The Fourth National
Waste Summit
28th & 29th November 2006,
Croke Park Convention Centre, Dublin
Now that the waste plans
are in place - in accordance with national and European policy -
it is time to implement them. The National Waste Summit 2006 will
examine the key issues and challenges to be faced in delivering
Ireland's much needed waste management infrastructure and services.
The Waste Summit will examine how the planning and
legal processes can be more effective in the delivery of key waste
infrastructure. The financing and building of waste infrastructure
will also be considered - including lessons that can be learnt from
other EU member states. In addition, regulation of the waste management
sector will also be covered - some months ago, the government initiated
a public consultation on its future regulation.
Topics at Waste 2006 include -
- Benchmarking Ireland's waste performance
- Developments in our waste management policies and future challenges
in implementing waste policy
- The future regulation of the waste management sector
- How will Ireland achieve its targets under the EU Landfill Directive?
- Legal Process � the impact of The Planning & Development (Strategic
Infrastructure) Act 2006 & unforeseen problems with the Waste
Management Act 1996
- Spatial planning and waste management plans
- Financing and building key infrastructure - plus lessons we
can learn from Europe
- Changing behaviour - progress on waste prevention, hazardous
waste and C&D; waste
- Developing markets for recyclables
- The future - implications of the Waste Framework Directive
- Case studies from home and abroad.
Who should attend
This conference has been researched and designed for senior
level executives and policy and decision-makers involved in
the provision of waste management services in the private
and public sector including -
Managing directors/chief executives |
Environmental officers |
Public sector managers/technical officers
Environmental engineers |
Health and safety engineers |
Construction industry managers |
"The Sunday Business Post National
Waste Summit is now deemed to be the leading waste management conference
in Ireland today. It continues to provide a much-needed forum for
policy and decision-makers" - Judith Hally, Head of
Corporate Affairs, Greenstar
"All good and very informative &
interesting" - Paul Devaney, Offaly County Council
"The National Waste Summit has provided
a much-needed platform for constructive and insightful discussion
and has, in a short space of time, established itself as a key date
in the waste calendar" - Larry O'Toole, Operations Director
- Waste & Energy, RPS Group
"The National Waste Summit provides
a one-stop-shop for policy-makers, regulators, operators and other
stakeholders to network and discuss the issues that matter in waste
management today" - Erik O'Donovan, Director, Irish
Waste Management Association.
- The Environmental Protection Agency
- Irish Waste Management Association
- Indaver Ireland
- Bank of Ireland Finance
- Repak Ltd
- TES Consulting Engineers
- RPS Group
- Greenstar
- AIB Corporate Banking
- White Young Green Environmental Services
- Waterford County Council
- William Fry Solicitors
- An Garda S�och�na
- Dublin County Council
- Monaghan County Council
- Longford County Council
- Limerick County Council
- Wexford County Council
- Bord na M�na
- A&L; Goodbody
- McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors
- Cork County Council
- Enterprise Ireland
- North Western Health Board
- Deloitte & Touche
- PwC
- Donegal County Council
- Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
- SLR Consulting Ltd
- An Bord Plean�la
- BDO Simpson Xavier
- Bowen Group
- Super Drug Ltd
- Construction Industry Federation
- IIB Bank
- Offaly County Council
- Westmeath County Council
- North Tipperary County Council
- Wicklow County Council
- Ulster Bank
- Adelaide & Meath Hospital
- St James's Hospital
- Siemens Ireland
- Cedar Resources
- South Dublin County Council
- Golder Associates
- Irish Blood Transfusion Service
- Arthur Cox
- Galway County Council
- Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
- Tetra Pak
- Competition Authority
- Forf�s
- Ascon
- Thorntons Recyling
- Donegal Creameries plc
Michael Layde, Principal Officer, Waste Infrastructure
& Regulation, Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government
Michael Layde is the Principal Officer in the
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
with responsibility for waste infrastructure and regulation.
He is particularly focused on issues surrounding waste management
planning, infrastructure delivery and the regulation of the
waste management sector. His area of responsibility also encompasses
national policy on dealing with illegal waste activity. |
Henrik Wejdling, Technical Manager, Danish Waste
Management Association
Henrik Wejdling holds an MSc in technological
and socio-economic planning and has over 20 years of experience
in the waste industry in Denmark.
He has been waste manager in various municipalities and has
worked with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Henrik
is currently Technical Manager with the Danish Waste Management
Association. |
He specialises in the areas of biodegradable waste, hazardous waste,
incineration of waste and resource efficiency.
