Water Quality in Ireland 2001-2003
- a summary of the EPA Report
In many countries, reporting on water quality is probably
the longest established accounting of environmental conditions,
reflecting the importance of water resources and their susceptibility
to pollution. The usual purposes of such reports are to describe
the current position, as shown by the measurements made in the particular
period covered and to highlight any trends apparent when comparisons
are made with preceding periods. Of particular interest are any
responses to recently introduced remedial measures or, indeed, to
new or increased pressures generated by economic activities. On
a more general note, water quality trends constitute one of the
main environmental indicators used to assess progress towards sustainable
The EPA report presents a review of water quality
in the State in the years 2001-2003, based on measurements made
in the period at some 3000 locations on 13,200 km of river and stream
channel, on 492 lakes and 25 estuarine and coastal water areas and
at some 300 groundwater sampling locations.
While the figures for rivers, streams and tidal waters are
similar to those in the previous reporting period (1998-2000),
those for lakes and groundwaters represent a significant increase
in the coverage of the measurements available for the current
reporting period.
Information on the water quality conditions in canals is
also reviewed. These water quality data have been generated
primarily by the ongoing surveys carried out by EPA and the
local authorities and are complemented by those provided by
a number of other bodies, in particular the Central Fisheries
Board and the Marine Institute.
The report also presents an account of the work undertaken
to date by the EPA, local authorities and other bodies to implement
the Water Framework directive, adopted by the EU in 2000 and incorporated
into Irish law in 2003.
National Situation
The water quality situation in the 13,200 km of river
and stream channel surveyed by the EPA, using a biological assessment
method, is regarded as representative of the national status of
such waters and to reflect any overall trends in conditions. Following
the application of this method, the total river length surveyed
in 2001-2003 has been apportioned to four biological Quality Classes.
In terms of the estimated channel length in each class, the status
of this national river baseline in the current and two preceding
three-year periods was as follows:
CLASS A (unpolluted)
- 2001-2003 - 9163 kilometres 69.2%
- 1998-2000 - (9237) kilometres (69.8%)
- 1995-1997 - (8754) kilometres (66.9%)
CLASS B (slight pollution)
- 2001-2003 - 2370 kilometres 17.9%
- 1998-2000 - (2257) kilometres (17.0%)
- 1995-1997 - (2376) kilometres (18.2%)
CLASS C (moderate pollution)
- 2001-2003 - 1637 kilometres 12.3%
- 1998-2000 - (1637) kilometres (12.4%)
- 1995-1997 - (1832) kilometres(14.0%)
CLASS D (serious pollution)
- 2001-2003 - 76 kilometres 0.6%
- 1998-2000 - (112) kilometres (0.8%)
- 1995-1997 - (122) kilometres(0.9%)
Situation in the River Basin Districts
In order of the proportion of surveyed channel length
in Class A, the River Basin Districts (RBDs) identified under the
national Regulations giving effect to the Water Framework directive,
may be ranked as follows (1998-2000 period in parentheses):
- South Western RBD 89% (83%)
- Western RBD 84% (84%)
- North Western IRBD 76% (74%)
- Shannon IRBD 63% (67%)
- South Eastern RBD 58% (62%)
- Neagh Bann IRBD 55% (54%)
- Eastern RBD 41% (42%)
As expected, the less densely populated and less developed regions
have the higher proportions of unpolluted channel while the eastern
and south-eastern areas are most affected by water quality degradation.
Changes since 1998-2000
The figures show that there was a slight reduction in the proportion
of channel classed as unpolluted in the current compared to the
previous period. This was due to a small increase in the slightly
polluted category. In contrast, the proportion of moderately polluted
channel has not changed between the two periods and there has been
a reduction in the length of seriously polluted channel - which
amounted to 76 km in 2001-2003, as compared with 112 km in 1998-2000
- and is the lowest on record since the early 1990s. At RBD level,
recent improvements (increase in Class A) have been recorded in
the North Western and South Western RBDs in contrast to an overall
deterioration in the Shannon RBD. Serious pollution has been substantially
reduced in the Eastern RBD and to a lesser extent in the South Eastern
RBD while moderate pollution has been reduced somewhat in the Western
RBD in recent years.
