the chaos: Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Ireland's
infrastructural challenge?
March 13 & 14,
2007, Croke Park Convention Centre, Dublin
Ireland's rapid economic
growth continues, while the infrastructure log jam is starting to
cause real problems for business. Unless the problem is addressed,
it could threaten future economic growth. To sustain our economic
competitiveness and population growth, it is estimated that, between
now and 2020, a massive €140 billion[1]
public sector investment is needed. In addition, the investment
in Northern Ireland is projected to be €24 billion (up to 2015).
The political will to deliver on our needed infrastructure
seems to be there. The National Development Plan 2007 - 2013 outlines
a commitment to further major enhancement of our economic and social
infrastructure - notably in the key areas of transport, health,
education, social and affordable housing and energy.
Following the success of the inaugural summit last
year - and the extremely positive feedback received from delegates
- the Sunday Business Post and iQuest are delighted to hold the
2nd National Infrastructure Summit - where the opportunities
and challenges we face in delivering this massive investment will
be examined.
Both the Sunday Business Post and iQuest would like
to thank the main sponsors - PM Group and Siemens
for their support this year.
[1] Ireland's
Strategic Infrastructure Investment, A&L; Goodbody Consulting, Sept
Hear the issues that matter to policy and decision-makers
discussed and debated -
- Critical appraisal of the NDP 2007 - 2013
- Removing key barriers to infrastructure delivery
o Developments in the planning and legal process
o Procurement and project delivery
o Capacity in the construction industry
o Attracting private sector finance and achieving value for money
in PPP deals
- Examining key sectors for investment - health, education,
justice, social and affordable housing and a full afternoon on
Transport 21
- An all-island approach to infrastructure development
- Case studies of major Irish infrastructure projects.
Speed Networking
Events like this are where long-lasting and profitable business
relationships begin. You can take the headache out of networking
with the morning Speed Networking session. These brief meetings
are the starting point for conversation and networking throughout
the summit.
- Meet...move on...meet...move on...meet!
- Exchange business cards with fellow summit delegates and industry
- The best 50-minute networking session you've ever experienced.
- Beat the traffic
We've introduced an 8.30am start time for Infrastructure '07 -
and a 4.30pm finish - on both days, so that you can spend less
time travelling to and from the event.
John O'Connor, Chairperson, An Bord Plean�la
John O'Connor was appointed chairperson of the
board for a seven-year term with effect from May 6, 2000. Prior
to his appointment, he held the position of Assistant Secretary
in the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government,
in charge of the Planning and Development Division. |
His areas of responsibility covered planning, spatial planning,
urban and village development, construction, water services and
public private partnerships. Before that, he served as Principal
Officer in the Housing Policy and Finance Section of the Department
and as the Department's Finance Officer. He obtained a diploma in
Public Administration from UCD.
Patricia Leahy, Director of PPP Studies, National Audit Office,
Patricia Leahy joined the National Audit Office
in 1996 after a career in government, industry and investment
Patricia started her career in the Treasury and, subsequently,
worked for the chairman of Glaxo. |
She joined Rothschilds to work on British and overseas privatisation
and moved to Schroders, where she focused mainly on Italian privatisation
and capital markets activity. At the National Audit Office, she
has directed a range of privatisation and PPP studies on subjects
such as the Wider Markets Initiative, the LIFT initiative for improving
primary care services and facilities, the London Underground PPP,
Network Rail's new structure, the PPP for the National Air Traffic
Anne Counihan, Chief Executive, National Development Finance
Anne Counihan was appointed chief executive of
NDFA in 2003. In addition, Ms Counihan is also a director of
the National Treasury Management Agency, where she has responsibility
for legal and corporate affairs.
A graduate of UCD, she is admitted as a solicitor both in Ireland
and England. |
She is also a graduate of the advanced management programme at
Harvard Business School. Ms Counihan is a member of the Irish Prisons
Authority Interim Board, the Irish Aviation Authority Board and
has served as a member of the board of Bord na M�na for five
years. She is also president of the Corporate and Public Lawyers
Association - the main Irish association of in-house lawyers.
Julie O'Neill, Secretary General, Department of Transport
Julie O'Neill was appointed secretary general
at the newly-established Department of Transport in June 2002.
From Wexford town, she was educated in Loreto College, Wexford
and joined the civil service in 1972. |
She holds an MSc in Public Sector Analysis from Trinity College,
Dublin and a BComm. (Honours) from University College Dublin.
