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Ireland's largest WEEE recycling facility

opens in Dublin

Cedar Resource Management, Ireland's leading recycler of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), has launched its WEEE recycling facility in Dublin. The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dick Roche TD officially opened the facility in the Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole.

Cedar has invested over �12 million in its facilities in Dublin and Cork - installing equipment which allows the company to exceed legislative targets for materials recycling and recovery as laid down by the EU WEEE Directive. The company, which collects and recycles WEEE from around the country, has already expanded its workforce by 30 this year and has plans to develop the business further in 2007.

The Cedar facility has the capacity to process 30,000 tonnes of electrical and electronic equipment per year and the company operates a nationwide logistics network and recycling service for all WEEE, in addition to a wide range of other waste management services.

Cedar's logistics and recycling services extend to all EU countries and the company provides pan-European solutions through a network of recycling partners.

The state-of-the-art facility at Greenogue allows the complete recycling of waste equipment into small fragments of individual materials - such as ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, plastics and glass. These materials are supplied back to smelters and plastic producers to manufacture new products.

Officially opening the Cedar WEEE facility, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dick Roche TD said - "We are one of the leaders in Europe in transposing the WEEE Directive. We have been able to do this through partnership with industry - developing a sophisticated system that is now viewed as a model of how to implement a new producer responsibility initiative for this waste stream. Ireland's performance to-date has been stunning and has led to a resultant five-fold increase in recycling of electronic waste. I would like to congratulate Brendan and his team at Cedar Resource Management for the part they have played in this success story."

Brendan Keane, Managing Director, Cedar Resource Management said - "We're delighted to be officially launching our state-of-the-art WEEE recycling facility. Cedar has invested heavily to ensure that we have a world-class recycling plant for electrical and electronic equipment. Industry and consumers in Ireland are taking a responsible approach to WEEE recycling and the level of activity in our facilities is testament to this. Cedar is proud to be associated with the fact that Ireland is exceeding its targets as set by the WEEE Directive. I congratulate Minister Roche and his Department on this success and I would like to thank him for officially opening our facility today."

Cedar provides a WEEE compliance pack for B2B customers - including waste management plans for the EPA, assistance with registration, applications to compliance schemes, certification, reporting, signage and interpretation of the legislation for their requirements. The Cedar WEEE service operates from point-of-collection through recycling to the supply of the finished products to end users.

For further information - Click Here

Cedar has been providing collection and recycling services to business and local authority civic amenity (CA) sites for IT equipment, monitors, telecoms equipment, refrigerators, A/C units, medical equipment and consumer electrical waste, since 1999. It was the first company in Ireland to separately collect and recycle refrigerated equipment - in compliance with the ozone depleting substances (ODS) legislation when it became law in 2000.

Cedar provides complete hazardous waste management services to all pharmaceutical and chemical waste-producing industry sectors in Ireland. The company was the first waste management company in Ireland to achieve ISO9001 certification and followed this with ISO14001 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety) certification. Cedar is also a market leader in the area of hazardous waste and complete waste management solutions.

The Cedar facility in Dublin is EPA licensed and the the company's Cork facility is permitted by Cork County Council. The plant in Dublin is the first of its kind to be operated on an EPA licensed site.

For further details - Click Here



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