Lessons from integrated Waste
Management in Europe
� Case Study
for Ireland
L-R: Martin Bowman, RPS Director, Perth;
Dr Tony Wilkins, President WMAA; P J Rudden, RPS Ireland;
Hon Bob Debus, Minister for the Environment
PJ Rudden, Business Development Director for RPS Group
Ireland, gave the Keynote Address at The Annual Conference
of the Waste Management Association of Australia.
The conference was held in Sydney from 20 - 22 July 2005
and was opened by the New South Wales Minister for the Environment,
the Hon. Bob Debus.
The conference debated the current state of waste management
in Australia and New South Wales against international benchmarks.
The following is the full text from Mr. Rudden's speech, entitled
- Lessons from Integrated Waste Management in Europe - Case
Study for Ireland.
1. Introduction
Ireland is a relatively small country in Western Europe with a population
of 4 million people, but whose economy has been growing faster than
elsewhere in the European Union (EU). We were late tackling our
waste management problem in any serious way until the 1990�s. Since
joining the EU in 1973, our principal efforts were concentrated
on developing our transport and water infrastructure.
Since the mid 1990�s, however, we have set about tackling waste
management based on best European practice. Over the past 10 years,
we have built a new strategic vision from first principles - based
on the premise that waste should be minimised but, if created, it
should be recognised as a resource from which the citizens should
derive the maximum value possible. It should be avoided if possible
and minimised where possible, reused if feasible and, if not, then
recycled. If this is not possible, energy should be extracted from
waste before landfilling as the last resort. This valorisation of
waste aims to maximise the resource value in waste and to see it
as a form of resource management rather then waste management.
Irish waste management policy is firmly grounded in European Union
(EU) environmental policy. The 6th Environment Action Programme1
(2001-2010) has an objective - �to decouple the generation of
waste from economic growth and to achieve a significant overall
reduction in the volume of waste generated through improved waste
prevention initiatives, better resource efficiency and a shift to
more sustainable consumption patterns�. This led to the EU Thematic
Strategy on Prevention and Recycling2
and other waste related resource thematic policies. In 2005, the
EU Commission - led by its President, Jos� Manuel Barroso - are
revisiting the 2001 Sustainable Development Strategy3
as part of a reinvigorated Lisbon Strategy4
- �promoting growth and jobs in a manner consistent with sustainable
The Irish Waste Management Act 19965
took as its theme the EU Waste hierarchy to firstly prevent or minimise
waste, then to reuse, recycle or recover waste and, lastly, to dispose
of waste in a manner not likely to cause environmental pollution.
The 1996 Act - and subsequent Regulations - laid the legal foundations
for modern waste management in Ireland and the implementation of
EU Directives.
2. Background
Prior to 1996, waste management in Ireland was still governed by
the 1878 Public Health (Ireland) Act from the time of Queen Victoria!
Some 95% of municipal waste was landfilled in some 300 relatively
small and poorly operated dumps. The only recycling was a few glass
and can �bring banks� - scattered throughout the country - operated
by a charity organisation, Rehab. While Irish public policy in all
other infrastructural areas had responded to European legislative
requirements, the waste area remained the Cinderella of the public
Less than 10 years later, modern waste management
in Ireland tells a totally different story. We have a very innovative
national waste awareness campaign (by RPS) on our TV screens (See
Figure 1) - supported by a reasonably dramatic roll-out of recycling
infrastructure. Our national municipal (household and commercial)
recycling rate in 2003 was 28% - in the last EPA Waste Database
Report (www.epa.ie)
- and is now, certainly, in excess of 30% which is double the equivalent
recycling rate in the UK. While the remaining 70% of municipal waste
in Ireland is currently landfilled, this will change also with increased
recycling and biological treatment across the country - together
with the commissioning of waste-to-energy plants in various regions,
many of which are at advanced stages of planning. Based on a new
regional waste management planning system and on up-to-date European
policy, a new integrated waste management policy is unfolding, which
is expected to yield in excess of 40% recycling, some 30% - 40%
of wastes thermally treated and the residual 20% being landfilled
(Figure 2).