In her current position Ms O'Neill is administrative head of the
Department of Transport with responsibility for policy in relation
to roads, aviation, maritime transport and public transport. She
has responsibility for a budget of nearly €3 billion per annum
- including the largest spend ever in this country on new transport
infrastructure through the government's ten-year transport investment
programme - Transport 21. Responsibility for oversight of road,
rail, aviation and maritime safety falls within the Department.
This summit has been researched and designed for decision-makers
in the planning, delivery and financing of public infrastructure
such as -
- Planners and strategists
- Policy and decision-makers
- CEOs / MDs
- Finance Directors
- Project Developers
- Economists/Investment Analysts
- Bankers/Financiers
- Public Sector Managers
- Private sector Contractors/Service providers
- Financial/Legal Advisers
- Regulatory Bodies
- Elected representatives.
DAY 1 - Tuesday
March 13 2007
7.45 Coffee, light breakfast
and registration
8.30 Chairman's opening
APPRAISAL OF NDP 2006 - 2013
8.55 The challenges to be
faced - the equipment to be packed for the NDP expedition
Richard Bruton TD
Deputy Leader & spokesman on finance, Fine Gael |
9.15 Appraisal from ESRI
Dr Edgar Morgenroth, Senior Research Officer,
Last year, the ESRI published its
ex-ante evaluation of the new NDP. Their independent advice on the
priorities for public investment recommended a significant increase
compared to the last NDP, while cautioning on ramping up the level
of expenditure excessively.
The report highlighted the need to achieve better value for money
through proper planning, evaluation and project management.
Now that the NDP has been published, our speaker gives the ESRI
view of the plan.
9.45 Is the NDP ambitious
Peter Brennan, Managing Director, EPS Consulting
Considering the cautionary advice given by
the ESRI to Government about the setting of national infrastructure
priorities, our speaker will address the following issues -
- What is the NDP's contribution in addressing
this infrastructural deficit?
- Can we accelerate the delivery of priority
national projects?
- Does the public sector have the manpower
and skills to deliver such an investment programme?
- The role of private finance and expertise.
10.15 Morning Break
10.35 Speed networking
- Meet...move on...meet...move on...meet!
- Exchange business cards with fellow summit
delegates and industry peers
- The best 50-minute networking session
you've ever experienced.
The planning of Infrastructure projects
Including the implementation of the Planning and Development (Strategic
Infrastructure) Act 2006
John O'Connor
An Bord Plean�la |
11.55 Project delivery by the National
Development Finance Agency
Aaron Boyle, Senior Associate, Projects
Section, Arthur Cox
Legislative changes have been introduced to
expand the role and functions of the NDMA as a specialist procurement
delivery agency.
Our speaker will give a brief overview of the NDFA Template Project
Agreement - focusing on the role of standardisation in project delivery.
12.25 The emergence of a new wave in Irish
infrastructure delivery
Colm Moran, Director of Infrastructure,
PM Group
Ireland's requirements for and capacity to
deliver infrastructure have accelerated with increasing prosperity.
The development background has, in parallel, changed beyond recognition
- across planning, procurement and environmental considerations.
Comparing past with recent emerging trends provides insight into
future approaches to increasingly effective delivery of major infrastructure
12.30 LUNCH
2.10 Welcome back from afternoon chair
2.15 Can the construction industry deliver
our needed infrastructure?
Liam Kelleher, Director General, Construction
Industry Federation
- What caused project delays and cost over-runs
in NDP 2000-2006?
- Six constraints identified by CIF in
2000 and what happened to them?
- The CIF view of ESRI's ex-ante evaluation
of new NDP
- Current industry capacity and constraints/uncertainties
extraneous to the industry - but impacting on it
- Constraints/uncertainties indigenous
to the industry.
2.45 International Case studies: Lessons
we can learn from key mass transit infrastructure projects
Dr Werner Kruckow, Managing Director, Siemens
What can we learn from international experience
in order to guarantee fit for purpose, on time and on budget delivery
of key mass transit projects? Dr Werner Kruckow argues that we should
think big in terms of mass transit planning and draws on recent
experiences from other cities around the world.
3.10 Afternoon Break
achieving and maintaining value for money
Patricia Leahy, Director of PPP Studies,
National Audit Office, UK
Our speaker will illustrate with case
studies and tangible examples -
- New approaches to assessing value
for money (VFM)
- The drivers of VFM
- Achieving a good deal
- Maintaining VFM over the lifecycle
of a development.
