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Generating energy from residual waste

Policies oo Treatments oo Technologies

Ireland's recycling rate is now over 30% for municipal waste - but, as for many other high recycling countries, the critical question now is 'What is to be done with the residual waste?' - that fraction which is left after reduction, reuse and recycling.

Accessible through a range of treatments and technologies, residual waste - particularly the biodegradable element of it - can be a valuable, low-carbon, energy source. Ireland is committed to ensuring that one-third of all the electricity it uses comes from renewable sources by 2020 and is actively tackling climate change across many policy areas. It is driving forward the search for - and use of - low-carbon energy.

So, should the energy value of residual waste be considered when Ireland chooses its waste management technologies? Should this be counted as part of the renewable energy mix? Generating energy from residual waste considers a range of options for landfill diversion and energy generation -

How will the imperatives of climate change and carbon constraints affect waste management issues?

Will energy security and renewable energy targets form real drivers in waste / energy decisions?
How will Ireland's current structures and policies for waste play out in the light of changing requirements?

Will tried and tested technologies provide the means to achieve the Landfill Directive's obligations - or, will emerging technologies play a growing role in Ireland's waste industry?

These are interesting times for the waste industry in Ireland, as debate now will lead to future strategy. Perfectly timed to add information to the debate, Generating energy from residual waste brings together both the policy-makers and the organisations and industries which implement those plans. Be sure you are part of the debate - book your place now at this top conference.

Who should attend
Senior personnel within - local authorities, waste management, environmental strategy and planning, power generation and energy development and engineering and technology - including -

  • Central government policy makers
  • Local government waste management officers
  • The waste industry
  • The energy industry
  • Environmental consultancies
  • Waste producing companies and organisations
  • The recycling industry
  • Technical, academic and research personnel
  • Engineering and technical companies
  • Financial institutions and investment houses
  • The wood and agricultural industries.



09.00 Welcome
Tom Freyberg Editor, Recycling and Waste World Magazine

09.05 Chairman's introduction
PJ Rudden, Conference Chairman, Director, RPS Group

John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government


09.35 How will climate change drivers impact on technology selection for managing residual wastes?
Joe Schwager, Managing Director, Juniper

  • New ways of managing waste to mitigate greenhouse gas impacts
  • Changing priorities in waste management
  • International trends
  • Implications for public policy and industry.

10.00 Regional waste management plans - resource and energy management aspects
Larry O'Toole, Operations Director, RPS Consulting Engineers

  • Relevance of waste plans on energy policy
  • Relative carbon footprints of composting, AD, MBT, WTE and landfill
  • Role of district heating/CHP.

10.25 The role of renewable energy in Ireland - targets, markets and future development
David Manning, Senior Energy Executive, IBEC

10.50 New planning and policy options for Ireland
Dominic Hogg, Director, Eunomia

11.15 Question and answer session



11.55 Energy from waste in Europe - what is the future?
Gev Eduljee, Technical Director, Sita UK

  • Uptake of EFW within the EU, relative to recycling
  • Policy drivers impacting on residual waste treatment
  • Potential future impact of EU policy initiatives.

12.20 The role of incineration in an energy efficient waste management system
John Ahern, Managing Director, Indaver Ireland

  • Incineration of residual waste - mitigating climate change and helping Ireland achieve its landfill diversion and renewable energy targets
  • Consideration of an energy hierarchy - as well as the waste hierarchy - in order to implement an environmentally sustainable integrated waste management system
  • Life cycle analysis - showing that incineration is the most energy efficient treatment option for residual waste.

12.45 Question and answer session


LUNCH - Sponsored by CEWEP



13.50 Life cycle assessment of energy from waste using the Environment Agency's WRATE model
David Flynn, Senior Scientist, Fehily Timoney & Company

  • Introduction to concepts of life cycle assessment
  • The role of LCA in the decision making process, including
    > policy drivers
    > Overview of the WRATE model
    > How WRATE deals with energy from waste technologies
    > Case studies.

14.15 Recycling food waste by anaerobic digestion
Michael Cheshire, Managing Director, Greenfinch

  • Strategy for collection of food waste, quantities and methods
  • South Shropshire biowaste digester case study
  • Energy balance, mass balance and beneficial use of biofertiliser
  • Economic assessment.

14.40 Benefits of MBT in an integrated waste management system
Attilio Piattelli, Technical Coordinator, Sistema Ecodeco UK Ltd

  • Benefits of MBT as a system - low environmental impact and flexibility of output
  • How MBT can help achieve targets - landfill diversion, recycling
  • SRF production and market opportunities
  • Case study - MBT for ELWA (East London Waste Authority).

15.05 Question and answer session


15.35 Waste to energy employing thermal steam and pyrolysis
Michael Flynn, Managing Director, 3NRG Waste Management (an F.L.I. Environmental Group company)
Richard Bingham, Managing Director, Prestige Thermal Equipment

  • Commercial model for the use of autoclaves in the waste processing cycle
  • Alternative waste to energy systems employing autoclaves as part of the commencing process
  • Use of autoclaves for material degeneration and separation to provide maximum recyclable benefit
  • Use of RDF to generate steam, biogas and electricity
  • Efficiencies attributed to each system.

16.00 Case studies of a proven gasification technology in Europe
Patrick McConville, Business Development Manager, Energos

16.25 Question and answer session

16.30 Debate -
What will be the future direction of waste management in Ireland?
Will the energy value of waste have a role to play in Ireland's energy mix and if so how much?
Panel members -
John Ahern, Managing Director, Indaver Ireland
Martin Hogan, Business Development Manager, Bioverda Sustainable Energy
Erik O'Donovan, Secretary of the Irish Waste Management Association, IWMA.

17.00 Chairman's conclusion and close of conference.



Your chance to reach your target audience and actively participate in the conference. If this appeals to your company, contact -
Julia Pugh-Cook
Tel: +44 (0)1722 716996
[email protected]

To download the Conference brochure - Click Here

To download the Booking Form - Click Here



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