in this initiative
- was the starting point for a greater interest in the whole
area of energy efficiency.
ABB contacted their electricity supplier - ESB Customer Supply
- to discuss and identify opportunities to deliver greater efficiency
with the use of energy. As a result - and with help from ESB Customer
Supply - the company arranged for - (i) Lighting audit and (ii)
a total (comprehensive) electrical energy audit to help focus attention
on areas that reduce energy consumption and emissions to best effect.
A total refit of lighting (which contributed 30% of total electrical
load) has been completed. In addition, an existing air compressor
(which contributed 22% of the total electrical load) has been replaced
by a more efficient model, incorporating variable speed drive technology.
By conducting a comprehensive audit to identify and implement
energy investment opportunities, this company from the food
and drink sector will achieve significant annual savings.
The award for Electrical and/or Thermal Energy Project, Large
Industry went to Carbery Group Ltd.
Carbery is a major international food ingredients, flavours
and cheese manufacturer, headquartered in Cork. The manufacturing
facility is complex and incorporates the latest technology.
From the point of view of heating and cooling loads, individual
audits on the various steam and refrigeration plant is insufficient
to build a complete picture of energy use.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD;
Roger Wormald, Carbery Group Ltd
For this reason, a thorough thermodynamic examination of all production
processes was undertaken - with all heating and cooling processes
integrated into a single heat exchanger network.
Through installation of a series of heat exchangers, pipe work
and buffer tanks, it was then possible - by maximising regeneration
across the whole site - to significantly reduce the use of all utilities,
including steam, refrigeration and electricity. Though the capital
costs of installation of the system were significant, the payback
on the project was in the order of one year, delivering impressive
ongoing savings for the site.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Paul
Mc Dunphy, DIT Cathal Brugha Street |
For the practical and innovative upgrade of a boiler plant
room in public sector building, resulting in annual savings
of 40% - the award for Electrical and/or Thermal Energy Project,
Small Public Sector went to DIT Cathal Brugha St.
The existing boilers were inefficient and the domestic hot
water heating system was insufficient for current requirements.
The controls consisted of burner time-clocks with pumps switched
by hand and no isolation valves for the boilers. To improve
the energy efficiency the boilers were replaced in 2004.
A Building energy management system was installed to improve plant
monitoring and control. Annual savings of 40% for natural gas were
measured and verified in 2005.
This project provides an ideal example of upgrading an old public
sector plant room with a limited budget and building modification
constraints. Total cost savings are �38,000 per year providing an
excellent payback period of three years for this type of project.
For using the most up to date lighting technology, incorporating
dynamic occupancy-sensing - thus establishing an impressive
benchmark for future projects - the award for Electrical and/or
Thermal Energy Project, Small Commercial went to Shamrock
Shamrock foods were challenged by senior management to achieve
significant savings, thus establishing a benchmark building
that could be replicated elsewhere. The company set about
identifying an energy efficient lighting solution for their
distribution depot. Given that the buildings are occupied
by fast moving battery operated trucks, access was limited.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Michael Broderick,
Shamrock Foods
Any choice of lighting retrofit technology was assessed against
lamp and lumen longevity. The project consisted of the removal of
690 no. 400W metal halide high bay fittings and 431 twin 5ft. corrosive
proof fittings. The new installation includes 388 no. Patina AS400
series fittings incorporating daylight sensing.
The company also used dynamic occupancy sensing - thus optimising
the lighting energy efficiency profile. The project has since been
used as a benchmark for all future site and lighting retrofit programmes.
Renewable Energy Project
This category provides an opportunity to recognise
innovative examples of highly integrated renewable energy systems
in small and medium enterprises and public sector buildings.
The finalists in this category were -
- Dundalk Institute of Technology
- Musgrave Group Ltd.
- United Hospital Trust.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; John Curran,
Musgrave Group Ltd. |
For an energy efficient office building - demonstrating that,
with proper enlightened planning, it is possible to develop
more sustainable buildings incorporating renewable energy
systems - the award for Renewable Energy Project went to Musgrave
Group Ltd.
In 2004, Musgrave began designing its new Group Head Office
in Cork.
The new office building - with a floor area of 2000m� - was
designed to house Musgrave head office staff, including Group
Finance, IT, Commercial and Human Resources departments, along
with Group Directors.
At an early stage, it was decided that - in keeping with the commitments
contained in the Musgrave Group Environmental and Social Accountability
Policy and Energy & Natural Resources Management Policy - the building
should be as sustainable as practicable and incorporate both passive
energy conservation measures and energy efficiency technology, as
a means of minimising energy demand and, hence, emissions of CO2
and other greenhouse gases linked to climate change.
In addition, all supply and service contractors were to be made
aware of the sustainability aims of the building and that both the
equipment supplied and its installation works would need to have
the lowest environmental impact.
Coordinated Energy Management
Very often the challenge for organisations is to remain
focused on effective energy management in the face of changing personnel
and shifting priorities. This award recognises those firms that
have taken a holistic approach to energy management and have integrated
it into their overall business practices, touching on the key elements
already identified - technical, organisational and people. There
were three winners in this category - Commercial, Small Industrial
and Large Industrial.
The finalists in this category were -
- Aughinish Alumina Ltd.
- Jurys Doyle Hotel Group
- Lee Strand Co-Operative Creamery Ltd.
- O'Callaghan Hotel
- Pfizer Ireland, Little Island, Cork
- Silverhill Foods.
These firms represent the very highest standard of energy management
in the country and all deserve recognition for the quality of their
work and commitment to sustainable energy practices.
By developing and implementing a tailored energy management
programme, involving everybody within the organisation - which
circulates a monthly league table showing the progress of
each property - this company has achieved reduced electricity
use by 20% in 2005. The award for Coordinated Energy Management
Programme, Commercial Sector went to Jurys Doyle Hotel
Group Ltd.