Suspected Causes of Pollution
Of the 49 sampling locations classified as seriously polluted in
the 2001-2003 period, 24 were suspected to be in this condition
as a result of municipal, mostly sewage, discharges - this is four
less than in the previous (1998-2000) survey period. The seriously
polluted condition of a further seven locations was suspected to
be due to agriculture, five to industry and the remaining 13 to
miscellaneous or unknown sources.
In regard to the moderate and slight pollution detected in the
period, the bulk of this was suspected to be caused by municipal
and agricultural sources in approximately equal measure.
Fish Kills
The total number of fish-kills in freshwaters (rivers and lakes)
reported by the Central Fishery Board (CFB) in the period under
review was 147 - broadly similar to the previous period but still
unacceptably high. It is likely that agriculture was responsible
for some 48 of these fish kills, industry for 20 and sewage discharges
for 17 - with the balance attributable to �other� (47) and �unknown
(15) causes.
Quality of Salmonid Waters
Data for the rivers and streams designated under national Regulations
as salmonid for the purposes of the EU Freshwater Fish directive
are reviewed. These show a similar situation to previous periods,
breaches of the water quality standards set by the Regulations being
due mostly to exceedances for nitrite. As has been pointed out in
previous reports, the limit set for this parameter seems too stringent
as it is exceeded in many cases where the levels of other substances
are within requirements. Other parameters breached include dissolved
oxygen, ammonium and copper - but there were only a few instances
of such breaches.
Impact of Selected Sewage Treatment Plants
The performance of several sewage treatment plants upgraded in
the early 1980s - as well as four newly upgraded plants - was assessed
in the period, based on the conditions in the receiving waters.
Serious pollution has been eliminated below most of these plants
but restoration to fully satisfactory conditions has been observed
in only a few cases - e.g. on the R. Liffey below the Osberstown
treatment plant. It is likely that factors such as un-intercepted
wastewater sources, plant overloading or under-performance and poor
water quality upstream of the outfall are responsible for the failure
to achieve such conditions in many cases; in addition, the absence
of phosphorus removal facilities may allow eutrophic conditions
to persist in some cases.
While the recent data confirm that nitrate concentrations in Irish
surface waters are generally well within the mandatory limit set
for abstraction and drinking waters, the concentrations recorded
- in the south-east particularly - are significantly above natural
levels and, therefore, may contribute to eutrophication in both
fresh and tidal waters. However, it is noted that the recently measured
levels represent a continuance of the downward trend in concentrations
which became apparent in the mid 1990s in the major rivers of the
Toxic Substances in Rivers and Streams
The results of surveys of the levels of toxic and bioaccumulative
substances (�Dangerous Substances�) in rivers, undertaken by the
EPA in the period, are reviewed. These measurements included the
substances specified in the Dangerous Substances Regulations of
2001. With the exception of trace concentrations of the herbicides
simazine and atrazine, the synthetic organic compounds included
in the survey were not present above the analytical detection levels.
Metal contamination was most pronounced in the R. Avoca -
a situation which has been on record for many years and is
attributable to the presence of the now defunct copper mines.
The results of a recently completed research project, commissioned
by the EPA, on the levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals
(EDCs) in rivers are also summarised. Indications of an EDC
effect in fish were only detected below the Osberstown sewage
treatment plant on the R. Liffey.
Quality of Canal Waters
While the major canals, based on the results of recent surveys,
continue to have generally good water quality, they are nonetheless
subject to some pressures. The majority of cases of canal enrichment
or faecal contamination detected can be attributed, for the most
part, to the incoming feeder streams. The monitoring programme of
the canals and their feeder streams, carried out by the CFB for
Waterways Ireland, has among its objectives the identification of
sources of enrichment or microbiological contamination and to eliminate
these where possible. The monitoring programme will have to be expanded
to include biological elements, such as phytobenthos, macrophytes
and fish in order to meet the needs of the Water Framework directive.
