See the
Light 2010
Building a Carbon Free Future
The Sustainable Energy
Authority of Ireland's (SEAI) Renewable Energy Information Office
- in association with the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
(RIAI) - is hosting the eighth See the Light conference on
Thursday 9th September, at Croke Park, Dublin.
Over the years, Ireland has faced and continues to deal with concerns
over rising energy costs and the environmental consequences that
come from the use of traditional energy sources. This - together
with the recent introduction of national and international policies
- has brought about a fundamental rethink in the way we design,
construct and operate buildings.
As we move forward, it is becoming clear that building 'green'
is very much at the heart of the Government's decision making process
- so much so that increasing the energy performance of Ireland's
building stock and low energy building is fast becoming the preferred
choice providing high quality, high efficiency, dynamic and cost-effective
solutions for consumers and businesses.
Highlights of See the Light 2010 - Building a Carbon Free
Future include the launch of SEAI's Design Guidelines
for Non Domestic Passive House Projects, together with a policy
round-up with delegates being offered a rare and indepth insight
in the key principles and techniques in developing low energy, carbon
neutral, energy plus and passive house projects to provide healthy
and ecological building solutions.
This annual showcase event for the built environment will be of
particular interest to -
- the construction industry
- architects
- engineers
- energy & environmental consultants
- developers and installers
- local authority planners, engineers, Agenda 21 officers, housing
& building departments
- housing associations
- universities & research organisations - and
- Government departments & NGO�s.
To download the event programme - Click
Here [254.6KB]
For further information please contact Paul Dykes (SEAI
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 023 8863393.
For online Booking - Click