IBEC Environment
Awards 2005
Society today expects high environmental performance
from all sectors of Irish business. Irish industry continues to
meet the challenge of continuous environmental improvement in the
face of increasing competition in all industrial sectors - e.g.
engineering and electronics; food and drink; pharmaceutical and
chemical and textiles.
In recognition of the importance of the technical achievements
and the commitment to environmental protection of all sectors
of Irish industry, IBEC launched a new environment awards
scheme for industry in 2000. These awards are part of an EU-wide
scheme that aims to foster innovative environmental practices
in industry.
The IBEC Environment Awards 2005 continues to encourage and
promote companies who develop innovative solutions to environmental
problems faced by various sectors of industry. Previous Irish
winners have reaped competitive and publicity benefits at
home and abroad, while highlighting their policy commitment
to innovative environmental management practices.
Some of the technical issues that face individual Irish companies
include developing and implementing -
Effective waste management strategies |
An environmental management system which caters
for the needs of their business situation |
Cleaner production processes |
Monitoring and controlling emissions from their
industrial activities to ensure regulatory compliance |
Energy and resource management strategies |
Designing environmentally friendly products or
services |
The award categories are designed to respond to these issues and
encourage all sectors of Irish industry to participate.
Supported by Pharmachemical Ireland, Food and
Drink Industry Ireland & Irish Engineering Enterprises Federation. |
1 Managing for Sustainable
Development Award
Sustainable development may be broadly defined as - �development
which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs� - i.e. economic/social
development and environmental protection are interdependent.
This award is aimed at organisations with an exceptional
corporate vision and an innovative environmental management system
- primarily with a commitment to ISO 14001 or EMAS certification.
This category focuses on a clear integration of environmental issues
into company policies and a clear measurable improvement in performance
due to this policy.
Entrants need to show that they lead the field and
are providing a benchmark that others will follow and demonstrate
innovation in the following areas -
- Policy Commitment: A commitment to environmental management
as a high corporate policy priority; integration of environmental
policy/programmes into the business; a continual improvement process
for existing environmental policy/programmes - as well as clear
objectives/targets/indicators to ensure improvement beyond regulatory
- Continuous Improvement in Performance: Evaluated against
the organisation�s stated environmental and business objectives
through regular monitoring and reporting - e.g.
1. Evaluation and management of the life cycle impacts
of company�s products or services (e.g. raw material extraction,
manufacturing site management, end of life disposal).
2. Reduction of environmental impacts of business and resource
intensity of the company�s products and services and evidence
showing how further improvement is likely to be achieved.
- Dialogue: Evidence of systematic and regular dialogue
with stakeholders (e.g. employees, suppliers and customers) with
the integration of any results into management decision-making.
Evidence of high level employee involvement in environmental management.
- Replication Potential: Demonstrates how the entry could
be more widely applied to other businesses.
2 Eco-Design Award
This award is for an original design that has significantly
reduced the environmental impact of a product, service or system
- from any sector of Irish industry.
The product could have been designed - to use less natural resources
in its production or use, to be recycled, reused or disposed of
safely - e.g. packaging. The product/system may be designed to be
more energy efficient in its life-time or the design might make
an existing system/service more eco-efficient through waste minimisation.
Judging criteria includes -
- Innovation: The product/service should demonstrate some
innovation that shows improved environmental performance over
comparable alternatives.
- Environmental Benefit: Clear evidence that the design
of the product/system/ service may reduce its impact on the environment
- e.g. use less natural resources in its production; may be energy
efficient; may reduce waste production/ emissions; may be recycled,
reused or disposed of safely.
- Social Benefit: Does the product meet the needs of the
consumer and improve the quality of life generally?
- Economic Benefit: Is the product/service/system viable
- e.g. this can be shown through sales performance or credible
sales projections.
- Commitment: A commitment by senior management to the
development and marketing of the product/service and an indication
of its importance to the organisation�s overall strategy.
- Replication Potential: Demonstrates how the entry could
be more widely applied.
3 Cleaner
Technologies Award
Promotes companies which have developed and applied new
technologies which allow production processes to be undertaken with
a significantly reduced environmental impact - e.g. increased energy/resource
efficiency and reducing emissions and waste. This may involve an
entirely new process or technique or the innovative application
of an existing technology. The approach must be a central part of
the production process, including waste minimisation.
Judging criteria includes -
- Innovation: The innovative aspects of the technology
that promote eco-friendly production - e.g. increased energy/resource
efficiency, prevention and reduction of emissions and waste.
- Environmental benefits: Clear, quantified assessment
of the environmental benefits of the project.
- Social benefits: The social impacts of this new technology
- e.g. a positive effect on local communities.
- Costs: Is the new technology economically viable (e.g.
with reference to capital and operating costs)?
- Corporate Commitment: A clear commitment by senior management
to the new technology and an indication of its significance in
the context of the organisation�s overall operations.
- Replication Potential: There should be scope for the
technology to be applied more widely.
4 International Partnerships
for Sustainable Development Award
Encourages companies involved in trans-national partnerships
for the promotion of sustainable development - i.e. environmental
protection and economic/social development.
This partnership must involve at least two organisations from different
sectors (e.g. private, public, NGOs) - one in an EU country and
the other(s) in a developing country or a country with an economy
in transition (including EU accession countries).
Judging criteria includes -
- Planning: The partnership should adhere to clear objectives,
explaining how it expects to contribute to the environmental and
economic/social aspects of sustainable development. The partnership
should be effectively planned and adequately resourced to achieve
its stated objectives.
- Sustainable benefit: The partnership should provide quantifiable
and lasting benefits that are consistent with sustainable development
(e.g. reduced resource consumption, social benefits for the local
community). This could be achieved by a transfer of knowledge/technology
between the partners - improving a product/service or community
development programmes.
- Equity: Are there mutual and tangible benefits for each
- Synergy: Were the objectives of the partnership reached
more efficiently through partnership - i.e. did the partnership
avoid duplication of cost and effort?
- Replication potential: Is there potential for the adoption
of similar partnerships in the future?
5 The IBEC
Excellence Award
This year�s award is aimed particularly at companies
who have developed innovative waste recovery projects.
The entry may be the company�s action to recover
and re-use waste from its own waste stream - or the collection and
preparation for re-use of waste from other sources.
Judging criteria includes -
- Nature of the waste: What types of waste streams are
- Quantity of the waste recovered: How much waste has been
diverted from disposal by landfill or other means?
- Technology: What particular technical or infrastructural
techniques are used to recover waste? Is it innovative?
- Costs/Benefits: Detail the costs and benefits of the
waste recovery project.
- Market potential: If the waste recovery process has resulted
in a saleable/re-usable raw material, is there any market potential
for the material - e.g. fertiliser, recycled paper?
- Residue Minimisation: If residues are a result of waste
recovery process, how are they prevented or minimised so as not
to pose environmental problems during final disposal?
- Replication Potential: Is there potential for the adoption
of similar waste recovery strategies elsewhere?
Should Apply?
The competition is open to companies in the manufacturing
or services sectors - which have projects eligible under the
categories described.
IBEC is encouraging companies to submit projects that promote
excellent environmental performance in an individual company
or in a sector.
The closing date for entries is 25th November 2005. Judging
will take place in December 2005.
Winners of the Irish awards will also be considered for entry
to the subsequent European Environment Awards, sponsored by
the European Commission's DG Environment.
Application forms and further information may be obtained
from the IBEC web site - www.ibec.ie
- or directly from -
Robert O'Shea, IBEC
Tel: (01) 6051526
[email protected]