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2007 Sustainable Energy Awards

The Sustainable Energy Awards are intended to encourage, recognise and reward excellence in energy management in the industrial, commercial and public sectors.

Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) announced the winners of the Sustainable Energy Awards 2007 at a gala event in Dublin's Crown Plaza Hotel.

Inchydoney Lodge & Spa, Diageo and Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals were among the eight winners of the Awards, which included entries from all sizes of organisations in both the Republic and Northern Ireland. The Awards, now in their eleventh year, are organised by SEI and sponsored by ESB Customer Supply.

In response to an increasing level of interest from smaller companies, a new award category - 'Energy Efficiency Project in a Small and Medium Enterprise' - was included for the first time this year. This new category recorded the highest number of nominations across all of the categories.

Companies participating in the Awards recorded average energy savings of 7% - equating to overall cost savings of €23 million. The equivalent of 211,000 tonnes of CO2 have also been removed from the atmosphere - which is similar to taking 77,000 new cars off Irish roads.

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan T.D., who was guest of honour at the event and presented the Awards, said - "It is very encouraging to see such vigour and enthusiasm among the organisations participating in these awards. I'm aware that many of these organisations have entered in the past and have long-established programmes in place in the area of energy efficiency.

"However, it is the smaller companies - the SMEs - which also account for a proportion of Ireland's CO2 output, that I am particularly encouraged to see represented so well in these awards. Energy management practices are not just the preserve of large industry with dedicated resources and teams, but a commercial imperative for enterprises of all shapes and sizes."

Inchydoney Lodge & Spa - which secures 37% of its energy from a renewable resource - won the Award for Renewable Energy Project. The hotel developed a combination system of solar panels, wood pellet boiler and heat recovery system, which will reduce the hotel's annual fuel bill by over €50,000 and save annual emissions of 424 tonnes of CO2. In 2006, energy consumption decreased by 8.7%, despite an increase in the hotel's activity.

Martin Corkery, Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals' Energy Team Leader, based in Loughbeg, was awarded with the prestigious title of Energy Manager of the Year. The judges acknowledged Mr Corkery's long and distinguished track record in energy management, including his role in Pfizer's recent certification to IS 393 - the Irish Energy Management Standard. In 2006, eleven major energy-saving projects were undertaken at Pfizer Loughbeg under Martin's supervision. These and other projects contributing to the achievement of IS 393 resulted in a CO2 reduction of 2,254 tonnes for the site.

Diageo, St James Gate Brewery, Dublin received the award for Coordinated Energy Management Programme for its extensive energy management programme undertaken during a period which also saw significant increases in production at the plant. Major efficiency gains were delivered, with the plant achieving cost savings in excess of €2 million and CO2 emission savings of over 80,000 tonnes.

David Taylor, Chief Executive, SEI said - "These Awards are an important reminder of the achievements of business in Ireland at a time when energy and climate change are high on the political agenda across Europe. We now have tangible evidence that the level of savings achieved by companies involved in our large industry programmes - such as LIEN and IS 393 - are also possible in their smaller counterparts. This year, SEI will have worked with almost 1000 businesses of all sizes and in all sectors - all striving to reduce energy costs and, in so doing, enhance their competitiveness and the growth prospects of the economy."

The Sustainable Energy Awards 2007 were sponored by ESB Customer Supply.

Brid Horan, Executive Director of ESB Customer Supply, said - "Energy efficiency is now a crucial aspect of the energy debate. There is an onus on all suppliers to actively promote an energy-saving culture. The Sustainable Energy Awards have never been more important - they stimulate and encourage energy savings initiatives that can become part and parcel of every business strategy."


Awards Winners


Category A - Energy Efficiency project in a Small and Medium Enterprise

This category is open to projects from Small and Medium-Sized enterprises that deliver significant carbon dioxide and energy reductions.

The finalists were -

  • DHL - Exel Supply Chain
  • Leopardstown Racecourse
  • Mahon Point Management Ltd
  • Shabra Plastics and Packaging
  • Spring Grove Services, Millfield.
L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Colm Moran, Mahon Point Management; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Commended Award

With a mission to reduce energy consumption with as little capital investment as possible, this company realised significant savings by focusing on the largest energy users within the business.

The areas concerned were lighting, air handling and the use of balers.

The Commended Award for an Energy Efficiency Project in a Small and Medium Enterprise went to - Mahon Point Management Ltd.

Highly Commended Award

This company achieved significant savings in energy as a result of a series of low or no-cost initiatives.

Simple awareness messages were employed - together with replacement of equipment at the end of its life with energy-efficient models.

