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The Inaugural Smart Cities Summit
Creating Smart, Sustainable
Cities To Drive Economic Growth
April 7th 2011, Croke
Park Convention Centre, Dublin
The Smart City can enhance the lives of
citizens, encourage business to invest and create a sustainable
urban environment.
As the growth engine of national economies, cities are increasingly
challenged to improve their competitiveness. Ireland continues to
compete for investment with cities around the world and our success
in winning foreign direct investment (FDI) over the coming decade
will depend heavily on our key cities emerging as energy-efficient,
technology-driven and consumer focused smart cities.
The inaugural Smart Cities Summit
will examine how Irish cities and regions can join the ranks of
Europe's most economically successful and sustainable cities. Thinking
smart now will ensure that our cities retain their competititive
Organised by iQuest
the Smart Cities Summit is sponsored
by Siemens, eircom, RPS Group and An tSl� Ghlas - The Green Way.
book your place, please click here
Key topics for discussion at Smart Cities 2011 -
- Smart Cities driving competitiveness, innovation & growth
- prioritising investment in our cities to secure sustainable
economic growth
- Winning cities as role models for sustainable living
- lessons Ireland can learn
- Case studies - Amsterdam Smart City and the work of An
tSl� Ghlas - The Green Way - Ireland's first urban cleantech cluster
- Smart City infrastructure and technology - practical
examples of the technologies that need to be in place to support
energy, network communications, water, transport, buildings and
city services
- Financing Smart Cities - with cities being responsible
for 70% of global emissions, what smart policies are required
to stimulate the private finance necessary to enable the rapid
scale-up of the technologies-led clean revolution?
- Opportunities & challenges for Ireland's cities - how
should government approach the development of smart cities? What
leadership and governance structures do we need? Hurdles to overcome?
Who Should Attend?
- CEOs/Directors/Senior Managers in local government - planning,
urban development, infrastructure/transport, ICT, sustainability
- Relevant policymakers & advisors in national and local government
- Large users of energy
- CEOs/Directors, CIOs/Heads of Sustainability in key industries
such as electricity, water, transport
- Utilities - Senior decisionmakers in energy/telecoms/broadband
- ICT industries
- Engineering/Environmental/Economic/Management Consultants
- Financiers/Investors.
& Exhibition Opportunities
Increase your brand profile and generate business leads face-to-face
with decision makers attending this event. For details call Marion
Wallace on 087 2461662 or email [email protected]
For Booking/Registration details -
To view the list of speakers - Click
Summit Programme - Click
Contact information
Marion Wallace
Conference Director
Tel: 087 2461662
Email: [email protected]