Energy from Waste
in Ireland
the best use of a reliable resource
A top level conference
- with speakers from Ireland covering policy, strategy, planning
and financing for energy recovery within an integrated waste management
future - is to be held on Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at the SAS
Radisson Hotel, Dublin. The Chairman of the conference will be PJ
Rudden, Director, RPS Consulting Engineers and the Keynote Address
will be given by Mr Dick Roche, T.D., Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government.
Like many other European countries, Ireland recognises
the requirement for an integrated approach towards waste prevention,
recycling and biological and thermal processes - followed by residual
landfill. This integrated approach is already delivering significant
results - the national municipal recycling rate has risen to 34%
and is still growing. However, what will be done with the 50% to
60% of residual waste?
There are many technologies employed across Europe
which generate energy from residual waste. Notably, these countries
experience the benefits of this form of renewable power, while retaining
high recycling levels in their waste management strategies.
The Energy from Waste in Ireland conference
brings together top speakers from policy and government, planning
and finance - along with examples of various technologies. It considers
the most efficient use of the energy generated, the arguments for
and against thermal techniques and closes with a debate - asking
whether Waste from Energy will have a role to play in Ireland�s
waste management future.
This is a unique opportunity to add your comments
to the discussion and ensure you have the most up-to-date information
Who should attend?
Senior personnel within local authorities, waste management, environmental
strategy and planning, power generation and energy development and
engineering and technology, including -
- Central government policy makers
- Local government waste management officers
- The waste industry
- The energy industry
- Environmental consultancies
- Waste producing companies and organisations
- The recycling industry
- Technical, academic and research personnel
- Engineering and technical companies - and
- Financial institutions.
08.45 Registration
09.15 Welcome
Julia Pugh-Cook, Conference and Events
Manager, Recycling and Waste World Conferences
09.20 Introduction
PJ Rudden, Conference Chairman, Director,
RPS Consulting Engineers
09.30 Ireland�s approach
to waste management
Michael Layde, Principal Officer, Waste
Infrastructure and Regulation, DOEHLG
09.55 Waste to energy in
Ireland - Aspects of environmental regulation
Dr Jonathan Derham, Senior Manager, Offi
ce of Licensing & Guidance, Environmental Protection Agency Planning
and financing
- Waste as a resource
- Declassifi cation as waste - i.e. a
fuel product
- Recovery or disposal?
- Regulatory framework for waste to energy
- Residue management
- Environmental issues around WTE units
- Burn or landfi ll or export: a national
10.20 Integration of planning and waste
management legislation and practice
Rachel Kenny, Senior Planner, Meath County
10.35 Question and answer session
10.45 Refreshments
11.05 Financing for Energy from Waste
projects - Criteria for decision-makers in both the private and
public sectors
Ger Butler, Associate Director, KPMG Corporate
- Overview of public vs private finance
- Key issues for funders
- Criteria for decision makers.
11.30 Thermal treatment of waste - Overcoming
barriers and developing options towards energy based solutions
John Ferguson, Waste Resource Strategy
Unit Manager, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- What are the barriers to high thermal
efficiency treatment of waste from a strategic perspective?
- How could these be overcome?
- What are the benefits of a high efficiency
12.00 Waste: main source of sustainable
K.D. van der Linde, Managing Director,
Waste and Energy Company, Amsterdam
- Reconciliation of high recycling rate
with high energy recovery from waste
- Public acceptance of Energy from Waste
- High health and safety and high efficiency
targets and results
- The successes of the plant � local
heat, local power, reduced emissions, high quality building materials.
12.30 Question and answer session
12.45 Lunch
13.40 Keynote address
Mr Dick Roche, T.D. Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government
14.00 New energy � utilising an Irish
natural resource
John Mullins, CEO, Bioverda Ltd
- Creating energy value from waste
- Resource recovery
- European regulatory drivers
- Delivery in an Irish context.
14.30 Waste to Energy: a sustainable
development perspective
Jack O�Sullivan, Environmental Consultant,
Environmental Management Services Ltd
- Sustainability: re-orientating our
approach to waste management
- Combining the European thematic strategy
on prevention and recycling of waste, with the EU policy on energy
from renewable sources
- Maximising the use and re-use of embodied
energy in discarded materials.
15.00 Question and answer session
15.10 Refreshments
15.30 The role of incineration in meeting
Ireland�s waste plan
John Ahern, Chief Executive, Indaver
- Irish waste policy and plans
- Incineration in an integrated waste
management system
- Incineration in Europe
- Threats to the development of incineration
in Ireland.
16.00 Panel debate
Waste to Energy - the best use of resources
or the end of recycling?
16.30 Close of conference
Tel: 00 44 1722 716996
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.recyclingwasteworld.co.uk/conferences