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Bioenergy 2008

A Growing Opportunity for Energy and the Environment

Presented by COFORD, Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and Teagasc, Bioenergy 2008 Conference and Exhibition will take place at Teagasc Mellows Centre, Athenry, Co.Galway on Thursday & Friday 19th and 20th June 2008, respectively.

Bioenergy 2008 is set to eclipse last year�s record attendance, with over 15,000 people expected to visit Farmfest & Bioenergy 2008 - Ireland�s largest outdoor bioenergy event - on Friday 20th June at Athenry, Co Galway.

On Thursday 19th June - in order to meet the growing information needs of the bioenergy marketplace - COFORD, Sustainable Energy Ireland and Teagasc are presenting a one-day conference with a focus on bioenergy - in particular, refined wood fuels such as wood chips and pellets and dedicated energy crops such as miscanthus.
The Conference will highlight how bioenergy and wood-based fuels have a key role to play in finding a workable and cost-effective solution to Ireland�s fossil fuel dependency.

The growing interest in bioenergy is a result of a change in attitude and policies - moving from just talking about bioenergy solutions, to actually doing something about it. Increasing energy from renewable energy resources - and, in particular, bioenergy - is national policy. The Government�s White Paper - �Delivering a Sustainable Energy Future for Ireland� and �Bioenergy Action Plan� - together with the recent introduction of financial incentives, reflect the Government�s approach and commitment to ensuring safe and secure energy supplies. They also set out the roadmap that will steer Ireland towards a new and sustainable energy future, with bioenergy very much the principal inspiration driving this movement forward.

The conference will showcase the use and deployment of bioenergy and raise awareness across all sectors on the many uses and benefits to growing, harvesting and using wood fuels and energy crop products to generate heat, electricity and fuel for our homes and businesses.

In addition, the conference will focus on policy drivers and wood fuel supply markets.

It will also address the important issue of quality - both in terms of fuel technology - and take a closer look at financial support measures and Irish success stories.

Leading bioenergy experts from Ireland, Denmark and Sweden will share their experiences and expertise in an event that will be of interest to landowner and end-user, alike, in the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors - from forestry managers to those professionals involved in designing and installing heating systems, to consultants and architects.

The Exhibition - in conjunction with Farmfest & Bionergy 2008 - will take place on the following day - Friday, 20th June 2008.

The Exhibition will include features such as -

  • Tented Village and Outdoor Product Exhibition
  • Biomass Stove and Boiler Suppliers
  • Equipment and Fuel Suppliers
  • Expert Workshops
  • Practical Demonstrations - and
  • Field Excursions.


09.00 - 09.45 - Registration with Tea and Coffee

Opening Session � Chair: Bioenergy in Ireland � the Driving Forces
Eugene Hendrick, COFORD

09.45 Keynote Address
Minister of State, Forestry & Fisheries, Tony Killeen T.D.

10.00 Bioenergy in Ireland, The Way Forward - Progress, Policy and Financial Supports
Pearse Buckley (SEI)

10.20 Bioenergy - Carbon Neutral Solutions for Ireland�s Energy Mix
Pat McCullen (ESBI)

10.40 The Growing Bioenergy Opportunities in Agriculture
Barry Caslin (Teagasc)

11.00 Bioenergy Fuelling Rural Development
Bernadette Phelan, Western Development Commission

11.20 Q&A; Panel Session - followed by Tea and Coffee

Session Two - Chair:
Bioenergy for Ireland�s Energy Managers
Paul Dykes, Sustainable Energy Ireland

11.30 What Financial Support is Available for Progressive Energy Managers
Stephen O�Sullivan (SEI)

11.40 Re-energising Irish Schools with Bioenergy
John Dolan (Department of Education)

12.00 Wood Pellet�s Cost Effective Solutions for Irish Hotels - the Ritz Carlton Case Study
Aidan Sweeney

12.20 Bioenergy District Heating Solutions for Residential & Retail Developments - The Gorey Retail Park Case Study
Trevor Buttimer (Renewable Energy Management Systems)

12.40 Q & A Panel Session - followed by Lunch

Session Three � Chair: Delivering Quality Products to the Irish Market
Nuala N�Fhlatharta, Teagasc

14.00 Wood Pellets - Made in Ireland
Larry Doyle (D Pellet)

14.20 The Private Forestry Resource � its potential for wood energy and barriers to access
Niall Farrelly (Teagasc)

14.40 Fuelling your Boiler the Right Way � Feedstock Quality for Commercial Boilers
Pieter Kofman

15.00 Developing Local Firewood Markets
Paddy Bruton (Forestry Services Limited)

15.20 Panel Q & A Session

Session Four � Chair: Emerging Bioenergy Technologies

Vicky Heslop, IrBEA

15.30 Gasification Potential for Bio-refining with Ethanol � Experiences from a Mature Market
Gunnar Fransson (Etek Etanolteknik - Sweden)

15.50 Chopped Wood Gasification Boilers � the Irish Opportunity
Edward Gaynor (Evergreen Energy)

16.10 Power Solutions with Biomass & Biogas CHP
Aidan McDonnell (F4 Energy)

16.30 Panel Q & A Session


To download the Conference Brochure - Click Here

To download Booking Form - Click Here

To book online - Click Here

For further details, contact -

Paul Dykes (SEI REIO)
Tel: 023 42193
Email: [email protected]


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