National Situation
The main assessment of the water quality of lakes is based on estimates
of the annual maxima of the chlorophyll concentrations. These are
taken as indicators of the level of algal and cyanobacterial growth
in the water column and thus of the tendency to eutrophication.
In the 2001-2003 period, the great majority (82%) of the 492 lakes
sampled were assessed as oligotrophic or mesotrophic - i.e. having
low or moderate levels of algal and cyanobacterial production and
they were deemed, therefore, to be of satisfactory water quality
The combined areas of these lakes represent 91 per cent of
the total area of such waters included in the surveys in the
Agricultural activities are considered to be the source of
the nutrient enrichment affecting most of the 90 lakes which
were assessed as eutrophic or hypertrophic on the basis of
their chlorophyll concentrations, but point sources, including
sewage discharges, are involved in some cases.
Regional Situation
On a regional basis, the proportion (91%) of lakes sampled in the
western counties showing satisfactory water quality was much greater
than in the case of the midlands (59%) and the remainder of the
country (77%). Most of the lakes assessed as polluted in the period
- including 10 of the 12 classified as hypertrophic - are located
in the north midlands area. The bulk of the lakes in the State are
located in three of the seven River Basin Districts identified for
the purposes of the Water Framework directive - viz Western RBD,
North Western IRBD and Shannon IRBD. The Western RBD had the highest
proportion of lakes with a satisfactory status in the period but
such lakes were in the majority in all of the RBDs.
Analysis by Size
Most lakes in the State have areas less than 0.05 km2 and only
100 are greater than 1 km2. Of the 393 lakes surveyed in the period
with areas less than 1 km2, 80 per cent were assessed as having
satisfactory water quality while a larger proportion (89%) of the
medium sized waters (1.0-7.5 km2) were similarly classified. Most
(81%) again of the larger lakes (>7.5 km2) were assessed as satisfactory
in the period - these including Loughs Corrib, Derg, Ree and Mask,
the largest lakes in the State. However, in the case of Loughs Ree
and Derg, it is likely that the recent infestation of these lakes
by the Zebra mussel has been partially responsible for the much
of the reduction of the chlorophyll concentrations recorded in recent
In the case of the large western lakes, while the open waters showed
low or moderate levels of planktonic algae, instances of excessive
algal growth have been noted in the littoral areas and these may
indicate some localised nutrient enrichment. Chlorophyll concentrations
indicative of serious pollution were again recorded in four of the
large lakes - viz Loughs Sheelin, Gowna, Ramor and Oughter - while
in Lough Carrowmore in Co. Mayo, algal and cyanobacterial growths
were indicative of a moderate degree of eutrophication.
Trends in Lake Water Quality
The proportions of the surveyed lakes assessed as oligotrophic
or mesotrophic have not changed appreciably since the mid 1990's,
despite the increased coverage in recent years. However, there has
been a marked increase in the area of lake water assessed as mesotrophic,
due mainly to the change of the of the large Shannon lakes from
the eutrophic to the lower trophic status.
Of 21 lakes examined periodically since 1976, roughly half
have shown satisfactory conditions on all occasions, although
some have fluctuated between the oligotrophic and mesotrophic
Other lakes - e.g. Loughs Ennell and Leane - have shown significant
reduction of pollution following earlier enrichment during
the 29 year period, while a further group, including Loughs
Sheelin and Ramor, have remained in a eutrophic or hypertrophic
condition throughout the period.
Acid-Sensitive Waters
Monitoring of the representative acid-sensitive lakes and their
feeder streams in Co's Donegal (Lough Veagh), Galway (Lough Maumwee)
and Wicklow (Glendalough Upper), continued in the report period
and the results are presented. The biological and physico-chemical
measurements continued to demonstrate the unimpacted status of the
Donegal and Galway lakes, while the indications of artificial acidification
in the water of the afforested feeder stream catchment at Glendalough
were again clear. There is no indication of any change vis-�-vis
acidification in these lakes and streams over the last twenty years,
but the levels of non-marine sulphate recorded have declined - reflecting
a Europeanwide trend in response to controls on emissions of acidifying
gases to the atmosphere.
