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wants your WEEE!
TechRec, the only WEEE
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) processing facility
in Ireland, is opening its doors in 51 Park West, Dublin 12 to the
general public, on Saturday 7th October, 2006 from 10am to 4pm -
as part of National Recycling Week. The aim of the day is to encourage
Irish consumers to become more recycling conscious and do their
part in the 'race against waste'.

TechRec is asking the public to bring old, disused
or unwanted electronic goods - such as irons, toasters, kettles,
battery toys, mobile phones, dishwashers and fridges - to
their recycling plant.
There, the TechRec team will be waiting to show how one of
the most modern WEEE processing plants in Europe processes
your old electrical equipment into reusable raw materials
Officially opened by Minister for the Environment,
Dick Roche TD - and the EU Environment Commissioner, Stavros Dimas
- earlier this year, TechRec is leading the way in electrical waste
management in Ireland. Currently, 70 % of WEEE is exported to the
UK and elsewhere and TechRec are now changing this trend by being
the first fully automated recycling service capable of recovering
95 per cent of all throughput on site and exporting up to 28,000
tonnes of recovered raw materials - including iron and steel, aluminium,
plastics granules, CRT glass and precious metals fractions - for
reuse in manufacturing.
Commenting on its open day, TechRec Managing Director,
Gerry Killen said - "In today's market, the majority of WEEE is
still exported by various means for recycling purposes. TechRec
is Ireland's first physical recycling enterprise in Ireland, not
only to operate a highly efficient automated operation processing
40 tonnes of material per day, but also - through our We3 Software
System - offering the most comprehensive tracking and information
reporting available in this sector."
TechRec will shortly be providing a processing service for
the greater Dublin area, via WEEE Ireland Limited - the largest
compliance scheme for handling WEEE in Ireland.
Dubliners and businesses will now be aware that they can
dispose of their WEEE - cost effectively - to a company on
their doorstep - safe in the knowledge that their products
are not being mishandled or shipped to a non compliant overseas
TechRec Ireland Ltd is a subsidiary of One51 Ltd (Formerly
IAWS Co-op Ltd ) and Europe's leading Electonic Waste Processors,
Immark AG of Switzerland and the Management are also shareholders.
TechRec Ireland represents an investment of over �10m in recycling
in Ireland.
TechRec Ireland Ltd and TechRec NI Ltd are the only WEEE Recycling
and materials recovery facilities on the island of Ireland - handling
all ten categories of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE). All equipment is recycled in Ireland, using the most up-to-date
technology (the company does not export WEEE for processing). TechRec
also employs the most up-to-date WEEE Software - allowing the company
to provide clients - and all statutory bodies - with the most comprehensive
WEEE reporting available on the market today.
White Goods Recycling
The process TechRec uses for white goods recycling - more commonly
known as Large Domestic Appliances (LDA) - is fully Annex II compliant
and all hazardous components are removed before the LDAs are processed
through the company's facilities for the recovery of ferrous metals,
non-ferrous metals and plastics.
Fridge Recycling
Fridges from the ROI are collected and shipped - under TFS -
to the company's fridge recycling plant in Dungannon, Northern
Ireland. TechRec NI processes fridges to the highest standards
- capturing all CFC gases - before recovering ferrous metals,
non ferrous metals and plastics. |
TV Recycling
TVs and computer monitors are dismantled and the plastics, PCB Boards
and the deflector gun are removed manually and processed through
the facility. The glass is then recovered - using special equipment,
designed to separate the panel glass from the funnel glass, which
is then sent for reuse in the manufacture of new TVs and Computer
B2B WEEE Compliance
As well as providing a comprehensive WEEE Recycling service, TechRec
can also advise and assist companies with B2B self compliance. The
company has a "WEEE Waste Management Plan" template
and service contract. This plan has been designed to meet the requirements
of the Irish WEEE Waste Regulations 2005 and the EPA has accepted
this as meeting the requirements of B2B self compliance.
For more information on TechRec - Click
Public service
open day
Saturday 7th of October 2006