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Bioenergy 2009

- Banking on Biomass

Presented jointly by Sustainable Energy Ireland, COFORD and Teagasc, the Bioenergy 2009 � Banking on Biomass Conference takes place on Wednesday 17 June 2009, at the Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny.

Home to Europe�s best growing climate and the highest climatic potential for biomass in Europe, the development of Ireland�s vast bioenergy resource will contribute to our overall security of energy supply and fuel diversity objectives. The continued development of these resources will contribute significantly to meeting national and international renewable energy and climate change mitigation targets.

At a time when Ireland's dependency on imported energy has grown to around 90% - compared with the EU average of 50% - and, with imported oil the dominant energy source, bioenergy and wood-based fuels have a key role to play in finding workable and cost-effective solutions to our fossil fuel dependency.

The conference is supported by a comprehensive technology exhibition, with Ireland�s leading service and product suppliers showcasing the very latest in bioenergy innovation. At the same time, the event will provide visitors with the perfect opportunity to get advice first-hand from the experts actively involved in the wood energy and bioenergy sectors.

The Bioenergy 2009 - Banking on Biomass Conference will showcase the use and deployment of solid biomass and raise awareness across all sectors - from the landowner to the end-user - on the many uses and benefits to growing, harvesting and using wood fuels to generate heat, electricity and fuel for our homes and businesses.

Leading technology experts from Ireland and Europe will share their experiences and expertise with sessions dedicated to the policy drivers, market potential and development, impacts of increasing the use of wood energy on a regional and national scale, boosting local economies through increased use of wood energy and its end use.

There will also be an opportunity to visit a forest, see wood being processed for energy and visit wood chip boilers.


08.45 - 09.30 - Delegate Registration / Tea & Coffee / View the Bioenergy 2009 exhibition


Chair: Prof Gerry Boyle, Teagasc

09.30 Welcome Address
Minister Tony Killeen TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (tbc)

09.45 Ireland�s Crude Awakening � Peak Oil and the Implications for Ireland
Colin Campbell, ASPO Ireland

10.15 Wood Energy: Ireland's Oil for 21st Century - A Supply Forecast for Wood Energy
Henry Phillips

10.30 Banking on Biomass - Financing Bioenergy Projects
Hans van den Boom, Rabobank/ACC Bank

10.45 Efficient Forest Fuel Systems
Rolf Bj�rheden, Skogforsk, Sweden (tbc)

11.00 Panel Q & A - followed by Break


Chair: Eugene Hendrick, Coford

11.30 A Cluster Based Approach for Identifying Private Forest Resources
Brian Clifford, Teagasc

11.45 Wood Fuel Quality, Made in Ireland, Opportunities for Ireland plc
John O'Brien, EcoWood

12.00 Ireland's Sustainable Communities - Biomass District Heating, the Callan Case Study
Patrick Lydon


Chair: Paul Dykes, SEI REIO

12.15 Wood Heating - Economic Sense for Irish Hotels
Sandra Morrissey, Mount Wolsey Hotel

12.30 Wood Energy Solutions for Ireland�s HSE
Donal Deering, HSE Ireland

12.45 Biomass Combined Heat & Power for Ireland
Tom Tom Bruton, IrBEA

13.00 Final Panel Q & A Session - followed by Lunch


14.00 - 16.30 Site Visits
Visit to local forest and willow plantation with wood chipping demonstration followed by visit to wood chip boiler and district heating system.

To download the Conference Brochure & Booking Form - Click Here

For further details, contact -

Paul Dykes (SEI REIO)
Tel: 023 8842193
Email: [email protected]


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