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Health and Safety Legislation

One Day Training Course

NSAI offers public courses to help individuals gain the skills that they require to operate management systems effectively. The range of courses offered reflects the wide range of certification services offered by NSAI.

Irrespective of whether a company is involved in manufacture or is a service organisation, it has a statutory obligation - under the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 - to operate in a manner which safeguards the health and safety of its workforce.

This one-day course will enable participants to assess the implications of the Act and its associated regulations and to understand what their responsibilities for complying with the Act are.

The course will address the implications of the Act for employees and employers in terms of increased obligations for safety, increased powers for the HSA and substantially increased penalties for breaches of the legislation. The Act carries penalties of up to �3million and prison sentences of up to 2 years for those breaking the law.

On completing this course the participant will be able to -

Understand the legal framework within which occupational health and safety operates.
Understand the duties and responsibilities of both management and employees.

Gain an appreciation of the significance of health and safety legislation in the context of OHSAS 18001 - the health and safety management system.


Health and Safety Officers and managers
Technical managers
Environmental Managers
Quality Managers
Safety Representatives

Personnel and Human Resources


General Safety, Health & Welfare Legislation
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
Dangerous Substances Legislation
Noise and Vibration Legislation
Occupational Exposure Legislation
Safety in Industry Legislation
Construction Legislation
Emergency Preparedness Legislation.


COURSE: Health and Safety Legislation - 1 day training course

DATE: Thursday, 7th December 2006

VENUE: NSAI, Glasnevin, Dublin 9


BOOKING: For booking details - Click Here



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