2007 is likely to become
a boom year for alternative energy. The rising popularity of alternative
energy technologies will attract venture capital funding, legislative
incentives and support - and growing investment from the business
At the Alternative, Sustainable & Renewable Energy
Summit, delegates will be provided with a unique opportunity
to receive a thorough and up-to-date picture on current and future
developments within the Alternative/Renewable energy industry -
as well as a chance to network and do business.
Alternative Energy 2007 is a conference designed with
premium content aimed at providing the latest information on all
aspects of alternative energy - with particular focus on the financing,
planning and regulation of new projects.
The Sunday Business Post and iQuest would like to
thank the main sponsors - Accenture and RPS Group
for their contribution to - and support of - this year's event.
Topics at the Alternative, Renewable & Sustainable
Energy Summit include -
- Developing competitive markets to provide the correct price
signals for investment in alternative energy
- Renewable sources - The perspective, the market, the instruments
- Spatial planning & renewable energy plans
- Renewable energy technology trends
- Energy efficiency programmes and strategies
- Financial planning and investment
- Capital markets perspective on renewables
- Private equity and venture capital
- View from Europe - strategies for sustainable, competitive and
secure energy
- Balancing Ireland's energy needs
- The nuclear debate
- Who will profit from the new alternative economy?
- Future trends and scenarios on global, European, national and
regional levels.
Oliver Sch�fer, Policy Director of the EREC (European Renewable
Energy Council)
Oliver started his career in Brussels as energy
policy adviser to Mechtild Rothe, MEP. He was responsible for
energy policy and related matters. As such, he was following
the legislative dossiers in this sector and he specialised in
renewable energy. |
During the first years in Brussels he was mainly focused and involved
in the discussion about the directive for the 'promotion of electricity
from renewable energy sources'.
His activities include research, advising and amending on legislative
proposals, as well as dealing with lobby groups and industry. In
2003, he joined the European Renewable Energy Council as policy
director and is leading the policy department since then.
Oliver has published many articles and contributed to books. Among
the latest of his publications is - 'Energy (R)evolution scenario
- a sustainable world energy outlook'. Before going to Brussels,
he worked for a major political party in Germany.
Padraig McManus, Chief Executive, ESB
Padraig McManus was appointed Chief Executive
and member of the board of ESB in July, 2002. He joined ESB
in 1973 and spent 15 years on the company's international businesses,
later becoming managing director of ESB International and ESB
commercial director. |
He is a board member of the Irish Management Institute, vice-chairperson
of Business in the Community Ireland and a member of the Conference
Dr. Richard Toll, Senior Research Officer, Economic & Social
Research Institute
Dr. Richard SJ Toll is a senior research officer
at the Economics and Social Research Institute, Dublin and the
Michael Otto Professor of Sustainability and Global Change at
the Centre for Marine and Climate Research, Hamburg University.
In addition, Dr. Toll is a principal researcher at the Institute
for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and an
adjunct professor at the department of engineering and public policy,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
He is the second most prolific Dutch economist in terms of publications
- he has been published 98 times in learned journals. An economist
and statistician, he is interested in climate change, natural disasters,
marine resources, tourism, land use and water management. He is
an editor of Energy Economics and has played an active role in international
bodies - such as the Stanford Energy Modelling Forum, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change and the European Forum on Integrated Environmental
Brian Nixon, Director of Energy, Scottish Enterprise
Brian Nixon is a chartered engineer with an honours
degree in mechanical engineering from Strathclyde University
in Scotland. His career in the energy industries spans more
than thirty years - evenly split between the downstream and
upstream sectors. |
This experience was earned with major engineering contracting organisations
- including Motherwell Bridge, AOC International and, most recently,
Wood Group Engineering. Following a six-month business secondment
to the Commercial Section of the British Embassy in Luanda (Angola)
in 2001, Brian accepted his current role as Director of Energy with
Scottish Enterprise.
Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's main economic development agency
and is funded by the Scottish Executive. The Energy Team provides
strategic advice and support to companies throughout the oil and
gas, power generation and renewable energy industries - undertaking
research and technology development, plus diversification assistance
into alternative industries and overseas markets.
The event will bring together all stakeholders from the energy
value chain including - regulators, producers, providers, technology
providers, project consultants, industrial end-users and investors
- Managing directors/chief executives
- Large users of energy
- Energy specialists
- Project financiers/investors/venture capitalists
- Environmental officers
- Public sectors managers/technical officers
- Environmental engineers
- Construction industry managers
- Regulatory bodies
- Energy management policy makers
- Asset managers/analysts
- Researchers/scientists.
DAY 1 - Monday April 23 2007
8:00 Registration and breakfast
Delegates are invited to beat the traffic
by arriving early and having tea/coffee and pastries with colleagues
- courtesy of iQuest and The Sunday Business Post.
8:50 Opening remarks and
introductions from the chair
David Taylor
Chief Executive
Sustainable Energy Ireland |
Enhancing Ireland's Participation in the New Energy Economy
Noel Dempsey, TD
Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources |
View from Europe: Strategies for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure
Oliver Sch�fer
Policy Director of EREC (European Renewable Energy Council)
'One estimate puts the total
investment going into clean energy at $63 billion this year - up
from $30 billion in 2004'
- Energy, Industry and Climate Policy
- New initiatives - such as EU directive
for renewables, innovative financing instruments, strengthening
of current legislation, R&D; needs, export opportunities.
9:45 Balancing Ireland's
Energy Needs
David Manning, Energy Executive, IBEC
- Energy focal points and demand growth
- Balancing the fuel mix
- Secure, competitive and environmentally
sustainable alternatives
- The process of change - moving toward
sustainable alternatives
- The path ahead.
10:15 Strategies to Increase
the Amount of Renewable Energy in the Overall Mix
Michael Tutty
Commission for Energy Regulation |
- Planning for renewables
- Opportunities for the use of regulation
and/or incentives to stimulate change and development
- Renewables in the all-island market
- Interconnection
- Metering policies.
11:00 Speed Networking
Events like this are where long-lasting and
profitable business relationships begin. You can take the headache
out of networking with the morning Speed Networking session.
These brief meetings are the starting point for conversation and
networking throughout the summit.
- Meet...move on...meet...move on...meet!
- Exchange business cards with fellow summit
delegates and industry peers
- The best 40-minute networking session
you have ever experienced!
11:40 Investment Impacts of Renewable
Energy Growth
Dr Jonathan Burton
Senior Manager
Accenture |
Growth in renewable generation presents both
opportunities and risks for traditional generators, network owners
and energy suppliers. Jonathan Burton from Accenture will discuss
possible routes for growth of renewables and the technologies that
can support renewable energy in the Irish generation portfolio.
- Consumer-driven growth in renewables?
- Technology solutions to support renewables
growth and efficiency
- Impacts of embedded renewables on distribution
12:10 Financing Waste and Renewables Projects:
the latest developments
Ashish Anand
PFI & Structured Project Finance
Barclays Bank plc
No longer just the realm of 'hippy-dippy
tree huggers', captains of industry are now busy investing in
clean-energy technology.
- What do funders look for?
- Key risks
- PPPs
- Financing models
- Current market developments.
12:40 The Equity Investors' Perspective
on Alternative Energy - the where, how, who and what of profitable
Peter Nolan, Principle, Radios Capital
- Will high oil and gas costs continue?
- The future of the carbon market
- Technological choices
- Government support
- Operator performance
- Structures - funds, incumbents, public
- What are the likely winners and losers?....Some
to watch.
2:10 Welcome back and introductions from
the chair
Jane Boyle
Senior Manager
Accenture |
2:15 Panel discussion
Alternative Energies Scale Up
- Achievement of scale - how does this change
the alternative/renewables sector?
- Fossil energy costs
- Who will be in the alternative energy
space five years from now?
- Policies and actions needed to support
renewables in the energy market over the next 20 years
- What is necessary for more aggressive
long-term capital financing?