These targets were the outcome of a detailed waste
modelling exercise of four different scenarios applying different
levels of recycling and both with and without thermal treatment.
This led to the Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) with
respect to each region.
Today, some 42% of Irish households have a segregated
collection based on 2 bins and some 10% of households currently
have 3 bins (dry and wet recyclables in green and brown bins respectively
and �rest� waste in a black or grey wheelie bin). A substantial
number of regions have between 25% - 30% municipal recycling and,
in the City of Galway, the household recycling rate is in excess
of 50%.
In 2001, the EU Directive on Packaging Waste was fully
implemented with Ireland reaching 25% recovery and it is anticipated
that the target of 50% recovery by 2006 will also be met. Each local
authority has its own Environmental Awareness Officer supporting
a national network co-ordinated by the Race against Waste National
Awareness Team from RPS Group - acting on behalf of the Irish Department
of Environment Heritage and Local Government.
This paper is the story of Ireland�s transformation,
based on a new waste management approach firmly grounded in the
principles of the European Union waste hierarchy and supported by
a newly energised system of waste regulation by the Irish Environmental
Protection Agency and, indeed, strong political leadership by successive
Irish governments - which has proved crucial to our ongoing progress
and success.
3. Birth of Waste Management Strategy in Ireland
Wicklow County Council (population c.100,000 on the east coast,
just south of Dublin) was the first Irish local authority to commission
a waste management strategy in 1993. This was carried out by MCOS
(now part of RPS) and sought to have kerbside collection in the
larger towns, supported by a new waste awareness programme.
Similar exercises were carried out for Meath County
Council in 1995 (again by MCOS) - but, in both counties of similar
size although they were adjacent to Dublin, there was a lack of
critical mass of waste arisings to enable a fully integrated waste
management approach to be pursued.
The breakthrough happened in 1997 when the four Dublin
authorities (Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Council and South Dublin County Council), acting in common,
commissioned a wide ranging waste management strategy for the population
which was then approximately 1 million people. This strategy, prepared
by MCOS, sought to manage Dublin�s waste as much as possible within
the city/county region and to seek a recycling target of 59% with
respect to municipal waste and construction/demolition waste (c.
47% excluding C/D waste). This latter waste stream was growing substantially
on the back of the Celtic Tiger and required urgent diversion from
A citywide kerbside collection of dry recyclables
was recommended by MCOS, together with pilot studies on separation
of the wet fraction to feed biological treatment, followed by thermal
treatment of some 25% of the waste stream and residual landfill
of the remainder (16%). Ambitious targets and timelines were set
out to be assisted by the introduction of new waste presentation
bylaws with respect to household, commercial and industrial waste.
This was backed up by an extensive consultation exercise across
the city and county (Figure 3).
The following year, in 1998, the Government published
its new waste management policy �Changing Our Ways6�.
This policy gave clear direction to the waste planning exercise
countrywide, setting ambitious targets for landfill diversion of
household waste, municipal waste recycling and an integrated network
of infrastructure. This policy sought to split the country into
a number of regions - each with approximately 400,000 persons to
give critical mass. Each region was required to prepare a statutory
waste management plan in accordance with the 1996 Waste Management
Act and ensuing Regulations.
In all, seven substantive regional plans were prepared
(5 of these by MCOS) and three individual county plans were also
prepared and adopted for Counties Wicklow, Kildare and Donegal (including
1 by MCOS and 1 by Kirk McClure Morton) (Figure 4).
Political difficulties developed in some of the regions
with the inclusion of thermal treatment/incineration as part of
the integrated approach, but these were overcome successfully in
2001 when all waste management plans in Ireland were legally adopted
under the EU Framework Directive. When I say �overcome successfully�
- this was achieved in 2001 through a change of law, transferring
the legal powers for plan adoption from Elected Members to the Council
Executive. Ironically, this has worked well in a constructive fashion
with the politicians, as they felt it to be inappropriate to have
policy control on the sensitive waste management issues of facility
These plans are now well on the way to being implemented,
based on strong national political leadership, concerted regional
action by the local authorities and, also, through the initiative
of the private waste industry by bringing forward infrastructural
proposals. These plans were originally valid for the period 2001-2006
and are currently being formally reviewed. This second generation
of waste plans will be adopted later this year for the period 2005-2010.
