April 22nd 2010, Croke
Park Conference Centre, Dublin
Discover the
bottom-line benefits of sustainable IT
Soaring energy prices have put
the focus on Green IT�s ability to deliver reductions in energy
Ireland�s move to a low-carbon economy is well underway.
The country�s third carbon budget delivered a new carbon levy, forming
the cornerstone of the country�s transition to a low carbon society.
The forthcoming Climate Change Bill will, for the first time, commit
Ireland to a new statutory obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 80% from 1990 levels.
IT can play a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions.
There is a growing awareness that Green IT can deliver significant
reductions in energy costs as well as enabling improved efficiencies
across the enterprise. In fact, cost reduction is the primary driver
for Green IT. Gartner is predicting that Green IT will be one of
the top 10 technologies that will be strategic for most organisations
in 2010.
The inaugural Green IT Summit
aims to show you how adopting a Green IT strategy in your organisation
can unlock huge energy savings, drive operational efficiencies,
as well as make a major contribution to your organisation�s CSR
Brought to you by iQuest, in conjunction with
ICT Ireland and the Irish Software Association, the
inaugural Green IT Summit is
a major conference focusing on how and where you can make green
IT deliver business value. This gathering of experts and peers aims
to provide Irish businesses with an improved understanding of how
they can go green and save money along the way.
- KEYNOTE - Environmental and business benefits of Green IT
- Making Green IT a cost-effective reality
- Unlocking business value from Green IT
- Why IT should lead a company�s sustainability agenda
- PANEL DISCUSSION - Taking a day-to-day business approach to
Green IT
- Tax incentives scheme to invest in Green IT solutions
- KEYNOTE - Green IT driving efficiency, sustainability and enabling
efficient working practices
- The sustainable CIO - reaping the
benefits of Green IT
- Health Research Board & Lakeland
Dairies - Why Green IT and virtualisation should be top of the
Financial Director�s agenda
- Making savings in the data centre
- reducing energy comsumption and costs in the data centre.
If you are a senior executive decision and policymaker, IT professional
or key influencer, then you should be at the Green
IT Summit.
Job functions include -
- Heads of IT
- IT Managers
- IT Directors
- Business Directors/Business Managers - driving IT initiatives
- Environmental management.
With expert speakers presenting on a host of Green IT topics, you�ll
gain insights into a wide range of issues and solutions -
- Identify potential cost savings
- Assess what Green IT means to your organisation
- Hear how IT can enable more efficient delivery of services -
at lower cost
- Learn about strategies that can deliver both quick wins and
long-term cost and efficiency benefits
- Increase IT efficiency
- Solve implementation issues - help to motivate staff and ensure
greater �buy-in� for efficiency gains from Green IT initiatives
- Assess the likely benefits ... and measure
the results
- Hear real life examples of Green IT in action
- Evaluate Green IT products and services - discover the latest
solutions from exhibitors attending the event.
Eamon Ryan, TD, Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural
Minister Eamon Ryan was first elected to D�il �ireann in 2002. Prior
to his appointment as Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural
Resources, he was the Green Party spokesperson for Transport and
Enterprise, Trade and Employment and opposition convenor on the
Joint Oireachtas Committee for Communication, Marine and Natural
Jonathan Steel, Founder & CEO, Bathwick Group, UK
Jonathan Steel�s 25 years in ICT have included software engineering,
IT management, consultancy, research, market analysis, publishing
and advisory services. Jonathan advises a range of companies and
has also authored a number of research papers and books for business
leaders - including �Green: Why �going green� is the same as
increasing an organisation�s efficiency and how IT can help you
achieve both�.
He heads up Bathwick Group�s sustainability and end-user consulting
practices and Bathwick�s long-term �Connected World� research
programme, which considers how economic and technological change
is shaping the way we live, work, do business, socially interact
and consume.
Before founding The Bathwick Group in 1997, he was Director of international
strategic consulting at market research company IDC.
Dr. Benoit Hudzia, Senior Researcher at SAP Research, CEC Belfast
(United Kingdom)
Dr. Benoit Hudzia is leading the UK-funded project Virtex on virtualisation
technologies, participates in the EU-funded Cloud Computing project
Reservoir and is involved in the SAP internet of services framework
research programme.
He received a PhD from UCD in the field of parallel and distributed
computing with focus on P2P and grids systems. During his studies
in Electronics and Computer Science Engineering at the University
of Paris 6 (Msc) and the engineering School EFREI(Paris) (Meng),
his main emphasis was on Distributed Systems and parallelism for
enterprise applications.
Pall Rikhardsson, MSc. PhD. Business Advisor, Performance Management
Division, SAS Institute
Dr. Pall Rikhardsson holds a Masters and a PhD degree from the Aarhus
School of Business in Denmark. His PhD thesis, published in 1997,
was one of the first PhD projects in Europe to address the issue
of corporate environmental performance measurement and its links
to information technology.
Currently, Pall is employed as a business advisor at SAS Institute,
where he assists customers in designing performance management solutions
- including sustainability solutions.
Hannes Mac Nulty, Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Ireland
Hannes is the Industry programme manager in Sustainable Energy Ireland
(SEI) for Energy Efficient technologies and is particularly involved
with the Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) tax incentive scheme.