Andrew Street, Director, SLR Consulting, UK
Andrew Street has more than 25 years of experience
as an environmental consultant.
He joined SLR in 1996 - a multi-disciplinary consultancy providing
worldwide environmental sciences and engineering expertise from
a network of offices in Britain and the US. |
Andrew's particular areas of expertise include waste management strategy,
waste management planning and policy, waste minimisation, waste facility
development and design and waste services and infrastructure procurement.
He has experience of working on projects throughout Britain and has
also worked extensively overseas. He has been retained as a consultant
to the World Bank, the European Commission and various departments
of the British government and has acted as an expert witness at numerous
waste-related public inquiries. He has worked on a range of projects
for the government, the public sector and private sector clients.
Bairbre de Br�n, MEP and substitute member of the Environment, Public
Health and Food Safety Committee
Bairbre de Br�n is a member of the European Parliament,
where she sits on the Regional Development Committee and the
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee.
On the environment committee, Bairbre is the shadow rapporteur
for her group on the EU Thematic Strategy on the prevention
and recycling of waste and on the proposed changes to the Waste
Framework Directive. |
Her previous campaigning includes work on public health and the environment,
biodiversity and the need for involvement of non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) in policy formation and implementation. Prior to election to
the European Parliament, Bairbre was the Sinn F�in Assembly member
for West Belfast and was Minister for Health, Social Services and
Public Safety until the Assembly was suspended in 2002.
Tuesday 28th November &
Wednesday 29th November
8:00 Registration and Breakfast
8:50 Chairman's opening remarks
James Lidierth, Director, Corporate Banking,
Ulster Bank
9:00 Opening Address: Benchmarking
Ireland's waste management performance
Martin Cronin, Chief Executive, Forf�s
- Ireland's performance across a number
of key indicators such as waste generation, waste costs,
waste capacity and treatment options
- The challenges that need to be
addressed in order to improve Ireland's competitiveness
in meeting the waste management needs of the enterprise
9:30 Developments in Ireland's waste management
PJ Rudden, Group Director Environment,
RPS Group
- Evolution of National & Regional
Waste Policy (1996-2006)
- Political, social & environmental
imperative of the first generation of Regional Waste Plans
- National waste performance
- Impact of switch from political
to executive adoption of regional plans
- Advances in the second generation
of regional waste plans (2006-2010)
- Future challenges in waste policy
10:05 MORNING KEYNOTE: Future regulation
of waste management in Ireland.
An overview of current issues in Irish waste management & the implications
for future regulation
Michael Layde, Principal
Waste Infrastructure & Regulation
Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government |
10:40 Better regulation versus more regulation in the waste sector
� a private sector perspective
Erik O'Donovan, Director, Irish Waste Management
Association (IWMA)
The challenges to delivering
a sustainable, competitive and environmentally sound waste management
system from the Irish Waste Management Association (IWMA), an
affiliate of IBEC and the recognised representative body of
private waste management operators in Ireland. |
11:10 Morning break
11:40 Out of sight, out of mind � waste
enforcement and final destinations
Sonia Dean MSc, Waste Management Services,
Dublin City Council
This presentation considers the
problem of transfrontier shipments (TFS) enforcement, which is now
a huge problem facing Irish industry. All our recyclables are exported,
some illegally. If these shipments are detected, they are sent back
to Ireland.
- Export of waste from Ireland
- Green list, recyclable waste and
the problems incurred
- What is an illegal shipment?
- Relevant legislation.
12:10 Excess landfill � how will it impact
on implementing the EU Landfill Directive?
Jackie Keaney, Irish Vice-President, Confederation
of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP)
Ireland has double the landfill
capacity needed for the disposal of municipal waste. This is
impacting on the development of alternative infrastructure and
the implementation of waste policy. Our speaker explores the
policy drivers needed for the diversion of waste from landfill
to higher waste management technologies. |
Discussion and Q&A;
12:50 LUNCH
2:20 Welcome back from afternoon chair
Steve Cowman
Chief Executive
Greenstar |
Dick Roche TD
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government |
2:45 Impacts of the Planning & Development
(Strategic Infrastructure) Act 2006
Oonagh Buckley, Principal Officer, Planning
Section, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
- The main content of the act
- Its genesis
- The main views expressed by stakeholders
& the Oireachtas
- The anticipated impacts of the legislation.