These replacement plans confirm the original strategic vision of
integrated waste management but seek to put more resources into
waste awareness, regulation and enforcement.
The remainder of this paper will describe how, in
terms of the four Rs � Reduction, Recycling, Recovery (Waste to
Energy) and Residual Landfill � the regional waste management plans
are being currently implemented to create an integrated system.
4. Waste Generation
The remark is commonly made with regard to many processes in life
that - �if you cannot measure them then you cannot manage them�.
That is certainly true of solid waste which, internationally, is
notoriously difficult to quantify in terms of quantity and characterisation.
The Irish EPA was set up in the early 90s and commissioned
the first National Waste Database in 1995. The setting up of the
first database and national methodology for measuring waste arisings
was assisted by MCOS at the time and repeated subsequently by the
EPA itself in 1998 and 2001. A further National Database is currently
being constructed for 2004 and, thereafter, wastes will be measured
on a bi-annual basis in accordance with new European Waste Statistics
Regulation. Nevertheless, the Irish EPA have usefully carried out
a smaller survey on an annual basis, which has helped to inform
policy formulation and implementation to a great extent in recent
years. The early years of the national database exercise was characterised
by the necessary setting up of audit trails and systems to maximise
the accuracy of statistics. This accuracy has improved substantially
as the various regulatory mechanisms set up by new Irish legislation
came into force - requiring the operation of weighbridges at all
facilities and the accurate tracking of waste through new waste
collection permits regulated by each local authority. The quality
of waste statistics continues to improve with each generation of
EPA Database Reports and as regulation improves.
According to the OECD statistics8
published recently, waste generation in Ireland is internationally
very high close to 700kg/capita (Figure 5). Recent EPA figures
show municipal waste generation in Ireland to be 770kg/capita in
2003. This is not surprising when viewed against recent economic
growth in Ireland. Figure 6 shows the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) per capita in US dollars for a range of countries, including
UK and Ireland against the OECD average in 2002. By 2002, economic
growth had, in fact, slowed somewhat in Ireland after a decade of
annual growth of between 5% - 10%.
5. Waste Prevention and Reduction
A new National Waste Prevention Programme (NWPP) has been set up
under the aegis of the Irish EPA. This, together with the national
Race against Waste public awareness campaign, is focusing its efforts
on waste prevention, reduction at source and resource management.
The priority objective of national waste management planning must
be to decouple waste generation from economic development. This
is a particular challenge for Ireland since over the period 1991
to 2003 Ireland�s annual growth in terms of gross domestic product
(GDP) was over double the average of 2.5% for all OECD countries.
This annual growth rate of over 5% was particularly impressive during
the period 1995-2000 - coinciding with the period when waste management
planning and infrastructural development was getting underway in
Ireland and when we began grappling with the accuracy of our waste
In Ireland, we regard waste prevention as the elimination
and reduction at source of material in terms of waste arisings and
harmful substances. Under the NWPP, the EPA aim to deliver substantive
results on waste prevention and minimisation and will integrate
a range of initiatives addressing awareness, raising technical and
financial assistance, training and incentive mechanisms.
In March 2005 the Local Authority Prevention Demonstration
Programme (LAPD) was launched - providing local authorities with
an opportunity to apply for funding for waste prevention projects
and programmes that demonstrate practical measures for preventing
waste. It is anticipated that the introduction of the Office of
Environmental Enforcement by the EPA and �pay by use�
waste collection services at household level from January 1st, 2005,
will have a positive effect on waste prevention and minimisation
at every level - as householders, business and industry attempt
to reduce waste costs by reducing their waste volumes. The possibilities
of illegal burning or disposal of waste resulting from the new charges
must also be monitored. There is also a notable increase in household
sink macerating units, which will have to be discouraged/banned
by regulation as they severely overload wastewater treatment systems
which were not designed to treat solid waste in addition to sewage.