Bathing Waters
There are nine bathing water areas located on lakes which are designated
for the purposes of the EU Bathing Waters directive. Monitoring
showed that these were of good quality during the period - all complying
with the directive�s mandatory standards in each of the three years
and only one failing to match the more stringent guideline values
set by the directive in 2001.
National Situation
The general assessment of water quality conditions of tidal waters
reported was intended primarily to detect any tendencies to eutrophication
and was based on the combined survey data for the 1999-2003 period.
A total of 69 individual estuaries and coastal waters bodies in
25 estuarine and coastal areas were assessed in this period. Of
these, 12 were classed as Eutrophic, three as Potentially Eutrophic,
28 as of Intermediate Status and 26 as Unpolluted. The eutrophic
waters include all or part of the estuaries of the Broadmeadow in
Co. Dublin, the Slaney in Co. Wexford and the Blackwater and Bandon
in Co's Waterford and Cork. The designation of a further estuary,
Argideen, in Co. Cork as eutrophic is tentative, as it is based
solely on field observations of the growths of attached algae.
The status of some two thirds of the waters surveyed has
remained unchanged since the previous assessment period (1995-1999),
while of the remainder, approximately equal numbers have shown
either improvement or deterioration. Among those tidal water
bodies showing improvement between the two periods were the
Liffey estuary, the Upper Slaney estuary and the Upper Blackwater
estuary - each of which changed from Eutrophic to Intermediate
Notable instances of deterioration were those in Castletown
Estuary, Dundalk and South Wexford Harbour, where the trophic
status changed from Intermediate in 1995-1999 to Eutrophic
in 1999-2003.
The assessments have implications for the level of treatment
required for sewage in the context of the EU Urban Waste Water
Treatment directive.
Data on nitrate and phosphate levels in the offshore waters of
the Irish Sea arising from winter/spring surveys carried out by
the Marine Institute, indicate that these are not artificially enhanced
to any significant extent.
Toxic Contaminants in Estuarine and Coastal Waters
Information on the levels of potentially toxic and bioaccumulative
substances in tidal waters arises mainly from the monitoring of
fish and shellfish tissue undertaken by the Marine Institute in
connection with consumer protection requirements. Data for the 2001-2003
period continued to demonstrate the relatively low levels of such
substances in samples taken in Irish waters which are well within
those set for the purposes of consumer protection. Special surveys
of the occurrence of the pesticide toxaphene and flame retardant
chemicals were carried out in the period. Levels of the former in
fish tissue were within recommended limits for consumers, while
those of the latter substances found in fish and sediment, were
at the lower end of the range reported for other European sites.
Quality of Shellfish and Shellfish Waters
The monitoring of the sanitary status of shellfish from commercial
production areas in the period, again showed that the majority of
these sites fall into the category (B) of the official classification
scheme - indicating the need for pre-purification before live molluscs
are offered for sale. The sites receiving a C rating, thus necessitating
re-laying of molluscs for at least two months in clean areas before
offering for sale, was less than 5 per cent - similar to the position
in previous periods. Monitoring of the quality of shellfish waters
in 2001-2003, showed that physico-chemical conditions were good
and complied with the requirements of the relevant EU directive.
The occurrence of biotoxins in shellfish rearing waters continued
to be monitored by the Marine Institute through the reporting period.
This is based mainly on examination of phytoplankton samples for
the presence of toxin producing algae - in particular, species of
Dinoflagellates. DSP (Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning) was again
the toxin most frequently detected, but a number of other toxins
were recorded in the period. Several complete closures or restricted
harvesting of shellfish areas were required in the period due to
the presence of toxin-bearing algae, lasting up to 10 months in
some cases.
Quality of Bathing Waters
Monitoring of the quality of 122 bathing areas indicated that these
were generally of satisfactory status - over 97 per cent of the
sites being in compliance with mandatory standards set by the EU
Bathing Waters directive and with national regulations in each year
of the reporting period. In total, there were ten instances of annual
data in non-compliance with the mandatory limits during the period,
but none of the locations involved failed in more than one of the
three years. There was some reduction of the number of sites attaining
the more stringent guideline conditions set by the EU directive
compared to the previous period - the proportion attaining these
dropping from 92 per cent in 2000 to 84 per cent in 2003.
