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Sustainable Energy Awards 2005

Organised by SEI and sponsored by ESB Customer Supply, the Sustainable Energy Awards encourage, recognise and reward excellence in energy management in the industrial, commercial and public sectors.

The awards focus on the individuals and groups who demonstrate a commitment to introduce energy management as an integral part in the operation of their business and provide an opportunity for organisations to gain public recognition for their achievements in improving the efficiency of the energy use and, in doing so, reduce CO2 emissions.

David Taylor, Chief Executive of Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) - speaking at the presentation of the awards - stressed that, as Ireland continues to face major competitiveness and environmental challenges, a concerted effort is now required by industry and business to improve its energy competitiveness and so help to combat Climate Change.

Mr. Taylor added - "It is our hope that the Sustainable Energy Awards, now in their second year, will have an important role to play in encouraging companies to achieve tangible improvements in energy efficiency, reductions in energy consumption and the consequent reduction in the level of CO2 emissions. Recent developments in world energy markets and the accompanying energy price rises - together with the outlook for oil and gas supplies - leave no room for complacency in the way we use energy. Energy efficiency is, increasingly, a imperative for business success. Those receiving awards tonight are contributing to sustainable development and show the way for other businesses facing similar competitiveness pressures."

L-R:Tony Donnelly (ESB Deputy CEO), Noel Dempsey TD (Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources), David Taylor (SEI CEO)

Guest of honour, Mr. Noel Dempsey T.D., Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, said - "By participating in the Energy Awards, not only will each of the individual organisations have benefited financially from the resulting improved energy efficiency, but society as a whole is a winner from the environmental benefits which accrue from your combined activities.

"The good energy management practices established in the work situation will also be brought home and applied to our own travel and domestic energy demand."

The Sustainable Energy Awards 2005 were sponored by ESB Customer Supply.

The organisation is committed to encouraging greater efficiency in the use of energy as one important part of protecting the environment for future generations. As part of this commitment, ESB Customer Supply has had in place an active program supporting the effective use of energy by customers since the 1990's - which enables businesses to get the best value for money from their electricity usage.

Speaking at the awards, Tony Donnelly, ESB Deputy Chief Executive said - "The efficient use of energy makes good business and financial sense - but it also makes good environmental sense. ESB Customer Supply is delighted to be associated with the 2005 Sustainable Energy Awards. This scheme helps promote awareness into the importance of energy efficiency as a business tool, while also protecting all our futures. We are glad to play our part in this process."

In total, nineteen Sustainable Energy Awards were presented across seven categories:

Coordinated Energy Management Programme
Electrical Energy Project
Thermal Energy Project
Energy Awareness Campaign
Energy Service or Supply Company
Excellence in Design or Specification
Energy Manager of the Year 2005.

The Energy Manager of the Year was named as Declan McGoldrick of HSE North West - while the Overall Co-ordinated Energy Programme award went to Intel Ireland ltd.

The awards scheme will be re-launched for a third year in January 2006.

Compere for the evening was Mr. John Bowman and the after dinner speaker was Mr. Brent Pope.

Awards Winners

Energy Service or Supply Company

The competition for energy-service or energy-supply is open to all companies that supply and/or maintain energy-related equipment and services. The purpose of this award is to reward excellence in the provision of support for energy-efficient products and services and focuses on the supplier rather than on a particular product.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Pat Gilroy (Dalkia); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

The finalists in this category were -

  • E.F. Hamilton Ltd.
  • Dalkia Ireland Ltd.
  • European Industrial Chillers

For providing a comprehensive quality energy management service - including purchasing and managing utilities, reducing energy consumption and focusing on total energy and environmental management - the award for Energy Service or Supply Company went to Dalkia Ireland Limited

Dalkia in Ireland is part of the Dalkia group that operates in 32 countries with 40,100 employees and $5.1 billion turnover. The Irish company - accredited to ISO 9001:2000 - employs 210 people and has a turnover of €30 million.

Dalkia offers Facilities Services to its clients as a total business solution - integrating the company's key skill-sets of energy management and M & E with other wide-ranging facilities services. The company operates on the basis that successful companies have learnt to focus on their core activities and outsource the non-core - but essential - tasks to strategic service partners like Dalkia. It makes sense - cutting costs, streamlining procedures, freeing up time - enabling a business to concentrate on what it does best.