Panellists will include leading national
and international industry figures including -
Morgan Bazilian, Head of Policy Support, Sustainable Energy Ireland
Peter Nolan, Principle, Radios Capital.
2:55 CHP and District Heating
Jan Oluf Clement, Team Leader, Energy Production,
COWI, Denmark
- When is CHP (combined heat and power)
really CHP
- District heating - from small to large
systems: examples from Denmark
- Heat sources - e.g. surplus and waste
heat, biomass, waste, etc
- Maximising energy efficiency - minimising
carbon dioxide emissions.
Sustainable Energy Development - A Utility Perspective
Padraig McManus
Chief Executive
ESB has always stayed at the forefront of
technology developments in delivering efficient and reliable energy
to meet the needs of the Irish economy.
ESB Chief Executive, Padraig McManus, examines broad technology
developments and sets out ESB's overall thinking in terms of delivering
sustainable energy to meet customers needs into the future.
Spatial Planning and Renewable Energy Plans
Hendrik W van der Kamp, President, Irish
Planning Institute
The paper will address a number of key issues in relation to better
renewable energy delivery through spatial planning. These include
the following -
- The need for strategic planning policies
at national and regional levels to ensure adequate infrastructure
- It's not just the energy performance of
the dwelling that's important - but, also other factors including
the location and design of new residential areas which may affect
transport energy usage. Is there scope for a 'sustainability
label' for dwelling houses?
- There is also a need for more innovative
planning policies addressing issues such as - complementary land
uses, scope for district heating, efficient land use patterns
and more 'plan led' wind energy infrastructure.
5:00 DAY 1 ENDS
DAY 2 - Tuesday April 24 2007
8:15 Registration and breakfast
Delegates are invited to beat the traffic by arriving early and
having tea/coffee and pastries with colleagues, courtesy of iQuest
and The Sunday Business Post.
The Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy
Dr Richard Toll
Senior Research Office
Economic & Social Research Institute |
- Costs and benefits of climate policy
- Climate policy - facts and rhetoric
- The role of Ireland in international climate
- Opportunities in the medium-term.
9:20 Building the Wind Industry
Pamela Walsh
Head of Procurement & Project Execution
Airtricity |
- Future of wind in Ireland
- What developers need from manufacturers
- New technologies in offshore wind and
their impact on the industry
- Challenges and prospects of offshore wind
- Turbine cost and supply position
- Directions in wind finance.
9:50 Grid Networks: Playing a Key Role
in Integrating Renewables
Dermot Byrne
Chief Executive
Eirgrid |
- Investments in new and upgraded infrastructure
- Major progress in Ireland on renewables
- Balanced portfolio of renewable sources
- All-island grid study
- The all-island market
- Interconnection with other systems
- Research and development.
10:45 Nuclear New Build in the UK: Key
Issues of Policy and Delivery
Chris Lambert
Westminster Energy Forum London |
- Strategic energy issues and the policy
drivers behind a new nuclear energy programme in Britain
- Enabling new build delivery: key milestones
and determining factors (pre-licensing, planning, waste)
- Public engagement - perception and the
lessons from the CoRWM enquiry on nuclear waste
- Safety & security - the tracking-and-tracing
of nuclear materials in a British new-build era.
11:20 The Benefits of Nuclear Power
Jim Morrissey, Founder Member, BENE (Better
Environment with Nuclear Energy)
Particularly in relation to -
- Climate change
- Pollution reduction
- Sustainability and security
- Industry and economy
- Hydrogen and transport.
A Scottish Perspective on Renewable Technologies development in
the coming years
Brian Nixon
Director of Energy
Scottish Enterprise |
- Energy Technology Perspectives: Scenarios
and strategies to 2020
- The Future of renewable energy supply.
1:40 Welcome back and introductions from
the afternoon chair
1:45 Energy in Buildings, Auditing and
Renewable Energy Innovation
Dr Nick Wells
Technical Director
RPS Consulting Engineers |
- Meeting the EU Buildings Energy Efficiency
Directive in Ireland
- The potential contribution from energy
- Energy auditing for industry
- What role for renewable energy?