The proposed revision of the Bathing Waters directive includes
more stringent bacteriological standards than the existing
This revision, if adopted, could lead to lower compliance
levels for the designated waters.
The Blue Flag designation for bathing waters - which is administered
in Ireland by An Taisce - and which, besides water quality,
takes into account general amenity and other factors, was
awarded to some 60 per cent of the designated beaches in the
reported period.
Radioactivity Monitoring
The measurements of radioactivity in the marine environment carried
out by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland are mainly
intended to assess the impact of the discharges to the eastern Irish
Sea from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing facility in north-west
England. The main artificial radionuclide of concern in these discharges
- caesium-137 - has remained at a relatively stable level in the
Irish marine environment since the mid 1990s - these levels being
considerably lower than those measured in the preceding decades.
Caesium-137 continues to be the largest contributor to the total
intake of artificial radionuclide via the consumption of fish and
shellfish taken from Irish Sea waters.
Discharges of technetium-99 from the Sellafield facility have increased
in recent years, but, as this isotope has a relatively low radiotoxicity,
it contributes only a minor fraction of the total intake of artificial
radionuclide through the consumption of seafood.
The currently estimated radiation dosage to heavy consumers of
such food is, however, only a very small proportion (<0.05%) of
the total annual dosage received from all sources.
Oil Pollution Incidents
The documentation and investigation of oil pollution in the marine
environment is the responsibility of the Irish Coast Guard, whose
remit covers an area stretching to 200 miles off the west coast
and to the median line between Ireland and the UK in the Irish and
Celtic Seas. Anti-pollution measures were successfully deployed
in the period in most cases of vessel grounding or similar incident.
In addition, 148 reports of pollution were investigated. Mineral
oils accounted for the bulk of the polluting material observed but,
in most cases, it was not possible to identify of the vessels involved.
The position, in this respect, may be improved in future by the
use of aerial surveillance.
National Situation
Since many groundwaters are used directly - without treatment -
for potable supply, it is considered appropriate that their quality
should be assessed in relation to the requirements for such water
set out in the EU Drinking Water directive and corresponding national
regulations. The data obtained from the measurements made in the
2001-2003 period - at some 300 locations representative of the main
aquifers and abstraction points - show again that the groundwater
quality at the majority of locations was in conformance with these
requirements at the times of sampling. However, a significant number
of instances of exceedances of the limits - including those for
faecal coliforms - were recorded and suggest that protection of
these waters is not effective in some cases. A comparison of the
2001-2003 data with those for the 1995-1997 and 1998-2000 periods,
shows only minor changes for most parameters measured, although
there has been a reduction in the level of faecal coliform contamination.
pH and Conductivity
Most samples showed values within the normal range for these parameters,
which are generally reflective of natural characteristics. However,
51 samples had pH values less than 6.0 - the most acidic having
a pH of 4.8. Relatively high conductivity (>1000 �S/cm) was recorded
in 41 samples, of which 15 exceeded 1500 �S/cm - the Maximum Acceptable
Concentration (MAC) for drinking water.
Appreciable concentrations of ammonia in groundwater are indicative
of contamination with organic waste and thus of the potential presence,
inter alia, of sewage derived material. Some 6 per cent of the samples
taken had ammonia concentrations over 0.23 mg/l N, the drinking
water MAC - the highest concentration recorded being 30 mg/l N.
Mean concentrations over 0.23 mg/l N were recorded at 20 of the
302 locations assessed for ammonia contamination. The data showed
only minor differences when compared to those for the previous reporting
The presence of high nitrate concentrations in groundwaters is
of public health concern if these are used for potable supply and,
in addition, may contribute to surface water eutrophication at times
when these waters contribute the bulk of the flow in rivers and
streams. More than one fifth of the samples analysed for nitrate
had concentrations over the guide level (25 mg/l NO3) for drinking
wate, while in 34 samples, the nitrate concentration exceeded the
mandatory limit of 50 mg/l NO3. Mean concentrations exceeded the
guide level at 70 of the 301 sampling stations assessed and exceeded
the mandatory limit at five of these locations. Again, only minor
changes were recorded compared to the results for the earlier reporting
Chloride levels in freshwaters are largely determined by the amount
of sea-derived salts entrained in precipitation. However, the presence
of organic wastes such as sewage may significantly increase the
chloride content of waters and, if high enough, these may impart
a taste. The drinking water MAC for chloride is 250 mg/l and this
was not exceeded in any of the groundwater samples taken in the
period. Most (85%) of the sampling locations had mean concentrations
less than 30 mg/l. There were no significant differences to results
from the earlier periods.
