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Recovery Facility (MRF)
Greenstar�s Millennium
Park Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) is one of the largest automated
recycling facilities in Ireland and the UK and was officially opened
on Monday, October 16th by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage
and Local Government, Mr. Dick Roche, TD.
Greenstar has invested over �25 million in
developing the Millennium Park MRF, which will recover over 70%
of the Commercial & Industrial (C&I;) waste and more than 85% of
the Construction & Demolition (C&D;) waste it processes - thus diverting
180,000 tonnes away from landfill every year. C&I; and C&D; waste
includes waste generated by businesses, factories, industrial plants
and the building sector.
Application of leading-edge technology at the facility
includes -
an automated process - increasing the quality
of the recyclable outputs and the percentage of the material
diverted from disposal |
air/density separation technology
- permitting more effective recovery and a higher quality
of material to be produced at the end of the process. |
The facility meets all EPA requirements and will be operated to
the highest standards of international and environmental best
practice. |
The Dublin region currently produces circa 670,000
tonnes of commercial waste per year - and, according to the Dublin
Region�s Waste Management Plan, adopted in 2006 - only 35% of this
waste stream is reclaimed rather than going to landfill or being
exported for further treatment. Millennium Park is licensed to handle
220,000 tonnes of C&I; and C&D; waste per annum - but has the capacity
to manage 400,000 tpa. Using leading-edge automated technology to
recover the waste materials allows recovery rates of over 70%. Most
of this material consists of plastics, paper, timber (wood), metals
and stone.
Interesting Facts
Timber -
- Millennium Park is expected to recover 20% timber = 44,000
- Recycling 1 tonne of Timber saves 8� trees from being
cut down
- One tree can filter up to 30kgs of pollutants from the
air each year
- Recycling 44,000 tpa timber would save 374,000 trees from
being cut down
- Saving 374,000 trees from destruction, prevents 10,200
tonnes of greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere.
Ferrous Metal -
- Millennium Park is expected to recover 4% ferrous metal = 8,800
- 1.14 tonnes iron ore, 450kgs coal and 18kgs limestone
- Recycling 8,800 tpa metal would save 10,000 tonnes iron ore,
4,000 tonnes coal and 160 tonnes limestone .
EU Legislation is driving Ireland�s - and thus, Dublin�s
- waste diversion targets. The opening of Millennium Park will significantly
affect the volume of commercial waste that can be diverted from
landfill in the Dublin region. As well as helping the region meet
the recycling targets set out in the Waste Management Plan, Millennium
Park is also an important infrastructural asset and a response to
the Plan�s call for investment by the private sector in material
recycling facilities. Although the investment in the Millennium
Park MRF is a major development for Greenstar and a significant
contribution to Ireland�s waste infrastructure, it is only a small
part of the overall solution needed to solve Ireland�s over-reliance
on disposal.
The Forfas Waste Benchmark Report (Click
Here) - released in June 2006 - clearly shows that there
has been limited progress in addressing Ireland's waste infrastructure
deficit as required by the last National Development Plan 1999-2006.
If Ireland is to develop comprehensive capacity to treat different
waste types appropriately and in an environmentally sustainable
manner, it is essential that more facilities such as the Millennium
Park MRF are invested in to provide Dublin and the country with
much needed waste management infrastructure. |
Millennium Park brings Greenstar�s total investment
in the waste management sector in the last six years to �240 million.
This is the largest investment to-date of any private company in
this sector in addressing Ireland�s critical lack of waste infrastructure.
The opening of Millennium Park demonstrates Greenstar�s commitment
to the ongoing development of a modern Irish waste management system.
For an overview of Greenstar's facilities in Ireland - Click
Greenstar is Ireland�s leading integrated waste
management company and provides services and infrastructure
at each level of the waste hierarchy. The company�s business
development spans a range of services that includes - education,
research, bio-waste, recycling, materials recovery, collection
and transfer and the development of facilities for the safe
disposal of waste that cannot be reduced, reused, recycled,
recovered or treated in any other way. |
In addition, the company is committed to working in
partnership with its customers, its employees, industry and the
public sector to deliver the change necessary to meet EU legislative
requirements in a legal and professional manner.