4.00 LOCKNOTE ADDRESS: Bidding for Irish
public contracts - an outsider's perspective
Liam Connellan, Chairman, Veolia Environment
One company which is attracted to winning
public contracts in Ireland is Veolia Environment - the French environmental
services and infrastructure giant. Veolia runs the Luas tramway
in Dublin and has numerous waste, energy and water interests.
Chairman Liam Connellan gives the company's perspective on operating
in the Irish infrastructure landscape.
4.30 Day 1 Close
DAY 2- Wednesday March 14 2007
7.45 Coffee and registration
8.30 Opening remarks from the morning
Pat McGrath, CEO, PM Group
8.35 North/South Infrastructure - An all-island
David Gavaghan, Chief Executive, Strategic
Investment Board (SIB), Northern Ireland
Our speaker will discuss the 'big picture'
view for Northern Ireland and how opportunities are being exploited
to dovetail the NDP with the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland
- benefiting all the people of Ireland, particularly people living
in border areas.
9.05 CASE STUDY: Strategic Development
Framework for the Midlands Gateway of Athlone, Tullamore and Mullingar
Dr. William Hynes, Programme Director of
Professional Planning Master's Degrees, School of Geography, Planning
and Environmental Policy, UCD
Keith Simpson, Managing Director, Keith Simpson & Associates
The National Spatial Strategy (2002) designated
the towns of Athlone, Tullamore and Mullingar as a linked gateway.
This study details an effective strategic development framework
for the Midlands gateway in order to achieve the region's growth
value in Infrastructure investment With a focus on investment in
health, justice and education.
Anne Counihan
Chief Executive
National Development Finance Agency |
10.05 Morning Break
10.35 Healthcare Investment: Challenges
and Opportunities
Deirdre Foley-Woods, Executive Director,
The Health Partnership
The challenges facing developers and promoters
in understanding how the public and private sectors can work together
to deliver an enhanced healthcare infrastructure on the island of
Our speaker also outlines and quantifies the opportunities.
11..05 Making social and affordable housing
Cathal Conaty, Chief Executive, International
Housing Solutions Ltd
From the US and South Africa, to Britain and
Jordan, the private sector has teamed up with governments to make
affordable housing happen.
Our speaker presents best practice in these countries and identifies
opportunities for developers, financial institutions and government
to combine to greatly improve delivery in Ireland.
11.35 Dublin Airport
Declan Collier, Chief Executive, Dublin
Airport Authority
In response to the huge
growth in passenger numbers and freight at Dublin Airport, a
massive €2 billion investment is planned.
Hear how the construction programme will transform Dublin Airport
over the next decade. |
12.00 Grangegorman Campus development
John Fitzgerald, Chairman, Grangegorman
Development Agency
A 70-acre site in the heart of Dublin is poised
to make a significant contribution to urban regeneration in the
inner city. The site will be the home of the new DIT campus and
a range of healthcare facilities.
This development is hailed as a unique opportunity to help regenerate
the city and to improve the quality of life for the local community.
12..25 LUNCH
1.35 Welcome back from the afternoon chair
Dr Sean Barrett, Lecturer in Economics,
Trinity College Dublin
21 - Transforming Ireland's transport system Progress to date on
the delivery of key elements of Ireland's largest ever transport
investment programme.
Julie O'Neill
Secretary General
Department of Transport |
2.15 Realising Transport 21 - a consultant's
Kerry O'Sullivan, Director and Chairman,
RPS Consulting Engineers
- Achievements to date on road transport
- Impact of continuing infrastructural
- Ability of design professional bodies
to deliver
- Flagging potential difficulties in the
- Environmental protection and stakeholder
2.40 PANEL DISCUSSION - Dublin Metro
- making tracks
The government's flagship project has come
in for harsh criticism from opposition parties and economists. Is
the criticism justified?
Frank Allen, Chief Executive, Railway Procurement
Cormac Rabbitt, Transport Consultant
Michele Connolly, Partner, KPMG Corporate Finance
Colm McCarthy, School of Economics, UCD
3.10 Afternoon break
3.35 The vital role of rail in 21st century
Dr John J Lynch, Chairman, CIE
The railway has a vital
role to play in addressing the bottlenecks in our transport
infrastructure. Significant service improvements have been delivered
in recent years and Iarnr�d Eir�ann is now the
fastest growing railway in the EU.