The main implication of above natural levels of phosphate in groundwaters
is the potential to contribute to eutrophication in associated rivers
and lakes. The MAC for drinking water set by the 1988 directive
is around 2.2 mg/l P - a level well above the concentrations typical
of surface waters. However, a limit for phosphate is not specified
in the revised directive of 2000 which took effect in 2004. Mean
phosphate concentrations exceeded 0.03 mg/l P - the limit set for
the annual median concentration in rivers under the Phosphorus Regulations
- at 94 of the 303 sampling locations assessed, while this concentration
was exceeded in 27 per cent of the samples analysed. The proportion
of locations with raised concentrations of phosphate was greater
than in the preceding reporting periods.
Iron and Managnese
High concentrations of these naturally occurring elements may cause
tastes and the staining of fabrics during washing. Organic pollution
of groundwaters can exacerbate this effect by producing the reducing
conditions which lead to the formation of the soluble ions of the
metals. MACs of 0.2 mg/l Fe and 0.05 mg/l Mn have been set by the
drinking water directive. Mean concentrations of iron and manganese,
respectively, exceeded the MACs at 16 and 17 per cent of the sampling
locations in the 2001-2003 period - the highest concentrations recorded
in individual samples being 7.9 mg/l Fe and 4.6 mg/l Mn.
A continuing reduction in the proportion of sampling locations
having mean concentrations over the MAC has been noted in the case
of both metals over the three reporting periods.
Bacteriological Examination
The main threat to users of groundwaters is contamination with
pathogenic microorganisms - such as Salmonella originating in sewage,
animal manures or other organic wastes. The potential presence of
such agents is usually inferred from the level of contamination
of waters with bacteria of faecal origin, in particular faecal coliforms.
Thus, the drinking water directive requires that these be undetectable
in samples. In the period under review, faecal coliforms were detected
in 22 per cent of the samples of groundwater taken and at 49 per
cent of the sampling locations. In 12 per cent of samples, counts
of faecal coliforms exceeded 10/100 ml - a level indicating gross
While these figures indicate that a significant level of faecal
contamination of groundwaters persists, it is noted that the 2001-2003
data indicate a significant reduction of the incidence of such contamination
compared to the earlier periods.
Following the detection of uranium in some groundwater samples
taken by the EPA in 2001, it was decided to conduct a more systematic
survey of its occurrence in these waters in the current reporting
period. Of the 1228 samples analysed, 80 per cent had concentrations
less than the detection level of 1 �g/l, while only 24 had concentrations
over 10 �g/l. The highest concentration recorded was 132 �g/l in
a sample from Co. Wicklow. These results may be compared with a
tentative guideline limit of 15 �g/l for drinking waters proposed
by the World Health Organisation. High levels of uranium may have
a toxic effect on the kidneys. While an investigation by the Health
Services Executive found no evidence of kidney disease associated
with the use of water from the Wicklow source, some changes in the
sourcing of water supplies were made as a result of the findings.
The directive establishing a framework for Community action in
the field of water policy - commonly known as the Water Framework
directive (WFD) - was formally adopted by the EU Parliament and
Council in October 2000 and incorporated into Irish law by Regulation
in December 2003. The directive establishes a comprehensive basis
for the management of water resources in the Member States and provides
for the repeal of a number of existing directives dealing with water
quality. The new directive requires the establishing of River Basin
Districts (RBDs) as the units for water resource management. The
primary role for RBDs is the formulation of management plans incorporating
those measures required to meet the objectives of the directive
- including the attainment of good quality for all waters by 2015.
