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National Energy Efficiency �Power of One� Campaign

Noel Dempsey T.D., the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources has launched the Power of One campaign - a two-year national campaign to address the issue of energy efficiency in Ireland. The nationwide campaign is designed to highlight what each of us - as individuals - can do to reduce wasteful energy consumption.

With increasing energy demand as a result of the strongly growing economy - and with the new era of high global energy prices, further sustained action on energy efficiency is a key Government priority. Ireland�s total annual energy requirement grew in absolute terms by 59% between 1990 and 2004 (3.4% per annum on average) and increased in 2004 by another 1.4%. In line with the EU and international focus on energy efficiency, Ireland can take steps to manage and reduce energy demand - but it requires collective action on the part of consumers and the economic sectors.

The main objectives of the Power of One Campaign are -

To build awareness on types and sources of energy, costs and environmental impacts
To inform consumers about the impact that inefficient energy use has on costs and the environment
To encourage individual responsibility and change in behaviour in small ways - every day
To empower individuals to recognise their role in the challenge and to use their power to collectively make the difference

"Energy is essential to our daily lives. It heats our homes, fuels our transport and supplies our electricity. I believe that each of us has a responsibility to make at least one energy usage change� - said Minister Dempsey. �This campaign will pose that challenge and encourage the opportunity for everyone to make a positive impact."

The national campaign - overseen by the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, working with Sustainable Energy Ireland, which has the involvement of ESB, Bord G�is, EirGrid, Airtricity and the Department of Transport - will target multiple audiences - including households, SMEs and the public sector, as well as the transport sector.

A major media initiative - the Power of One Street - was also announced.

This initiative invites householders throughout the country to �live� on the most energy efficient street in Ireland.

Selected households will undergo an energy survey into their consumer preferences and behaviours in relation to heating, lighting, appliances and personal transport and the initiative will set special challenges throughout the year with the goal to make homes and individuals more energy efficient and aware. All challenges and progress will be monitored so that the public can chart the participants� progress, give their support and gain inspiration to change their own energy habits.
Those interested can enter online at the Power of One Street website - Click Here

TG4 weather presenter and �You�re a Star� personality, Daith� O�S� has been named spokesperson for the Power of One.

�I am really pleased to be a part of this campaign, because it shows each of us how we can be part of the solution. I needed a lesson or two when it came to energy efficiency and am already making some changes - from turning my TV off instead of leaving it on standby, to unplugging my phone charger when I�m not using it. This is a campaign in which everyone can truly get involved and motivated."

�I also believe that Government Departments and the public sector, generally, have a responsibility and opportunity to lead by example on energy efficiency. Whether it is a local authority or decentralising Department or a State Agency, every part of the public sector should be leading the way on efficient use of energy� - said the Minister.

Minister Dempsey also announced plans for all-island cooperation on energy efficiency in the coming months - �We are working enthusiastically with our Northern Ireland colleagues to make this an all-island campaign as part of our shared energy agenda�.

Power of One opens with a mass advertising campaign. It continues with additional TV ads later in the autumn - along with outdoor and online elements. A wide-ranging public relations campaign will communicate the key energy efficiency messages throughout the next two years and will encompass targeted sectoral programmes, as well as information and education initiatives.

The existing energy efficiency programmes run by Sustainable Energy Ireland will be reinforced by the campaign.

The Minister confirmed that he was pursuing the scope for additional incentives and support to underpin the energy efficiency drive.

For more information -



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