Most businesses see energy costs as an inevitable necessity - a cost to be endured. Dalkia, however, views energy as a resource that can be successfully controlled through the application of knowledge, technology and positive action. The company has extensive experience in this specialist field and approaches high-energy costs simultaneously from two directions - reducing the price clients pay for energy and reducing the amount they consume.

Dalkia has proven expertise in plant-room boiler maintenance, HVAC applications, building controls technology and water treatment. The company manages the electrical, mechanical and technical service requirements of clients' buildings - either as part of a small flexible service contract or as part of a broader, integrated services solution that includes energy management and other facilities services.

Excellence in Design or Specification

The objective of this award is to underline the importance of getting things right from the start. There are two equal awards in this category. One of these is for an outstanding energy efficient design or specification of a commercial or public building. The other award is for excellence in the energy efficient design or specification of mechanical and electrical building services.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Daintree Ltd. � Solearth Ecological Architecture
  • Musgrave Group � Jack Coughlan & Associates Architects � Nestor Kelly & Associates Consulting Engineers
  • Emerald Housing Development - Cluid Housing Association � Davis Associates Consulting Engineers
  • Navan Credit Union � Energy 365 Ltd.

Winner Overall Building Design or Specification

For creating a building in an urban setting with minimal environmental impact incorporating -

  • passive solar design
  • a low emission heating system
  • use of natural materials - and
  • use of recycled materials

- the award for Overall Building Design or Specification went to Daintree Ltd. and Solearth Ecological Architecture

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Brian O' Brien & Michael Haslam (Solearth); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Brian O' Brien (Solearth); Paraic Davis (Davis Assoc); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Winner - Design or specification of mechanical and electrical building services

For achieving the highest possible level of environmentally aware building service design in a social housing project - with energy use being closely monitored on an ongoing basis - the award for Design or specification of mechanical and electrical building services went to - Cluid Housing Association and Davis Associates Consulting Engineers for the Emerald Housing Development Project.

Energy Awareness Campaign

For energy management to be really effective, it has to address three interconnected aspects:

  1. The technical solution
  2. The organisational aspect - such as procedures and systems - and
  3. the people element.

Energy Awareness Campaigns target the people element and, in a lot of situations, they have the biggest impact on energy consumption.

Last year, there was one winner in this category. However, due to two exceptional entries this year, the judges decided to award two winners in this category.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Health Services Executive � Mid Western Area
  • Silver Hill Foods
  • Ipsen Manufacturing Ireland Ltd.
  • Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals (Ringaskiddy)
  • Meath Energy Management Agency.

Energy Awareness Campaign - 1 Winner

The judges were particularly looking for campaigns that engaged people at all levels of the organisation.

This energy intensive company worked with a communications firm to help create an innovative energy awareness campaign that would grab peoples' attention.

It is based on the battle between three characters - "Waysta", "Konserv" and "Redusa" - in order to foster a culture of energy awareness and conservation. The award was won by Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals -Ringaskiddy.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Liam Crowe (Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals - Ringaskiddy); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

L-R:Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Stuart Steel & Raphael McEvoy (Silverhill Foods); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Energy Awareness Campaign - 2 Winner
The award was won by Silver Hill Foods.

This company has employed a variety of different methods to create an energy aware culture throughout the organisation, yielding savings of �20,000 per annum. This included -

  • demonstrated management commitment
  • the use of systems and procedures to monitor and report energy use
  • regular training and awareness sessions with the use of a translator for non-nationals.

Electrical Energy Project

This category provides an opportunity to recognise the efforts of organisations that significantly reduced energy use through a single electrical energy saving project.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Spicer Ireland
  • Q-Park
  • The National Gallery of Ireland
  • The National College of Ireland
  • Masonite Ireland
  • Navan Credit Union
  • Superquinn
  • Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals (Ringaskiddy).

L-R:Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Raymond Keaveney & Mark Geraghty (National Gallery of Ireland); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Public Sector Winner

By integrating and managing the service needs of two buildings of different ages - a gap of 150 years in fact - through a Building Energy Management System, whilst, at the same time, maintaining strict environmental conditions and yielding 23% in energy savings, the Electrical Energy Project (Public Sector) award was won by - The National Gallery of Ireland.