The Highly Commended Award for an Energy Efficiency Project in a Small and Medium Enterprise went to Leopardstown Racecourse.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Gerry Igoe, Leopardstown Racecourse; David Taylor CEO, SEI

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Noel McDonnell, Spring Grove Services; David Taylor CEO, SEI


Spring Grove Services followed a systematic process of reviewing and identifying areas for improvement.

This resulted in transforming the business from a low volume high-energy user, to being a high volume low-energy operation.

The Winner of the Energy Efficiency Project in a Small and Medium Enterprise was Spring Grove Services, Millfield.


Category B - Energy Efficiency project in a Large Enterprise

Energy efficiency projects in large enterprises deliver significant financial and environmental benefits.

This category is open to energy efficiency projects in all organisations - excluding SMEs.

The finalists were -

  • Boliden Tara Mines
  • Boston Scientific Ireland Ltd, Galway
  • Bristol Myers Squibb, Swords
  • HJ Heinz Frozen & Chilled Foods
  • Wellman International Ltd.


This company implemented a strategic energy management programme to continuously improve energy efficiency in the context of growing activity.

The optimal combination of plant, utilities and control was selected for this project, resulting in significant energy savings and an impressive 1.5 year payback on investment.

The Commended Award went to - HJ Heinz Frozen & Chilled Foods.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Stuart Lawson, HJ Heinz; David Taylor CEO, SEI

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Peter Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Highly Commended

By focusing on areas of higher potential gains, this company significantly reduced its steam costs.

Financial, resource and regulatory barriers were overcome with determination, achieving a 29% reduction in gas usage.

The Highly Commended Award for an Energy Efficiency Project in a Large Enterprise went to - Bristol Myers Squibb, Swords.


This company successfully delivered an extremely complex and innovative project - on-time and with no adverse impact on operations.

The project realised significant annual energy cost savings.

The Winner of the Award for an Energy Efficiency Project in a Large Enterprise was Boliden Tara Mines.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Pat Hanratty, Boliden Tara Mines; David Taylor CEO, SEI


Category C - Renewable Energy Project

Renewable energy systems allow users to source their energy requirements within Ireland - thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports - which, in turn, leads to increased security of energy supply.

The Category C Finalists were -

  • Defence Forces
  • Grainger Sawmills Ltd
  • Newbridge Silverware
  • Omagh College of Further Education
  • The Lodge & Spa at Inchydoney Island.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Cmdt Tim Hehir, Defence Forces; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Highly Commended

This project demonstrated a commitment to reducing the organisation's carbon footprint by considering innovative options at the design phase of refurbishment projects.

A feature of the project was the integration of many energy efficient features and renewable technology installations.

The Highly Commended Award for a Renewable Energy Project went to the Defence Forces.


This project shows commitment to responsible business and environmental sustainability - as a company that is a strong supporter of local issues and plays an active role in local development.

With a large solar installation and woodpellet boilers, an impressive 37% of site energy comes from a renewable resource.

The winner of the Award for a Renewable Energy Project was - The Lodge & Spa at Inchydoney Island.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Denis Dempsey, The Lodge & Spa, Inchydoney; David Taylor CEO, SEI


Category D - Energy Awareness Campaign

An effective energy awareness campaign encourages people at all levels within an organisation to change their behaviour with regard to energy use.

This award recognises the 'people' dimension of energy management.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Bombardier Aerospace
  • Defence Forces
  • PacifiCare International Ltd
  • Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Little Island API
  • Tesco Ireland.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Lt Karen Rynn, Defence Forces; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Highly Commended

This campaign included many initiatives and targets - managed from the top down through all aspects of activities.

The holistic approach has led to 24/7 energy management being successfully embedded in the organisation.

The Highly Commended Award goes to the Defence Forces.


This was a very well presented awareness campaign including training, a great poster campaign and 'did you know ...' emails.

Significant savings were achieved by spending just €55 on 2 plug-in energy meters to measure the effect of each initiative.

The winner of the Awards for the Energy Awareness Campaign was PacifiCare International Ltd.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Susan Flinter, PacifiCare International; David Taylor CEO, SEI


Category E - Energy Service or Supply Company

The competition for energy-service or energy-supply companies is open to all companies that supply and/or maintain energy-related equipment and services.

The purpose of this award is to reward excellence in the provision of support 'for energy-efficient products and services' and the award focuses on the supplier rather than on a particular product.

The Category E Finalists were -

  • Eirdata Environmental Services Ltd
  • RPS Group Ltd
  • White Young Green.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Liam McLaughlin, Eirdata; David Taylor CEO, SEI
This company offers a service to clients that includes expertise in many areas of energy management.

The company has been very successful in developing beneficial working relationships with its clients. It often forms relationships - starting with an initial energy audit leading on to becoming part of the client's energy management organisation through ongoing support for conservation activities. It has also innovated in the area of training for energy management.
The Award went to - Eirdata Environmental Services Ltd.