3:15 Spatial Planning & Waste Management Plans
Hendrik van der Kamp, President, Irish Planning
Local authorities are required
to make waste management plans for their areas.
However, the delivery of key infrastructure happens through
the spatial planning system, which is based on a survey of individual
planning decisions, waste management plans (WMPs) and spatial
planning. |
3:45 Afternoon break
4:10 Unforeseen problems with the Waste
Management Act 1996
Michael O�Donnell, Barrister at Law & Lecturer,
School of Spatial Planning, Dublin Institute of Technology
Recent developments in Irish and
European law have highlighted some unforeseen problems that may
arise in applying the provision of the Waste Management Act 1996.
In particular, recent case law has identified several problems that
can occur when seeking the remedies for the unauthorised waste activities
provided by the Act.
Our speaker considers these unforeseen problems and some that will
need resolution in the future.
4:40 LOCKNOTE ADDRESS: Integrated Spatial
Planning � The Danish Solution
Henrik Wejdling, Technical Manager, Danish
Waste Management Association (DAKOFA)
The Danish approach to planning
has led to the delivery of significant waste infrastructure,
which means that Denmark has already met its targets under the
EU Landfill Directive. Hear how it has been possible for this
infrastructure to be developed in a small country like Denmark
where every spot is somebody's backyard. |
5:10 � 6pm Drinks reception
8:00 Registration and Breakfast
8:50 Welcome from morning chair
Jim Kells, Chairman, Irish Waste Management
9:00 Waste Management � the Financing
Olaf Fitzsimmons, Associate Director Corporate
Banking, Ulster Bank
- Key Financing Issues within the
Waste Sector
- Economic / Demographic
- Regulation
- Technology
- Consolidation / acquisition activity
- Successfully funding acquisition
& investment activity.
9:30 Improving delivery and implementation
of waste Infrastructure
Leighton Greenland, Technical Director
PPPs, RPS Group
- The role of PPPs in delivering waste
- The advantages of the integrated
approach in terms of private-public partnership (bio/thermal/landfill)
- Optimum risk allocation between
public and private
- Need for client flexibility to achieve
value for money (VFM).
10:00 Private sector perspective on delivering
waste infrastructure in Ireland
Steve Cowman, Chief Executive, Greenstar
- Deficit of world class infrastructure
driving high costs
- Technology selection process
- Funding requirements - scale and
- Compliance with EU directives driving
- The way forward.
10:30 Morning break
10:50 Financing our waste infrastructure
Michael Flynn, Director, Financial Advisory
Services, Deloitte
- Involvement of private sector (PPPs)
- International Experience - what
we can learn
- Innovative structures.
11:15 MORNING KEYNOTE: Delivering key
waste management infrastructure: lessons learned from Europe
Andy Street, Director, SLR Consulting,
A series of case studies
from 10 EU member states (including Ireland) - how they compare
and contrast in their delivery of key waste management infrastructure.
Our speaker discusses how cultural aspects, planning systems,
finance/ownership and policy mechanisms affect the implementation
process. |
12:00 Progress on the National Waste Prevention
Gerry Byrne, Programme Manager (Office
of Licensing & Guidance), EPA (Enviromental Protection Agency)
- Origins of the programme
- Prevention projects
- Measuring progress: National Waste
- Producer responsibility and waste
- National Hazardous Waste Management
Plan and associated directives.
12:25 The road to self-sufficiency and
the National Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Brendan Keane, Managing Director, Cedar
Resource Management
- Delivering new infrastructure to
meet Irish needs
- Market developments
- Planning for future needs.
12:45 New best practice guidelines on
the preparation of waste management plans for construction and demolition
Sean Hegarty, Chairman, NCDWC (National
Construction & Demolition Waste Council)
- Background and purpose of guidelines
- How the guidelines will be applied
in practice.
12:50 LUNCH
2:15 Welcome back from afternoon chair
Sean Finlay
Tobin Consulting Engineers |
2:20 The Waste & Resources Action Programme:
increasing resource efficiency
Dr Ian Garner, Waste & Resources Action
Programme (WRAP) Northern Ireland Manager
Experiences from Britain in developing
markets for recyclable materials
- Recycling and resource efficiency:
Waste & Resources Action Programmes (WRAPs) in Britain
- The recycling market development
landscape in Britain
- British experiences in market development
- Moving forward:
- present goals for recycling and resource efficiency
- opportunities for cross-border cooperation in developing
2:50 Supporting market development in
Fred McDarby, Senior Environmental Consultant,
Enterprise Ireland and Secretary, Market Development Group
- Current status of market for recyclables
- Role of the Market Development Group
- The Market Development Programme
- All-Island Dimension.