The national Race Against Waste campaign has
been funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government and managed by RPS. It seeks to raise public awareness
about waste generation at all levels and to translate this awareness
into action in terms of reducing waste in the home, in the workplace
and across industry generally (Figure 7). This commenced
with dramatic scenes of a �tsunami� of waste flowing over our streets
and villages (Figure 1) if we don�t cut down and recycle
- shown on national TV after the 9pm watershed. The campaign has
a number of innovative programmes targeted at particular audiences.
For instance, in 2004, the theme was �Small Change for Business�.
This was aimed at the small to medium enterprise sector in partnership
with the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland encouraging the carrying
out of waste audits followed up by action plans to reduce and recycle
business waste, how to deal with waste contractors and a synopsis
of waste legislation as it applies to Small to Medium Business Enterprises
In 2005, the theme is �Programme for Action� - which
is aimed at large organisations, such as university campus�, government
departments, the health service, prisons, the police, defence forces,
transport services and local authorities themselves. A detailed
guide was published to help large organisations set up a waste team,
carry out audits, put a programme of action in place, address green
procurement issues and how to deal effectively with specific waste
streams. Running in tandem with this programme are a series of sectoral-based
national seminars, which will be run during the course of the year
around the country.
At a community level, a Race Against Waste module
has been included in the Tidy Towns Campaign, which has been running
for some 20 years (similar to Tidy Britain Campaign). In each individual
town, particular merit will be achieved in the national competitions
by the number of schools who have adopted the Green Schools Initiative
and by the number of businesses that have taken on board the Race
Against Waste campaign in terms of either large or SME type firms.
Cognisance has also been taken of the many community based waste
management projects which run on a voluntary basis across the country,
with huge diversity - such as Sunflower Recycling Project in inner
city Dublin, to the Aran Islands Recycling Project off the West
coast of Ireland in County Galway.
6. Recycling
The regional plans call for a combination of recycling schemes -
depending on geography and demographics - but averaging some 40%
- 50% of the municipal waste stream. The preference in policy terms
is to seek source separation of wastes as far as possible. This
is in accordance with the internationally accepted view that the
resource value of a waste is inversely propositional to its degree
of mixing.
In the larger towns and cities, each household has
or will have three bins � a green bin for dry recyclables, a brown
bin for wet recyclables or organics and a black or grey bin for
residual waste destined for thermal treatment and/or landfill. This
3 Bin system has the potential to recycle up to 51% of household
waste - as has been recently achieved in Galway City and 46% in
Waterford City (Figure 8). The 51% in Galway is achieved
by a combination of composting (25%), dry recyclables (19%) and
bring banks (7%). It should be noted that household waste collection
in the cities of Dublin, Galway and Waterford - where recycling
rates are highest nationally - is undertaken by the local authorities
themselves, while the processing and treatment facilities are a
public/private mix. As mentioned in the introduction, to date, some
42% of Irish households have a second bin and some 10% had three
bins by the end of 2004. In all cases, the dry recyclables service
was rolled out first as it required a great deal more planning to
put the brown bin in place requiring centralised biological treatment.
The green bin collection is brought to materials recovery facilities
where the dry recyclables are relatively easily sorted and baled.
Unfortunately, in Ireland many of the markets for
these products are abroad - in the UK for steel and aluminium and
some paper and tetra paks, while the bulk of paper and other packaging
is brought to markets in the Far East (especially China). While
a strong regulatory environment is assisting recycling, landfill
cost in Ireland of �150 to �200 per tonne is a significant driver
in diverting waste from landfill also. The collection rate of dry
recyclables in the Dublin region has varied between 8kg to 20kg
per household per month (monthly collections of green bin) which
is high by international standards (Figure 9). Figure 10 shows the
significant progress nationally in recycling of various waste streams
over the period 1998-2003 compared to the period prior to the introduction
of integrated regional waste management plans.