Commercial Winner

This company replaced the compressor system of their existing refrigeration plant.

This enabled them to more closely match cooling load with demand.

The result was a 25% reduction in electricity consumption - together with a significant reduction in maintenance costs.

The award went to Superquinn.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Ciaran Coffey (Superquinn) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Liam Crowe (Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals - Ringaskiddy); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Industrial winner

Without any interruption to their process, this company upgraded their compressed air generation and distribution system, through the installation of a variable speed drive air compressor and by joining two existing independent distribution systems together.

This achieved savings of �55,000 per annum.

The Electrical Energy Project (Industrial) award was won by Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals -Ringaskiddy.

Overall Category Winner

This energy intensive company worked very closely with one of its equipment suppliers in the design and production of an innovative new energy efficient wood refining plate, which has reduced their site electricity consumption by 7%. This may not sound like much - but, when you consider that this equates to a reduction of 2,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum, then it is significant.
The award was won by Masonite Ireland.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Jonathan Pugsley (Masonite) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Thermal Energy Project

Like the Electrical Energy Project category, this award rewards a particular energy saving project - this time focusing on thermal energy. There are four winners -

  • a public sector winner
  • a commercial winner
  • an industrial winner - and
  • an overall category winner.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Navan Credit Union
  • The National Maternity Hospital
  • Vodafone
  • Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals (Little Island)
  • Benedictine Community - Glenstal Abbey
  • University College Cork.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Neil Farrington (The National Maternity Hospital) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Public Sector Winner

By upgrading the existing hot water system with new boilers, a new pipework distribution system with variable speed driven pumps and a new Building Energy Management System, this organisation saved �60,000 on its energy costs in the first year of the new system's operation - with further savings expected in future years. A unique aspect of the project is that the boilers have nameplates with the names of maintenance staff to promote equipment ownership.
The award was won by The National Maternity Hospital.

Commercial Winner

For the installation of a heat pump using a local lake as the water source to provide space heating to a school building and a church, this organisation saved �21,000 on its heating costs.

The award was won by The Benedictine Community at Glenstal Abbey.

L-R:Minister Noel Dempsey) TD; Dr. Paul Sikora, Dunstar & Fr Fintan Lyons (Benedictine Community, Glenstal Abbey); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Martin O'Connor (Pfizer Pharmaceuticals - Little Island) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Industrial Winner

This energy intensive organisation has achieved a 12% reduction in their boilerhouse energy use.

This was achieved through a range of measures, including - improved control of boiler blow-down, improved insulation levels, by undertaking a steam trap survey and the installation of variable speed drives to both the boiler and de-aerator feed pumps.

The award was won by Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals - Little Island.

Overall Category Winner

Through the installation of a patented Geo-thermal Combined Heating & Cooling System that takes its heat from two underground wells, this organisation is projected to make 75% energy savings. This system is installed at the award-winning Lewis Gluckman Art Gallery in Cork.

The award was won by University College Cork.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Niall McAuliffe & Kevin O'Regan (UCC); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Dunstar Ltd. are proud to announce that two of its projects have received awards in the Thermal Energy category - the Commercial Thermal Energy Award and the Overall Thermal Energy Award.

Rev. Fintan Lyons at Glenstal Abbey lake
The Commercial Thermal Energy Award was presented to Rev. Fintan Lyons OSB of Glenstal Abbey for its unique open-loop geothermal heating system. The system uses a small lake as its heat source - making for a highly innovative open-loop collector. Successful completion of the system required imaginative solutions to several technical challenges posed by the site. The system supplies heat to the chapel and choir - as well as to a new reception centre - which, not only helps to reduce overall CO2 emissions of the building, but also offers remarkably low running costs.

The utilisation of the lake as a solar/geothermal collector, without any visual intrusion, illustrates how geothermal technology can be incorporated into a natural setting with no aesthetic compromises.

The Overall Thermal Energy Award was presented to the multiple award winning Lewis Glucksman Gallery at University College Cork.

Dunstar's patented geothermal combined heating and cooling system is at the heart of the environmental control system. This system has been in operation for more than a year - providing heating, cooling and the critical humidity control required by the exhibition spaces. The monitored energy consumption has confirmed that the gallery uses 75% less energy than would be required if conventional heating and cooling were used.

