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The 5th National Waste Summit

A new era in Irish Waste Management?

27th & 28th November 2007, Croke Park Convention Centre, Dublin

With Green ministers controlling the environment agenda for the first time, is this the dawning of a new era in Irish environmental policy? Specifically, what influence will the Green agenda have on existing waste management policy?

The National Waste Management Summit - now in its fifth year - is Ireland's premier Waste Management event. This year, the summit is a forum for debate and discussion among the private and public sector on the current issues facing waste management in Ireland.

Organised by The Sunday Business Post and conference partner - iQuest - the 5th National Waste Management Summit will be an event of major interest to operators in the private sector and local authorities. This year's summit promises a most impressive line-up of speakers, international and national experts - all professionally involved in all aspects of waste management.

Topics and questions that will be debated and discussed at this year's event include -

  • Can we expect major policy changes from the new government?
  • What are the latest EU policy developments and what will their impact be on Irish waste management policy?
  • What are the implications of the revised Waste Framework Directive?
  • What type of infrastructure should Ireland develop now in order to meet our targets under the EU Landfill Directive?
  • Does Ireland need a waste regulator?
  • What are the barriers and solutions to creating a competitive market in waste management?
  • Biowaste - what are the impediments and solutions to developing viable markets for compost?
  • New waste technologies - what are the opportunities and risks for Ireland?
  • New European rules on waste shipments - what do they mean for waste operators?
  • Local Authority and private sector perspectives on the challenges facing waste management in Ireland.

Who should attend

Directors and senior managers in waste operations
Local Authority directors and managers in charge of environmental services

Advisors to the waste management industry - legal, financial, environmental, engineering

NEW at Waste 2007!

Beat the traffic
An 8.30am start-time has been introduced for Waste '07 and a 4.30pm finish on both days - so that delegates spend less time travelling to and from the event.

Speed networking
Events like this are where long-lasting and profitable business relationships begin. The headaches are taken out of networking with the morning Speed Networking session.
These brief meetings are the starting point for conversation and networking throughout the summit.
Meet ... move on ... meet ... move on ... meet! Exchange business cards with fellow summit delegates and industry peers - the best 50-minute networking session you've ever experienced!


John Gormley TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government

John Gormley represents the Dublin South East constituency for the Green Party.

He was first elected to the D�il in June 1997 and is one of three Green Party members holding ministerial posts in the current Government.

Timo M�kel�, Director, Sustainable Development & Integration, DG Environment, European Commission

In his role, Mr M�kel� is responsible for sustainable development and economic analysis, sustainable production and consumption - including waste management, environmental research, science and innovation policies, as well as environmental policies for the industry.

Mary Kelly, Director General, Environmental Protection Agency

Ms Kelly previously worked with IBEC, where she was involved in policy development in the environmental area. She was involved in setting up REPAK - the packaging recycling initiative - and was also a member of Comhar and the Advisory Committee of the EPA.

Laetitia Reynaud, Policy & Communications Officer, European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services (FEAD)

FEAD is the European organisation which represents national associations of waste management and environmental services. Laetitia is responsible for FEAD WG1: Waste Shipments, WG4: Biological Treatment, WG6: Landfill, WG8: Legal aspects, competition and public procurement, as well as the Task Forces on the
Waste Framework Directive, Greenhouse Gas, Safety, Quality Management and Statistics.

Dr. Dominic Hogg, Director, Eunomia Research & Consulting, UK

Dr Dominic Hogg has an Honours Degree in Physics and a PhD in Economics. He has developed an international reputation for innovative thinking on issues of a technical nature around waste strategy, economics and procurement. He recently conducted a critical review of Irish waste management policy and practice and was
involved in work which led to the introduction of a landfill tax in Ireland.

Michael Layde, Principal Officer, Infrastructure & Regulation, Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government

Michael's particular focus is on issues surrounding waste management planning, infrastructure delivery and the regulation of the waste management sector. His area of responsibility also encompasses national policy on dealing with illegal waste activity.

Phillip Ward, Director for Waste Implementation Programmes, Waste Resource & Action Programme (WRAP), UK

Phillip Ward has direct responsibility for waste minimisation programmes, for advice to local authorities on collection systems and for training. He joined WRAP after 30 years in government - latterly as the Director of Local Government Performance in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

David Fallon, Director of Services, Monaghan County Council

David Fallon is Director of Services, Roads and Environment, with Monaghan Co Co. He qualified with a Bachelor of Engineering degree from UCD in 1976. He holds post graduate diplomas in Computers and Management from Trinity College Dublin and an MA in Local Government Management from the Institute of Public Administration.