There is a considerable challenge with respect to
construction and demolition waste (C&D; waste) which constitutes
a very high proportion of the municipal waste stream. The achievements
to date against target in Figure 10 may look very encouraging,
but relate mostly to the recovery of soil to agriculture - whereas
the real challenges exist to reuse/recycle concrete, brick, steel,
timber, asphalt and other materials. The National Construction and
Demolition Waste Council (NCDWC) has been set up as a Voluntary
Industry Initiative by the construction industry, with the aim of
achieving 85% recycling of this waste stream as set out in �Changing
Our Ways� policy document (www.ncdwc.ie).
In addition to the kerbside service in the major cities
and towns, each small town (pop 3,000) has - or will have - a stand-alone
waste recycling centre (previously known as civic amenity sites)
and the larger towns have a number of these centres depending on
the population (Figure 11). The public bring bulky goods,
DIY and household hazardous waste to these facilities. Most recycling
centres are free of charge to the householder, but fees apply to
waste that is deposited for disposal and for specific items - such
as waste electrical/electronic goods and other white goods.
A draft National Strategy for Biodegradable Waste
was formulated by RPS-MCOS for the Department of the Environment,
Heritage and Local Government in early 2004 and is currently being
finalised (www.environ.ie).
This strategy, which is consistent with the regional waste management
plans, seeks to advance construction and commissioning of biological
treatment infrastructure throughout the country. To date, there
are some 22 operational composting projects in Ireland - increasingly
based on in-vessel systems. The two most common are being undertaken
by McGill Environmental Systems and Celtic Composting - both of
which use tried and tested systems that have successfully operated
in Europe and the US. (Figure 12)
Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) has been proposed
in some areas as an alternative to separated material for composting
and the dry recyclable markets. While this treatment process can,
no doubt, create diversion of waste from landfill, its role in a
sustainable integrated waste management approach is more dubious.
In Irish policy terms, we have taken the view that MBT is a short-term
treatment method for the grey or black residual waste bin as a pre-treatment
method for landfill before thermal treatment is put in place as
an element in the integrated approach. Our experience of MBT shows
us that its outputs are only suitable as a low quality compost -
or if used as an RDF fuel in cement kilns or the like.
7. Waste to Energy
The draft National Strategy for Biodegradable Waste shows very clearly
that the EU Landfill Directive targets cannot be achieved in Ireland
without the introduction of thermal treatment of some kind.
Based on public consultation carried out as part of
the preparation of the regional waste management plans, there is
a requirement - now clearly outlined in national policy - to reduce
landfill as the least desirable of all waste management options.
It is also a national target to maximise material resource recovery
through recycling achieved by segregated material kerbside collections
in all conurbations of 1,000 persons or more.
During the formulation of the regional waste management
plans in the late 1990s a parallel exercise was carried out in a
number of regions (including the Dublin region) to ascertain the
various forms of thermal treatment commercially available and with
sufficient track record to recommend their use in the Irish context.
These included gasification, pyrolysis and various forms of refuse
derived fuel (RDF). It was concluded that, while the development
of non-incineration thermal technologies should be watched with
interest, only incineration of mostly non-recyclable waste to generate
heat recovery was a sufficiently tried and tested method. Such incineration
cannot be termed �mass burn� in this integrated approach, due to
the very high degree of kerbside recycling at the front end of the
waste stream. There are, currently, three waste-to-energy proposals
at various stages of planning in Ireland � two private proposals
in Cork (Ringaskiddy) and Meath (Dunleek) by the Belgian firm Indaver
and one Public Private Partnership project at Poolbeg for Dublin
City Council. There are also two further proposals in the Irish
midlands � to burn agricultural meat and bone meal as a fuel in
County Offaly and another to use MSW as a fuel in a cement kiln
at Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath.
All projects have experienced local opposition to
varying degrees. The Poolbeg project is utilising an innovative
stakeholder involvement approach, which has considerably reduced
public opposition in comparison to the other proposals. This involved
the use of a local Community Interest Group (CIG) who were representative
of the local community (Figure 13) and independently facilitated
getting a considerable amount of project information from Dublin
City Council well in advance of the statutory process (www.dublinwastetoenergy.ie).
