Casino Zonder Cruks




Bioenergy 2011

Wood Energy Securing Ireland�s Energy Future

Bioenergy 2011 will take place at Johnstown Castle, Wexford on Thursday 16 June 2011.

Presented by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (DAFF) and Teagasc, this conference is now firmly established as the national showcase event for wood energy in Ireland.

Once again, the event is dedicated to the entire wood fuel chain and combines professional conference with practical demonstration.

The event will -

  • focus on policy and market drivers;
  • highlight the potential in growing, harvesting and using wood fuels;
  • reflect the technical and economic potential of wood energy in Ireland;
  • identify new sources of wood energy and the use and deployment of solid biomass, in particular wood energy - and
  • raise awareness across all sectors - from the landowner to the end user.

The introduction of policy, targets and financial incentives has been crucial in the stimulation, development, demonstration and deployment of wood heating technologies - so much so, that, today, many high energy users in the industrial, commercial, public and community sectors are experiencing the many benefits of biomass heating.

As the market continues to develop, we are seeing a range of installations and applications ranging from pellet stoves to heat a single room, to automatic wood-fuelled boilers heating homes, public and commercial buildings such as hospitals, local authority buildings, schools, hotels and leisure centres.

Other and new potential industrial and commercial markets in Ireland include the food & drink, pharmaceutical and wood processing sectors, as well as the housing and commercial building sector.

In recent years, the wood heating market in Ireland has witnessed substantial growth and, amidst concerns over escalating fuel prices, security of supply, availability and vulnerability of finite fuel resources, we see an expanded range of 21st century wood fuels - pellets, chips, briquettes and log wood are all particularly well adapted to domestic, commercial and industrial needs as Ireland warms to wood energy.

To download the Conference Programme & Booking Form - Click Here

For further details, contact -

Paul Dykes (SEAI REIO)
Tel: 023 8863393
Email: [email protected]

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