Jurys Ballsbridge Hotel and Towers achieved a 20% reduction
in electricity consumption during 2005, through energy awareness
and staff behavioural change. The five-star Jurys Ballsbridge
Hotel and Towers is one of 34 properties in the Jurys Doyle
Hotel Group plc.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Dan O'Connell,
Jurys Doyle Hotel Group Ltd
The 35,000m� complex, located in Dublin, consists of two adjoining
hotel blocks. The main hotel comprises 303 bedrooms, two restaurants,
two bars and 14 function rooms, in addition to a ballroom/cabaret
room which can seat up to 700 people.
Other facilities include a leisure centre with heated outdoor
swimming pool, a business centre and a hair salon. The separate
Towers building contains a further 100 bedrooms.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Denise Kelly
& Stuart Steele, Silver Hill Foods |
For establishing a structured approach to energy management,
incorporating an active energy policy coordinated with the
company�s quality management, environmental management, financial
management and maintenance systems - the award for Coordinated
Energy Management Programme, Small Industrial went to Silver
Hill Foods.
Silver Hill Foods has examined energy related issues and
catapulted them to the top of a list of priorities, fundamental
to the successful operation of their organisation.
Through the establishment of the programme, the most outstanding
factor was the level of commitment from all levels of the organisation.
The results and savings are impressive - but the success of the
programme is in the sound organisational base which has been created.
This reflects on a daily basis on the ground, where there are numerous
suggestions from all staff on various ways to improve energy efficiency.
These suggestions range from putting in 1 and 2MW wind turbines
to run the plant to telling where lights are never turned off at
night time. Everybody contributes in Silver Hill.
This company has successfully implemented 64 energy saving
projects over the past 5 years - resulting in annual energy
savings in electricity, natural gas and mains water consumption.
For their strategic approach to energy management - including
commitment to achieving the Irish Energy Management Standard
IS393 and ongoing participation in Energy Agreements - the
award for Coordinated Energy Management Programme, Large Industrial
went to Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Little Island.
Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals in Little Island has a very
active energy team with commitment from plant leadership for
the implementation of energy saving projects.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Martin O'
Connor, Pfizer Ireland, Little Island
This stems from corporate guidelines on energy conservation policy.
An energy master plan details proposed energy related activities for
the next three years. This policy document is updated annually and
provides the commitment from leadership and ensures employee support
for the energy conservation programme.
The energy conservation programme is an ongoing effort with further
projects identified and in progress. The projects are tracked on
a live document - �Energy Savings Monitoring� - which details
project description, energy, monitory and CO2
A comprehensive M&T; system is operational throughout the plant.
This system has in excess of 70 meters covering electricity, natural
gas, mains water, chilled water, nitrogen, compressed air and waste
water. This is a key tool used in the day-to-day monitoring of the
site's energy usage and facilitates monthly reports on consumption.
The system also facilitates in the identification of energy initiatives.
Energy Achievement Award
This year the judges have introduced an additional
award to recognise the achievement of an individual or organisation
that makes an outstanding contribution in the arena of energy management.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Brendan Thorne,
Aughinish Alumina Ltd. |
This company is an excellent example of energy management
in action. An active energy policy ensures that all employees
appreciate the factors that influence energy use on this large
Energy use per unit output has consistently fallen since
joining the Large Industry Energy Network facilitated by Sustainable
Energy Ireland.
This company recently installed a 150 Mega Watt Combined Heat
& Power System that delivers significant environmental
and economic benefits.
The Special Energy Achievement Award went to Aughinish Alumina
As Alumina refining is an energy intensive process - with energy being
about 30% of operating costs in the sector - AAL decided to implement
a formalised energy management system and, working closely with SEI,
identified the Danish Energy Management Standard DS 2403 as the most
appropriate system then available.
The system was installed and, in October 2004, AAL became the first
plant outside Denmark certified as being compliant with the standard.
The system requires a review of existing energy usage, setting
of challenging targets and the implementation of a program to achieve
them. The targets are based on the equipment design and not on past
performance. AAL estimate that work to-date has reduced steam usage
by about 1.5% and a further 1.5% will be achieved when the program
is complete.
The system also facilitated the resolution of other problems with
energy usage - identifying areas where maintenance was required
and so contributing to the overall energy efficiency of the site.
AAL now recognise the benefit the standard has given to the competitiveness
of the site and, so, have continued to be audited on their compliance
with the system on an ongoing basis.
Energy Manager of the Year
An energy manager�s role is to manage both the company�s
current energy needs and its future energy strategy. He or she should
be able to focus both on the technical aspects of their work and
on issues of communication and involvement. All of the finalists
in this category are at the peak of their profession and have demonstrated
both excellence and passion in their work, resulting in significant
savings for their respective organisations.
Finalists in this category were -
- Kevin Geoghegan - Intel
- Richard Smith - DIT Bolton Street
- Dr Heather Thompson - Ballymena Borough Council.
For outstanding commitment to energy efficiency, for establishing
and leading a successful energy management programme in a
public sector organisation and participating in a national
forum for energy management - the energy manager of the year
award goes to Dr. Heather Thompson, Ballymena Borough Council.
Dr Heather Thompson has full operational responsibility for
expenditure on energy by all Council properties and services
in Ballymena Borough Council. Since appointment, she has introduced
energy and emissions management systems.
L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Dr Heather
Thompson, Ballymena Borough Council
This involves the design and implementation of a strategic programme
of on-site energy and emissions auditing and profiling - including
reviews of plant and equipment, on-going monitoring of energy use
and improving staff awareness on energy issues.
Energy consumption for all fuels across all sites was reduced by
11%, compared to consumption prior to energy management implementation.
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