The Client Representative is an RPS-COWI joint venture who have
a brief to represent �the public interest� in addition to
representing Dublin City Council in the PPP negotiation and facilitation.
The project is also likely to fuel a local district
heating project in Dublin to supply some 30,000 homes with heat
energy and some 40,000 homes with electricity. A preferred bidder
is about to be announced who will design, build, operate and finance
the 500,000 tonnes/annum facility for a 20 year period after which
the plant will revert to the city. It is anticipated that the architecture
of the chosen design will be striking - similar to other recently
constructed plants in Europe (Figure 14). The issue of emissions
and public health has been extensively raised while the majority
of the general public in Ireland now appear assured that properly
run modern plants are acceptable neighbours in city centre locations
all over Europe. It is recognised that backyard burning of domestic
waste is a far greater generator of dioxins than properly run incineration.
It is estimated by the Irish EPA that the incineration
of 1 million tonnes of municipal waste would contribute less than
2% of the dioxins emitted nationally. As mentioned previously, this
general acceptance of incineration has been greatly assisted by
strong political leadership at national level and the transfer of
policy issues in this area from politicians to local Council Executives
acting in the public interest.
8. Landfill Disposal
Over a period of 6 to 7 years, we have experienced a substantial
reduction in landfill numbers from some 300 poorly sited and poorly
regulated sites to some 30 well sited well regulated sites. The
vast majority of these sites are owned and run by local authorities,
though new greenfield sites tend to be owned and run by waste contractors.
New sites and, indeed, extensions to existing landfills, tend to
be of the �landraise� variety as landfilling in disused quarries
is discouraged by the statutory groundwater protection body - Geological
Survey of Ireland (GSI). Landraise sites are in fact easier to engineer
and to monitor/contain, where leachate and gas systems are relatively
easy to manage. Site selection is guided by an EPA Manual on Landfill
Site Selection which sieves out exclusionary areas on environmental
grounds (regional aquifers, areas of natural environmental designation
- including ecological/archaeological sites and areas around airports),
followed by a detailed comparison of alternative sites under technical
environmental and economic headings. Figure 15 shows a recent
extension to the Balleally landfill in North County Dublin both
before and after the extension adjacent to the Dublin/Belfast railway
line and close to a designated RAMSAR ecological site on the east
coast. This extension was facilitated by a very pro-active stakeholder
involvement process with local people.
9. Economic Instruments (Inc Pay As You Throw (PAYT)
In recent years, the use of regulatory instruments have gained much
political and public support in Ireland. The use of plastic bags
was banned in shops and supermarkets in March 2002 and, within a
few weeks, gained 90% public support. Previously 1.2 billion plastic
shopping bags were provided free of charge - equivalent to 325 bags
per person per annum. The introduced levy of 15 cent per bag on
the 10% of bags still in circulation, yielded �19m in revenue for
the Environment fund. Similar bans on chewing gum, ATM bank receipts
and takeaway food packaging - though initially proposed by Government
- have not been proceeded with, simply because - unlike the substitution
of durable or strong paper bags for plastic bags - there was no
sustainable alternative material or practice available to act as
For economic instruments to work, clear alternative
and more sustainable strategies must exist and also, the revenue
for non-compliance must help fund increased awareness to ensure
compliance. This, in turn, is accepted as logical and worthwhile
by the public who see that alternative human behaviour is rewarded.
Since January 1st 2005 �Pay by Use� waste charges have applied
to all household producers in Ireland. This �pay by weight or by
volume� system needs to reward people who prevent, minimise or recycle
waste. The Dublin region currently operates a two bin system (green
and black) with a brown bin for organics due to be introduced in
2006. There is a standing charge typically of �80 per annum plus
a �4 charge per bin lift and 20 cent per kilogramme. It is too early
to judge how effective the new system will be. There is already
a noticeable drop in the number of bin lifts resulting from the
charges, but we need to ensure that it is due to waste minimisation
and additional recycling and not illegal disposal or burning or
flushing down our kitchen sinks using in-sink macerators.