According to Dr. Paul Sikora, MD at Dunstar, who designed the system - "The ability to provide independently variable heating and cooling, under full control from one heat pump plant, offers the mechanical services designer a new way to achieve close control targets at maximum energy efficiency with excellent cost effectiveness."

Lewis Glucksman Galler

Geothermal Combined Heating and Cooling technology allows any liquid chiller installation to serve as a full-service heat source at the same time as it carries out its refrigeration function - it is not just as a part-time donor of waste heat.

The GCHC system can be readily applied, not just to art galleries - but to IT centres, high specification office buildings, leisure complexes (particularly "wet" leisure complexes), healthcare facilities and suitable process applications. GCHC was used for the first time at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery.

Dunstar Ltd. are currently working on several projects which will avail of this revolutionary technology - helping to provide clean, cost-effective climate control to large scale commercial buildings.

Coordinated Energy Management Programme

Very often, the challenge for organisations is to remain focused on effective energy management in the face of changing personnel and shifting priorities. This award category recognises those firms that have taken a holistic approach to energy management and have integrated it into their overall business practices - touching on the key elements already identified, technical, organisational and people.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland
  • Intel Ireland
  • E3 Energy Mgt. Bureau - UCD, DIT, DCU & TCD
  • Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals (Little Island)
  • Masonite Ireland
  • Castlecool Ltd.
  • Hertz Europe Service Centre
  • Meath Energy Management Agency.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; (Richard Smith (representing DIT, UCD, DCU & TCD) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Public Sector Winner

By sharing knowledge and working together to reduce energy consumption, these public sector organisations have set a target to reduce energy consumption in 30 key buildings by 10% over 3 years.
After year 1, they exceeded their goal of a 3% reduction in primary energy with savings valued at �120,000. They achieved this by establishing an energy management bureau to advise, monitor and control energy use.

The award was won by E3 Energy Management Bureau of UCD, DIT, DCU & TCD

Commercial Winner

For developing an effective energy management programme which incorporates energy management into all aspects of the business - from procurement, through to monitoring and targeting, use of international benchmarks, training - whilst having no engineering or maintenance staff employed.

The award was won by Castlecool Limited.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Paul Shortt & Kevin McCusker (Castlecool) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Jonathan Pugsley (Masonite); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Industry Winner

With savings of 39% in electricity and 33% in thermal energy since 2002 - and significant funds already secured for further energy efficiency projects - this company can demonstrate the effectiveness of their coordinated energy management programme to date and their commitment in the future.

The award went to Masonite Ireland.

Overall Category Winner

For this award the judges were looking for a company that consistently achieves the very highest standards of energy management. This company's Irish site recently received an internal Environmental Excellence Award for saving $1.4 Million in 2004 by reducing consumption of electricity, natural gas and water. It is regularly used as the exemplar site of energy efficiency projects for dissemination across the company as a whole.

The award went to Intel Ireland.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Patrick Dunne (Intel) & Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Energy Manager of the Year

An energy manager's role is to manage both the company's current energy needs and its future energy strategy. He or she should be able to focus both on the technical aspects of their work and on issues of communication and involvement.

All of the finalists in this category are at the peak of their profession and have demonstrated both excellence and passion in their work - resulting in significant savings for their respective organisations.

The finalists in this category were -

  • Geraldine Cusack � Meath Energy Mgt. Agency
  • Ciaran Coffey � Superquinn
  • Martin Dullea � Schering Plough
  • Declan McGoldrick � HSE North West
  • Maurice Ahern � UCC.

There was a highly commended and an overall winner in this category.

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Ciaran Coffey (Superquinn); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

Highly Commended

This winner provided an excellent example of how the influencing role of an energy manager in a multi-site commercial organisation can achieve a 20% reduction in energy consumption through various energy saving technologies and control systems over a six year period - as well as his commitment to continued professional development.

Highly commended in this category was Ciaran Coffey of Superquinn.


For continued and outstanding commitment to energy management, for his passion in leading an effective energy management programme involving all staff - from those dealing with the general public to senior management - and making in excess of one million Euro energy savings over a 5 year period -- The energy manager of the year award was won by - Declan McGoldrick of HSE North West

L-R: Minister Noel Dempsey TD; Declan McGoldrick (HSE North West); Tony Donnelly (ESB)

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