2:15 Case Study: Co-Firing at Peat-Fired
Power Stations
John Reilly
Head of Power Generation & Renewables
Bord na Mona Energy |
In the recently published Green Paper on
National Energy Policy, the Government proposed an indicative target
for co-firing the peat-fired power stations with carbon neutral
fuels up to a level of 30 per cent by 2015.
Edenderry Power Ltd currently burns 1mt of
milled peat annually - and, though the plant produces relatively
cheap electricity in the Irish wholesale market, it also produces
900,000t of carbon dioxide per annum. Co-firing at the station -
at the levels indicated in the Green Paper - has the potential to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the plant by up to 30 per cent
without reducing output. The proposal has the potential to make
a significant contribution to Ireland Inc's international emission
reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol - as well as producing
up to 35mw of dispatchable, renewable electricity.
The presentation will examine the issues
around the co-firing targets - such as supply, economics and any
technical issues that need to be addressed.
2:45 Panel discussion
Alternatives - These are not novel ideas...how long until they actually
become part of the Irish infrastructure?
- The ratio of fossil fuels to renewables
- How competitive is renewable energy?
- Regulation - an impetus for innovation?
Panellists will include leading national
and international industry figures -
Eamon Ryan, TD, Green Party
John Mullins, Chief Executive, Bioverda
Fintan Conway, Irish Farmers Association.
3:40 All Island Grid Study and R&D; Opportunities
Professor Mark J O'Malley
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University College Dublin |
- All-Island Grid Study - background - methodologies
- progress to-date
- Research and Development - research priorities
- funding schemes.
4:10 Developing Competitive Markets to
Provide the Correct Price Signals for Investment in Alternative
Paul Hunt
Energy and Regulatory Economist |
- Delivering a low carbon outcome in the
- Targets, government interventions, subsidies
v market signals?
- The EU Commission's proposals
- Are they sufficient and what more needs
to be done?
- Disentangling the geopolitics of energy
from energy market fundamentals
- What are the implications for Ireland?
Can European Markets Sustain Competitive Energy Industry?
Dr Constantin Gurdgiev
Economist and Editor
Business & Finance magazine |
European energy markets are caught between
dominant incumbent producers - backed by political interests and
strategic centralised suppliers of conventional energy. In such
an environment, it is doubtful that an alternative energy sector
will be able to capture any significant share of domestic generation
capacity. In addition, it is also doubtful whether real research
and development into new alternative sources of energy can be carried
out in Europe.
This suggests that, without drastic reforms,
European energy markets are likely to develop a follower strategy,
without taking global lead in innovation. Delayed adoption of our
Asian and American competitors' best practices will prove a significant
drag on European competitiveness into the future.
Are we really thinking about the future in
our wind-wave biofuels strategy - or, are we already behind the
curve with the US and India strategies. Can European markets - in
their current form - really sustain competitive industry - or, are
we locked into having alternative sources of energy as fringe competitors
at best?
Raise your profile, network with decision-makers attending
this event and generate new business leads by exhibiting at The
Alternative Sustainable & Renewable Energy Summit 2007.
For details, call Suzanne Brennan on 087 9191
292 or email: [email protected]
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RPS is Ireland's largest all-island multi-disciplinary consultancy.
We provide services in energy, planning, environment, civil, structural,
transportation, mechanical and electrical engineering.
In Ireland, RPS employs about 1,000 professional and
technical support personnel countrywide - with offices in Dublin,
Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Letterkenny and Waterford.
RPS has a dedicated energy team with extensive experience
in energy management, efficiency and auditing; renewable energy;
sustainable design consultancy; agri-energy; carbon emissions advisory;
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Our main areas of business range from initial project
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We are known for our proven ability to provide a cradle-to-grave
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Tel: 01-6026043
/ 01-6026000
Fax: 01-4786198
Email: [email protected]
Address: The Sunday Business Post, 80 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2