Prior to introduction of PAYT schemes, the average
household waste charge in Ireland was �200-�400 per annum depending
on geographical location. This is the only local authority charge
in Ireland as there are no local taxes or other property or community
charges levied as the supply of public water is now a charge on
general national taxation.
Producer Responsibility
A number of producer responsibility schemes are in place for packaging
construction and demolition waste (www.ncdwc.ie),
end of life vehicles and electrical/electronic goods under the WEEE
Directive. These are starting to work well for priority waste streams
and more are planned for newsprint and waste tyres.
Lessons Learnt
From a poor baseline prior to the 1990�s, Ireland is now on the
road to the European model of integrated waste management - dramatically
cutting its previous dependence on landfill. This will lead to a
reduction in the current very high landfill gate fees due to competition
from recycling and waste-to-energy facilities. This is also helped
by increased private sector involvement and investment in waste
management. The regional model of waste management planning in Ireland
has delivered real change in permitting and regulating towards the
integrated approach through waste collection permits and waste presentation
At national level, we have had the political will
to inspire change and to invest in the advice of professional waste
management planners, engineers and environmental scientists. The
new integrated waste system planned for Ireland - and now being
implemented - has been evaluated as the Best Practicable Environmental
Option (BPEO) leading to environmental improvements and an affordable
waste management system in the future. Also, the integrated approach
will be more robust and economically stable as it offers alternative
options in the event of operational difficulties with any one element
of the system. In short, it delivers better waste and resource management
to waste producers in a sustainable way, to meet best international
In conclusion we have found that waste management
is really about people. The projects in Ireland that have invested
in having people as part of the solution have been successful. Waste
management initiatives purely involving machines and technology
do not succeed unless there is adequate stakeholder involvement
and any use of technology needs to be part of an integrated solution
together with prevention and recycling policies. That said, the
concept of �zero waste� - while offering a legitimate expectation
- is not a practical solution to our waste problem, at least not
in this generation or the next. It may be viable as a long term
aim to assist in fostering waste prevention, reduction and recycling
� but, in the meantime, we need to manage the wastes we are producing
in an integrated way by a balanced mix of separation and composting,
thermal treatment and landfill - to meet the current and medium
term needs of this generation. Stakeholder involvement must include
information giving on what people, business and industry produce,
how we propose to manage it, what are its impacts, what are the
alternative options, how much will it cost and who takes the decisions
in the public interest.
The free market will not solve the waste management
problem, but a properly regulated market that offers the individual
incentives to produce less waste, will deliver an optimum service
for both the waste producer and for society as a whole. Economic
instruments only work when you provide a viable alternative and
more sustainable strategy and when the costs of non-compliance are
channelled back to help fund awareness building. This helps to achieve
better resource management in general and especially more sustainable
waste management for our society.
1. �Environment 2010: Our Future,
Our Choice�, Sixth Environment Action Programme, Brussels (2001)
2. Towards a Thematic Strategy on
the Prevention and Recycling of Waste, Brussels (2003)
3. EU Strategy for Sustainable
Development, Brussels (2001)
4. Working Together for Growth and
Jobs � A New Start for the Lisbon Strategy, Brussels (2005)
5. Waste Management Acts 1996 to
6. Policy Statement on �Waste Management
� Changing Our Ways�, Department of the Environment, Heritage and
Local Government, Dublin (1998)
7. National Waste Database Interim
Report for 2003, EPA, Wexford (2004)
8. OECD Factbook 2005 � Economic
Environmental and Social Statistics, Paris (2005)
Note Following on from the above address at the WMAA
Conference, WME magazine - Australia's leading environmental publication
- conducted a poll asking the question - 'Europe considers incineration
a better alternative than landfill. Is It time to put incineration
back on the agenda in Australia?'
The results of the poll - published in WME's September
2005 volume, showed a staggering majority in favour of re-establishing
incineration as a viable alternative in Australia - with figures
of 76%-Yes to 24%-No.