Florian Amlinger, Director of Compost - Consulting & Development & Vice President - ECN/European Compost Network

Florian has been involved in development of source segregation systems, composting and compost application research since 1986. He has participated in research on the process optimisation of organic waste composting, the quality definition and best practice of compost applications.
This includes the assessment of nutrition value, nitrogen dynamic, the assessment of PTEs and organic pollutants in composts of different origins and greenhouse gas emissions from decentralised small-scale composting systems.

John Tierney, City Manager, Dublin City Council

John Tierney began his local government career with North Tipperary County Council in 1977. Prior to joining Dublin City Council, he worked with eight different local authorities, including holding the position of Manager of Galway City Council and Manager of Fingal County Council.

Joe Schwager, MD, Juniper Consultancy Services, UK

Joe Schwager is the founder and Managing Director of Juniper, the world's leading independent analyst of waste technology solutions for waste management. Joe is an expert on assessing the 'bankability' and risk factors that determine commercial viability of waste management.
This includes conventional solutions such as incineration and more novel approaches such as MBT (mechanical-biological-treatment).



DAY 1 Tuesday, 27th November 2007

7.45 Coffee / Tea, light breakfast & registration

8.30 Chairperson's opening address

�ine Lawlor, Presenter, Morning Ireland


8.35 OPENING ADDRESS: Future developments in EU waste policy - towards sustainable production and consumption
Timo M�kel�, Director, Sustainable Development & Integration, Environment DG, European Commission

9.00 PANEL DISCUSSION WITH Q&A; - What should Ireland's revised waste policy priorities be?
A high-level discussion on waste policy priorities for Ireland, EU policy developments and the impact of policies on the waste management industry -

  • Timo M�kel�, Director, Sustainable Development & Integration, Environment DG, European Commission
  • Mary Kelly, Director General, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Jim Kells, Chairman, Irish Waste Management Association.


The EU Waste Framework Directive outlines guiding principles for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste and includes a common definition of waste. Political agreement on a revised Framework Directive was reached in June 2007. What does this mean for waste management in Ireland?

9.45 PANEL DISCUSSION WITH Q&A; - Implications of the revised Waste Framework Directive -

  • Laetitia Reynaud, Policy & Communications Officer, Federation of Waste Management & Environmental Services (FEAD)
  • Gareth Kelly, Chief Operating Officer, Enva
  • Tom Tarpey, Senior Engineer, Environment Sector, Limerick County Council

10.30 Introduction to Speed Networking
Tricia Murphy, TIG Alliance


10.35 Morning break




In order to meet the EU Landfill Directive targets set for Ireland, policy makers and industry operators must speed up the delivery of waste management infrastructure. In addition, a change in waste policy has been signalled by the Minister - so, what are the implications and what type of infrastructure should Ireland be investing in?

11.45 PANEL DISCUSSION with Q&A; - Creating the waste infrastructure that Ireland needs
Uncertainty about market regulation and the emerging structure of the industry, the lack of co-ordinated regional waste plans and planning delays all act as impediments to accelerating infrastructure delivery.
Our panel discusses solutions to removing these barriers to infrastructure delivery and debates the type of infrastructure Ireland should be investing in -

  • Dr Dominic Hogg, Director, Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd
  • John Ahern, Managing Director, Indaver Ireland
  • Larry O'Toole, Director of Waste & Energy, RPS Group.


12.30 LUNCH


1.40 Welcome back from Chair
�ine Lawlor, Presenter, Morning Ireland

John Gormley, TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government

2.05 Q&A;

2.15 Financing Waste Management Infrastructure
Olaf Fitzsimmons, Associate Director, Ulster Bank Corporate Banking

With an anticipated increase in the level of acquisition and investment activity in the Irish waste management sector over the coming years, this presentation covers the key issues involved in successfully financing such acquisitions and investments.

2.40 Q&A;


The increased involvement of the private sector in an area traditionally serviced by the public sector has given rise to much debate about the competitive structure of the market. We explore the issues and hear an update from the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government on the current status of waste regulation in Ireland.

2.45 Does Ireland need a waste regulator?
Michael Layde, Principal Officer, Infrastructure and Regulation, Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government

In 2006, the DOEHLG undertook a public consultation on the best way to regulate the waste sector as well as the remit and functions of a waste regulator. Our speaker gives an update on the current issues on waste regulation and operation in Ireland.


