Air Monitoring

Following an extensive review of the demand for air monitoring in Ireland, Environmental Efficiency can now offer to undertake all air monitoring required by IPPC and Waste Licence operators.

This covers monitoring campaigns of boilers for efficiency, SOx, NOx and particulates, FID monitoring of thermal oxidisers, monitoring of stacks for VOCs and MDI through to dioxins and furans - and everything in between.

Environmental Efficiency’s air monitoring technicians all have Safe Pass certification plus MCERTS accreditation. In addition, all staff members have had extensive inhouse training on all aspects of air monitoring and reporting of results.

The company's headquarters in Bray, Co. Wicklow has an extensive range of air monitoring equipment, media and reagents in stock. This includes isokinetic sampling trains with a range of heated and unheated probes, Pitot tubes, FIDs, Flue Gas Analysers, impingers, landfill gas analysers, Bergerhoff Dust Gauges and SKC pumps.

Where the parameter being monitored is less frequently encountered - such as dioxins or furans - Environmental Efficiency will bring in its partner, Redwing Environmental, to undertake the monitoring. Redwing Environmental has MCERTS accreditation for dioxins and furans - thus supplementing Environmental Efficiency’s capabilities. This partnership allows Environmental Efficiency to offer the full range of monitoring with one point of contact, one purchase order and at a lower overall cost to the client.

One recent change to air monitoring required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is that all reporting should be to EPA standard AG2. This requires a significant amount of information to be presented in a standardised format, including the uncertainty of measurement. This effectively ends the option of clients writing their own air monitoring reports based on Certificate of Analysis issued by a sub contract lab. Environmental Efficiency now provides reports fully compliant with this new requirement at no extra cost.

Where monitoring shows that one or more emission limits have been breached, Environmental Efficiency can advise on steps to resolve the problem. The company is able to do this, as - besides carrying out air monitoring - Environmental Efficiency also offers engineering consultancy. Trained staff can advise on changes to processes, possible abatement strategies or undertake air dispersion modelling to determine whether there is any adverse environmental impact. Having its own Mechanical and Process engineers on its staff enables this consultancy to be offered - again with one point of contact.

In addition to stack monitoring, Environmental Efficiency also undertakes occupational air monitoring and ambient monitoring for a wide range of substances.

The company has a full stock of equipment - plus stocks of the required media - to cover all UK and Irish HAS methods.

This means that Environmental Efficiency consultants can be on site at short notice where there are problems.

Where occupational air monitoring indicates there are problems with the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) being exceeded, Environmental Efficiency can advise as to how to proceed.

One significant advantage of using Environmental Efficiency - and one that is often cited by clients - is that Environmental Efficiency is not just an air monitoring organisation, but a full service environmental and engineering consultancy. This means that it can also advise on how to reduce the level of occupational exposure. Possible options may include assessment of the effectiveness of any air extraction system (often referred to as Local Exhaust Ventilation) with recommendations as to changes required, substitution of hazardous substances with less hazardous substances, limiting operator exposure - or, as a last resort, improved PPE.

For any query regarding air monitoring, call Bob Sutcliffe at Environmental Efficiency -
Tel: 01 276 1428 - or email: [email protected].

For additional information regarding air monitoring, visit the company's website - Click Here


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