3:15 Case study: TechRec
Gerry Killen, Managing Director, TechRec
- Background to formation of TechRec
- Technology agreement with Immark
AG of Switzerland, one of Europe's leading E Scrap Processors
- Commissioning of the plant
- TechRec Northern Ireland
- An All-Ireland solution for the
treatment of WEEE.
3:35 Afternoon break
3:50 Rolling out the brown bin: the opportunities
and challenges
Dr Andrew Walsh, Managing Director, Celtic
Composting Systems
- Irish experience to date
- Separate collection issues
- Technology experiences and options
- Compost outlets.
4:15 AFTERNOON KEYNOTE: Implications of
proposed Waste Framework Directive for public & private waste operators
Bairbre de Br�n, Member of European Parliament
and substitute member of the Environment, Public Health and Food
Safety Committee
- Future plans, clear definitions
and effective implementation of targets
- Challenges and opportunities
- Moving towards the top of the waste
hierarchy � the importance of waste prevention and minimisation
- Targets and measures in working
towards the vision of a "European Recycling Society"
- Waste infrastructure and markets
for recyclables
- Related strategies on the use of
resources, sustainable development and product policy.
5:00 Conference Close
Ulster Bank is a major force in business and corporate banking
in Ireland. As a member of the RBS group - one of the world's largest
banks - Ulster Bank can deliver world-class solutions at a local
level. Its comprehensive network of 272 branches and 32 Business
Centres nationwide offers a wide range of business banking solutions
to meet the requirements of all customers.
As a leading funder of the waste management sector,
Ulster Bank has both the expertise and the experience to help businesses
grow. In fact, it's because of the focus on the delivery of smart
banking solutions and packages for businesses at every level, that
Ulster Bank has just been awarded the KPMG Business Banking Excellence
Award 2006.
RPS Group is a leading Irish consultancy in planning, transportation,
engineering, energy and environmental matters - with almost 40 years
experience of providing environmentally sustainable solutions to
the public and private sectors.
RPS Group work in partnership with all stakeholders
on individual studies and projects. They are authors of most of
Ireland's regional waste management plans and advise government,
local authorities and the private sector on waste prevention, minimisation,
recycling, energy recovery and residual disposal.
RPS is also a global energy company with offices in
Ireland, Britain, the Netherlands, US, Canada and Australia. They
have been at the forefront of the Irish energy business for over
20 years and are, currently, retained on a number of major infrastructural
projects, including the South-North Gas Pipeline. RPS Group also
assist Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) on many renewable studies
and operate one of its advice hotlines on building efficiency.
Greenstar is Ireland's leading provider of integrated waste
management solutions - providing services and infrastructure at
each level of the waste management hierarchy.
Greenstar's business development spans a range of
services that includes education, research, composting, recycling
and the development of facilities for the safe disposal of waste
that cannot be reused, recycled or recovered. Placing more emphasis
on the hierarchy is the key to Ireland's success in waste management.
Greenstar's contribution is to work in partnership with its customers,
employees, industry and public sector to deliver the change necessary
to meet EU legislative requirements in a legal and professional
Greenstar intends to play a significant role in the
future development and provision of Ireland's new waste management
infrastructure and has an expert team of staff with experience in
recycling and recovery, biological treatment, residual landfill
management, engineering, environmental impact assessment, business
development and communications. With this knowledge, Greenstar sets
the standard.
Irish Waste Management Association (IWMA) - which is affiliated
to the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC - www.ibec.ie)
- is the national representative body for the legitimate waste management
industry in Ireland.
The IWMA is a member of the European Federation of
Waste Management and Environmental services (FEAD, www.fead.be).
Membership consists of a broad spectrum of companies involved in
collection, recycling, recovery, treatment and disposal of various
hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams from urban and rural areas
and providing waste management solutions for both the public and
private sector.
The Association aims to improve standards and promote
the development of the waste management sector as a recognised,
professional and well-regulated industry.
You can promote your business
face-to-face with waste industry decision-makers attending this
For details, contact:
Marion Wallace
Tel: 087-2461662
Email: [email protected]
To download
the Booking/Registration Form - Click
For further
details - including On-line Booking - Click
Brochure - Click
Contact information
Tel: 01-6026043
/ 01-6026000
Fax: 01-4786198
Email: [email protected]
Address: The Sunday Business Post, 80 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2