3.15 Afternoon break


3.45 LOCKNOTE SESSION: PANEL DISCUSSION WITH Q&A; - Competition in the waste market
Creating of a level playing field in the waste management market -

  • Declan Purcell, Head of Advocacy Division, The Competition Authority
  • Ted Nealon, Director, A1 Waste
  • Matt Twomey, Assistant City Manager, Environment & Engineering, Dublin City Council

4.30 Day 1 close


DAY 2 Wednesday, 28th November 2007

7.45 Coffee / Tea, light breakfast & registration

8.30 Chairperson's opening address

Steve Cowman, Chief Executive, Greenstar


While good at recycling, Irish households and enterprises still produce much more waste than our European counterparts. What are we doing to stem the tide of Ireland's waste production and what can we learn from other countries?

8.40 OPENING ADDRESS: Waste prevention & recycling - Experience in the UK
Phillip Ward, Director for Waste Implementation Programmes, WRAP (Waste Resource & Action Programme) UK

Three of the major components of the domestic waste stream are food, packaging and garden wastes. The UK has developed programmes to address each of these areas, which draw on retail supply chains and behavioural change, in equal measure. Our opening presentation will explain the approach adopted and the degree of success achieved.

9.10 Q&A;

9.15 CASE STUDY: Monaghan County Council & The LAPD Programme
David Fallon, Director of Services, Monaghan County Council

Launched by the Minister for the Environment last year, the Local Authority Prevention Demonstration Programme (LAPD Programme) is being piloted by Monaghan Co Co along with 6 other Local Authorities. The initiative is designed to prevent waste in participating sectors and businesses and its findings will provide a template for other waste prevention projects nationwide.

9.45 Q&A;


Countries that have succeeded in diverting large quantities of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) from landfill, employ central composting and have extensive separate collection systems, well-established quality assurance schemes for compost and compost standards.

9.50 INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDY: Austria - a success story in composting
Florian Amlinger, Vice President, European Compost Network, Germany

In Austria, source separation of biowaste is one of the main and obligatory measures in waste management since 1992. Following a decentralisation strategy, today, up to 80% of all inhabitants participate in source separation of biowaste. 600 composting plants treat the biowaste of 8.7 million inhabitants. What lessons can Ireland learn?

10.20 Q&A;


10.30 Morning break


11.00 PANEL DISCUSSION WITH Q&A;: Composting - impediments and solutions to developing viable markets in Ireland for waste derived products -

  • Percy Foster, Executive Administrator, Cr� - Composting Association of Ireland
  • Tim Duggan, Managing Director, Enrich Environmental
  • Liz Drew, Technical Officer, Southern Waste Management Partnership (SWaMP), N. Ireland
  • Gerry Bird, OCAE Consultants.


11.50 CASE STUDY: FREE Trade - an innovative online service from
Warren Phelan, Senior Engineer, RPS Consulting Engineers

An innovative web-based scheme to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, the FREE Trade initiative - launched by the four local authorities in the Dublin area - promotes reuse by allowing people to give away unwanted goods for free, instead of dumping them. Hear how the initiative is working and the communications campaign used to promote the service.

12.20 Q&A;


12.30 LUNCH

1.45 Welcome back from Chair
Steve Cowman, Chief Executive, Greenstar


The afternoon session opens with a debate between a Local Authority CEO and the Irish Waste Management Association, who represent private operators.
Each person will speak for 20 minutes giving their perspective on the challenges facing the Irish waste management sector.
Delegates are encouraged to put their questions and points to both speakers.

1.50 Waste Management - A Local Authority Perspective
John Tierney, City Manager, Dublin City Council

John Tierney, Dublin City Manager, will set out the issues and challenges in the Waste Management sector and how these are being dealt with from a local government perspective in the Dublin Region. This will include comments on policy and practice in relation to waste collection, disposal, recycling and regulation.

2.10 Waste Management - A Private Sector Perspective
Erik O'Donovan, Director, Irish Waste Management Association

Erik O'Donovan of the Irish Waste Management Association will present a private sector perspective on developments, opportunities and challenges in the Irish waste and resource management sector. This discussion will include perspectives on policy, regulation and implementation.