Category F - Excellence in Building Design or Specification

The objective of this award is to underline the importance of getting things right from the start.

This award recognises excellence in the design or specification of a building to achieve energy performance exceeding commonly accepted norms.

The Category F Finalists were -

  • Building Design Partnership (Environmental Research Centre, UCC)
  • Coady Partnership Architects (Co. Laois VEC)
  • Department of Education & Science (Generic Repeat School Design)
  • MCO Architects (Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy).

Highly Commended

This project included a low-energy, cost-effective design with excellent replication potential.

The building offers good controllable comfort conditions - together with good access to energy data.

The Award went to - the Department of Education and Science.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Frank Wyse, Dept of Education and Science; David Taylor CEO, SEI

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Philip Crowe, MCO Architects; David Taylor CEO, SEI


This project incorporated a design that provides a high-quality internal living environment with stable temperatures, constant supply of fresh air and circulation.

Also included is protection from outside noise pollution.

The winner of Excellence in Building Design or Specifications is MCO Architecture/Mater Orchard Convent.


Catgory G - Coordinated Energy Management Program

This award recognises organisations - regardless of size - that take a holistic approach to energy management and integrate it into their overall business practices, resulting in continued energy savings over a number of years.

The Category G Finalists were -

  • Diageo, St. James's Gate Brewery Dublin
  • Lee Strand Co-operative Creamery Ltd
  • National Gallery of Ireland
  • Shabra Plastics & Packaging
  • Westport Woods Hotel & Spa.

This project developed a coordinated energy management programme that examined every aspect of the business operation and implemented a programme of energy efficiencies, recycling, composting and water conservation throughout.
A Green Team, comprising representatives of management and various departments, meets regularly to manage and review progress.

The Commended Award went to Westport Woods Hotel and Spa.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Michael Lennon, Westport Woods Hotel; David Taylor CEO, SEI

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Jerry Dwyer, Lee Strand Coop; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Highly Commended

This project has demonstrated a long-term commitment to environmental management, central to day-to-day business, with energy management as one of the corner stones.

The company has achieved significant benefits through minimum capital investment - but, with maximum involvement of all personnel.

The Highly Commended Award went to Lee Strand Cooperative Creamery Ltd.


This company developed an extensive energy management programme, which was built into the existing culture of teamwork and continuous improvement.

In a period that has seen significant increases in production, major efficiency gains have been delivered.

The winner of the Coordinated Energy Management Programme was Diageo St James's Gate Brewery.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Guy Dumbrell, Diageo; David Taylor CEO, SEI


Category H - Energy Manager of the Year

An energy manager's role is to manage both the company's current energy needs and its future energy strategy. He or she should be able to focus both on the technical aspects of their work and on issues of communication and involvement.

All of the finalists in this category are at the peak of their profession and have demonstrated both excellence and passion in their work - resulting in significant savings for their respective organisations.

The energy manager award is presented to the individual or team that demonstrates ongoing reductions in energy use through effective energy management techniques and technologies. In addition to understanding the factors affecting energy use, successful energy managers develop relationships throughout their companies, so that they can influence and motivate energy users and decision makers.

Regular attendance at conferences, training courses and seminars ensure that the organisation is aware of current issues affecting energy use and cost.

It was originally intended to award only one prize in this category. However, the judging panel deemed 2 candidates worthy of awards - and, accordingly, in addition to the winner, the judges have also decided to highly commend one of the other entries.

The Category H Finalists were -

  • Miche�l Cassidy, Astellas Ireland Co., Ltd. (Kerry Plant)
  • Martin Corkery, Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Loughbeg API
  • Denise Jordan & Ciaran Sheridan Silver Hill Foods
  • Michael Mc Nerney Tesco Ireland.

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Michael McNerney, Tesco; David Taylor CEO, SEI

Highly Commended

This Energy Manager was responsible for the generation of a strong organisational model that incorporates all the key business areas.

This was dveloped together with the delivery of an energy management and awareness programme that reflects best practice as well as the existing ethos and systems of organisation.

The Highly Commended Award went to - Michael McNerney, Tesco Ireland.


For delivering an ongoing site energy reduction programme - fully aligned with corporate and site goals and existing management systems.
For a long and distinguished track record in energy management, including recent certification to IS 393 - the Irish Energy Management Standard.

The energy manager of the year award went to Martin Corkery, Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, Loughbeg. [Accepting on his behalf was Neil Mc Carthy].

L-R: Brid Horan, ESB; Minister Eamon Ryan TD; Neil Mc Carthy, Pfizer; David Taylor CEO, SEI



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