Good quality in the context of the directive means only minor change
of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water
bodies compared to the natural state and this is a more comprehensive
requirement than that of existing directives, which deal mainly
with water quality.
The Regulations identify the EPA and the local authorities
as the competent authorities for the implementation of the
directive. The latter constitute the RBDs, while the Agency
is responsible for a number of technical aspects - including
the formulation of monitoring programmes.
In addition, the Regulations identify other public bodies
which are required to assist in the implementation process.
The Regulations identify four RBDs wholly within the State (Eastern,
South-Eastern, South-Western and Western) and three International
RBDs shared with N. Ireland (Shannon, North-Western and Neagh-Bann).
Implementation at RBD level is being undertaken by the local authorities
with the assistance of consultants. Special arrangements have been
made with the NI authorities to undertake the implementation in
the three IRBDs. A national steering committee was convened by the
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in
2001 to oversee the implementation of the directive. In January
2004, the EPA convened a Technical Co-ordination Group to deal with
this at a more detailed level - a number of Working Groups have
been established under the former to investigate and make proposals
on specific matters.
The main task, undertaken to date, was the preparation of the Characterisation
Reports for the RBDs. This involved the documentation of the physical,
chemical and biological features of the surface and groundwaters
and an assessment of the pressures acting on them due to human activity.
For the surface waters, this included the discrimination of the
different physical types present having biological significance
and the reference or high quality conditions for these types. Groundwaters
were characterised on the basis of physical and chemical features.
Water bodies subject to major physical alterations were identified
- these will be candidates for designation as heavily modified water
bodies in which appropriate objectives will apply.
The data on pressures were used to assess the risk of water bodies
not achieving the objectives of the directive. Pressures in this
context include - in addition to those with a potential to cause
pollution - physical impacts on the morphology of the water body,
presence of alien species and fishing pressure. Almost two thirds
of river and larger lakes water bodies and a similar proportion
of groundwater bodies were assessed as at such risk - with lower
proportions in the case of transitional (estuarine) (~50%) and coastal
(27%) water bodies. In most cases, the �at risk� status was assigned
on the basis of morphological factors or diffuse sources of pollution.
The Characterisation report was placed on the national web
site for the Water Framework directive (www.wfdireland.ie/)
in December 2004 - in accordance with the Regulations. In
addition, a summary of this report was submitted to the EU
Commission in March 2005.
Tasks currently in hand include a further refinement of the
characterisation process, the formulation of monitoring programmes
and the participation in intercalibration exercises related
to classification systems.
The next main task following will be the consideration of the measures
needed to meet the objectives of the directive in those water bodies
not achieving or at risk of not achieving good status.
The data and other information available for the 2001-2003 period
indicate that:
- Eutrophication affects a considerable proportion of the surface
waters of the State and is the main threat to these systems. At
least in the freshwaters, this is attributed primarily to excess
phosphorus input.
- Intermittent contamination of groundwaters with faecal coliforms
appears to be relatively widespread and constitutes a risk for
those using such waters for drinking without sterilisation.
- Nitrate contamination, to a lesser or greater extent, affects
both surface and groundwaters. In the former, it is generally
present at levels less than the guide limit set for drinking water,
but is likely to be contributing to the impact of eutrophication.
In the latter, it is often present at levels higher than those
in surface waters and, in a number of the locations sampled, exceeds
the limits for drinking water.
- The waters identified as unsatisfactory are not likely to be
of good status in terms of the Water Framework directive and will,
therefore, require improvement within the time limits set by that
- The main restorative measure required for surface water is nutrient
loss control. In relation to point sources, this will necessitate
further upgrading of sewage and industrial waste treatment plants
to facilitate the removal of phosphorus and/or nitrogen - for
certain sewage treatment plants, such upgrading is also a requirement
under the Urban Waste Water Treatment directive.
- Control of nutrient loss from farming activities is a more widespread
need. The National Action Plan for the implementation of the Nitrates
directive should provide a basis for the reduction of both nitrate
and phosphate losses from farm land, which is the main contributor
of these nutrients to waters. It should also benefit groundwaters
in reducing the potential for bacterial and nitrate contamination.