2.30 Open discussion with Q&A;


2.45 Afternoon break



An evaluation of the potential and risks of the latest waste treatment technologies

3.10 AFTERNOON KEYNOTE ADDRESS: New waste technologies - opportunities and risks for Ireland
Joe Schwager, MD, Juniper Consultancy Services, UK

What are the alternatives to incineration? Are there new approaches that could be more sustainable? Juniper, the world's leading independent analyst of waste technologies, presents some alternatives that are under development around the world and their viability.

3.40 Q&A;


The new rule on the trans-frontier shipment of waste took effect last July. What changes does this entail to the shipment of waste within and outside of the Community?

3.50 LOCKNOTE ADDRESS: New European rules on waste shipments - what does it mean for waste operators?
Martina Duignan, National TFS Office, Dublin City Council

  • The role of the National TFS Office
  • Guidelines for exporting waste from and importing waste into the Republic of Ireland
  • Exporting waste to countries and transit countries outside the EU
  • Enforcement of the new Regulation (EC) No.1013/2006 on shipments of waste.

4.20 Q&A;

4.30 Chairperson's closing remarks



Ulster Bank is a major force in business and corporate banking in Ireland. As a member of the Royal Bank of Scotland group - one of the world's largest banks - Ulster Bank can deliver world-class solutions at a local level. Its comprehensive network of 272 branches and 32 Business Centres nationwide offers a wide range of business banking solutions to meet the requirements of all customers.

Ulster Bank's services include - Personal Banking, Wealth Management, Treasury Solutions, Working Capital and Property Finance. In fact, Ulster Bank states that it's because of its focus on the delivery of smart banking solutions and packages for businesses at every level, that the bank has just been awarded the KPMG Business Banking Excellence Award for the third year running. As the bank states - 'It's something we're very proud of - you could say that we've all the capabilities of a large Bank with the heart and soul of a small one'.

RPS Group is a leading Irish consultancy in waste management, planning, transportation, engineering, energy and environmental matters. RPS has close on 40 years' experience of providing environmentally sustainable solutions to the public and private sectors. The company works in partnership with all stakeholders on individual studies and projects.

RPS are authors of most of Ireland's regional waste management plans and advise Government, local authorities and the private sector on waste prevention, minimisation, recycling, energy recovery and residual disposal.

RPS is also a global energy company with offices in Ireland, UK, Netherlands, USA, Canada and Australia. The company has been at the forefront of the Irish Energy business for over 20 years and is currently retained on a number of major infrastructural projects - including the Shell Corrib Onshore Gas Pipeline and North South Electricity Interconnector for Eirgrid. RPS also assist Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) on many renewable studies and currently operate one of their advice hotlines on building efficiency.

Greenstar is Ireland's largest integrated waste management company and provides services and infrastructure at each level of the waste management hierarchy to commercial customers, as well as domestic refuse and recycling collections and skip hire.

Greenstar offers a fully-compliant, transparent and traceable service with respect to collection, materials recovery, recycling, biological treatment - as well as consultation, education, research and environmental and waste auditing.

Since its inception in 1999, Greenstar has invested €240 million in infrastructure and strategic acquisitions and has increased employment from 100 to over 500 in 34 locations nationwide. Greenstar operates materials recovery facilities (MRFs) in Wicklow, Sligo, Cork and Dublin - including Millennium Park, the country's largest and most sophisticated automated recycling facility which can divert between 70-85% of waste from landfill.

Greenstar also owns and operates four EPA-licensed, state-of-the-art residual landfill facilities at - Kilcullen, Co Kildare, Knockharley, County Meath, Kilconnell, Co Galway and Ballynagran, Co Wicklow. Greenstar has been awarded the Green Apple Award for excellence in landfill operations.



Irish Waste Management Association (IWMA) - which is affiliated to the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC - - is the national representative body for the legitimate waste management industry in Ireland.

The IWMA is a member of the European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental services (FEAD, Membership consists of a broad spectrum of companies involved in collection, recycling, recovery, treatment and disposal of various hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams from urban and rural areas and providing waste management solutions for both the public and private sector.

The Association aims to improve standards and promote the development of the waste management sector as a recognised, professional and well-regulated industry.




You can promote your business face-to-face with waste industry decision-makers attending this event.

For details, contact:
Marion Wallace
Tel: 087-2461662
[email protected]


To download the Booking/Registration Form - Click Here

For further details - including On-line Booking - Click Here

Conference Brochure - Click Here


Contact information

Tel: 01-6026015 / 01-6026000
Fax: 01-4786198

Email: [email protected]
Address: The Sunday Business Post, 80 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2



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