A mechanical engineer with broad experience in both the private
and public sectors, he is currently part of the SEI team that provides
assistance to industry by way of advice, mentoring and energy saving
projects and financial incentives.
Robert McCarthy, Manager, IBM Innovative Environmental Solutions
& Big Green Innovations
For over ten years Robert has worked at the leading edge of IBM�s
software business. Operating from the Dublin software labs, he was
heavily involved in establishing IBM�s �Innovation Centre�
which acts as a hub for collaboration on research and development
projects for fledgling organisations.
Today, Robert leads the business incubation practice for green innovations.
His remit covers next generation water management systems and carbon
management propositions, as well as research and development on
intelligent utility networks.
John Shaw, CIO and Head of Information Services, Mainstream
Renewable Power
Mainstream Renewable Power was established by Dr Eddie O�Connor
in early 2008 and has rapidly grown to become a pace-setter in large-scale
wind farms across Europe, North America, Latin America and South
John joined Mainstream in September 2008, having previously held
senior IT leadership roles in Pfizer, Accenture and General Electric.
With 20 years experience, John has an MBA in Technology Management
and holds a primary degree in Electronics Engineering from UCD.
Martin Morgan, ICT Manager, The Health Research Board
Martin has spent 16 years in the ICT industry working in the retail
sector, software development, financial services and the public
sector. He has worked in ICT management for the past 8 years managing
major projects in all disciplines - including IPT, DR, Security
and Development.
Martin has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology/sociology
from Smurfit Business School.
Sonny Masero, VP, ecoSoftware EMEA, CA
Sonny is driving the business development for CA ecoSoftware across
EMEA. He joined CA from climate change and sustainability specialist
- Camco - where he worked for six years and was UK Managing Director.
With extensive experience of climate change and sustainability issues
for business, he has delivered work programmes for a number of major
companies covering climate change impact assessment, carbon change
management and strategic sustainability management. Sonny is now
bringing this expertise to bear with CA customers such as Tesco.
For more information - Click
Tom Raftery, Lead Analyst, Energy and Sustainability, RedMonk
Based in Seville in the South of Spain, Tom Raftery is the lead
analyst of GreenMonk, the Energy and Sustainability practice of
industry analyst firm RedMonk.
Tom has a very strong background in social media, having been the
highest subscribed blog in Ireland for a number of years as well
as winning the prestigious Irish Blog Awards in 2006. Tom is the
co-founder of former web application firm Zenith Solutions and is
cofounder and director of hyper energy-efficient data centre Cork
Internet eXchange.
You can follow Tom on www.greenmonk.net
IBM is one of Ireland�s leading providers of advanced information
technology, products, services and business consulting expertise.
Our team is dedicated to helping our clients innovate and succeed
through the end-to-end transformation of their business models and
the application of innovative technology and business solutions.
IBM has a long history in Ireland, having opened our first office
here in 1956. Today, our Irish employees number 3,000 and have nationwide
responsibilities for sales, marketing and service. Our globally
integrated international missions in manufacturing and development
operations include a Technology Campus in Mulhuddart, Co. Dublin
and software development laboratories in Dublin, Cork and Galway
- with a European Sales and Support Centre in Blanchardstown, Dublin.
As one of Ireland�s leading corporate citizens, IBM Ireland provides
support for initiatives in three areas - education, environment
and employee volunteer efforts. IBM employees are encouraged to
volunteer at schools and not-for-profit organisations - with the
resources of the company behind them. Visit ibm.com/ie
for more information.
Northern Ireland�s vibrant ICT sector includes international investors
like Fujitsu, mFormation, SAP, Citi, Allstate NI, Openwave and Cybersource.
The region is home to Europe�s youngest and fastest growing population
and secured more software R&D; inward investment than any other European
location between 2001 and 2008 (Source: Oxford Intelligence 2009).
Invest Northern Ireland is the primary agency responsible
for the development of the economy of Northern Ireland. Across its
global network of offices, Invest NI provides business and financial
support to assist ICT companies to establish quickly and successfully
- and to grow profitably. For more, visit - www.investni.com/invest
CA is one of the world�s largest IT management software providers.
Our software and expertise unify and simplify complex IT environments
in a secure way across the enterprise for greater business results.
We call this Enterprise IT Management (EITM�) - our clear vision
for the future of IT. It�s how you can manage systems, networks,
security, storage, applications and databases securely and dynamically.
You can build on your IT investments - rather than replacing them
- and do so at your own pace. CA serves more than 99% of Fortune
1000� companies, as well as government entities,
educational institutions and thousands of other companies in diverse
industries worldwide. For more, visit - www.ca.com
ICT Ireland is the voice of the Information and Communications
Technology sector in Ireland. ICT Ireland�s vision is that Ireland
retains and extends a global leadership role in information and
communications technology.
For more, visit - www.ictireland.ie
The ISA provides a powerful united voice for the software
sector to enable companies to build their ability to scale, increase
funding levels in the sector and push the sector�s requirements
in the political sphere in a coherent and coordinated manner.
For more, visit - www.software.ie
You can promote your brand and generate business leads
among decision-makers attending this event.
For details, call Marion Wallace on 087-2461662 or
email: [email protected]
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Form - Click
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Contact information
Marion Wallace
Conference Director
Tel: 087 2461662
Email: [email protected]