However, exploiting the full potential of the railway has a
long way to go. Achieving this is vital to the long-term development
of the Irish economy. |
4.05 LOCKNOTE ADDRESS: Creating Quality
Gerry Murphy, Head of PPP & Tolling,
National Roads Authority
As a high quality national road network takes
shape, it is worth reviewing the challenges met and overcome to
date, the ambitious future of Transport 21 and what may emerge beyond
Transport 21.
4.30 Chairman's closing remarks and conference close
Raise your profile, network with decision-makers attending this
event and generate new business leads by exhibiting at The National
Infrastructure Summit.
For details, call Marion Wallace on 087-2461662 or
email: [email protected]
Siemens - Global network of innovation
Siemens, headquartered in Berlin and Munich, is one of the world's
largest electrical engineering and electronics companies.
Our company businesses are focused on six key areas - Information
and Communications, Automation and Control, Power, Transportation,
Healthcare and Consumer Appliances.
In Ireland, Siemens Limited was formed as a registered company
in 1925 and has been involved in many key infrastructural projects
- commencing with the Shannon hydro-electric power scheme in 1926.
Major projects have included the construction of many of Ireland's
power plants, large scale transportation solutions, the introduction
of the most up-to-date Medical Imaging systems to Ireland's hospitals
and the installation of state-of-the-art communications and transmission
networks to both fixed and mobile operators. The company employs
over 1000 highly skilled people in Ireland.
The Ireland of tomorrow will be shaped, in large measure, by the
Megatrends of urbanisation and demographic change and by ensuring
adequate supplies of energy, water and other everyday necessities.
Guaranteeing mobility, security, communications, healthcare, industrial
production and environmental protection will be a major challenge.
Siemens - with its cross-sector portfolio, technological leadership
and strong local presence - is better positioned than any other
company to provide the solutions needed to meet the requirements
of tomorrow's Ireland. The company's innovative and future-proof
solutions generate competitive advantages for its customers and
lay the basis for profitable growth.
For more information on Siemens - Click
PM Group
PM Group is Ireland's largest full-service engineering and project
management firm.
Established in 1973, PM's team of 1,600 people provides professional
services in project and construction management, architectural and
engineering design and technical consultancy, to clients in Ireland
and overseas. PM's clients come from the Bio-Pharma, Medical and
Advanced Technologies, Food, Energy and Infrastructure sectors.
Multi-national clients include Amgen, Abbott, Pfizer, Centocor,
Janssen, Glaxo Smithkline, Novartis, Elan, Boston Scientific, Genzyme,
Intel, Xerox and IBM.
In the public sector, PM Group has carried out work for Dublin
Airport, Dublin Bus, NUIG, UCC, Cork City Council, OPW, Bord Gais,
Irish Rail and the Department of Education - amongst others.
PM Group has grown steadily with its client base - and, since 1995,
the company has doubled in size and increased fee income to over
€120 million in 2005. PM Group continues to grow in the overseas
market. The company has worked in most central and eastern European
countries and in a number of other global locations in recent years.
In addition to its bases in Dublin and Cork, PM Group has significant
offices in Britain and Poland where it has developed strong multinational
client bases. In eastern Europe, PM is currently supervising infrastructure
projects valued in excess of €400 million - with another €250
million of industrial projects across Europe.
The company is also continuing to develop its business in Ireland.
Involvement in projects - such as the Dublin Airport Pier D, Lansdowne
Road Stadium redevelopment, Amgen and Centocor - underline the level
of project management expertise the company has developed.
For more information - Click
RPS Group is Ireland's largest all-island multi-disciplinary consultancy.
We provide services in planning, transportation, energy, civil,
structural, environment, mechanical and electrical engineering.
In Ireland, RPS employs about 950 professional and technical support
personnel based at a dozen offices at various locations in Dublin,
Cork, Belfast, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Letterkenny.
RPS have planned, designed and supervised the construction of some
of Ireland's largest infrastructural projects in roads and transportation,
water services, energy and waste management, building development
and environmental management. We are also the leading consultant
in the implementation of public private partnerships and have a
unique knowledge and understanding of the development, contract
management and financial control of PPP-type contracts in the Irish
public and private sectors.
With more than 40 years experience, we work in partnership with
stakeholders to ensure a sustainable solution on behalf of our clients.
For more information - Click
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the Booking/Registration Form - Click
For further
details - including On-line Booking - Click
Brochure - Click
Contact information
Pamela Vymazal /
Miriam McEvitt
Tel: 01-6026043 / 01-6026000
Fax: 01-4786198
Email: [email protected]
Address: The Sunday Business Post, 80 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2