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The Inaugural Water Metering Summit

Defining the National Strategy on Water Metering

May 31st 2011, Croke Park Convention Centre, Dublin

In these times of major uncertainty, one decision has been made - domestic water charges will be introduced.

For reasons of structural fiscal reform - we have to broaden the tax base - as well as for sound environmental reasons, domestic water charges will be introduced by 2013. The decision was sealed in December 2010 under the EU/IMF deal with Ireland and water charges feature in the new Programme for Government.

That doesn�t leave long for the national roll-out of domestic water meters to get underway, with an estimated investment of �600m, as a national priority over the next 2 years.

Organised by iQuest, the inaugural National Water Metering Summit is a timely high-level one-day conference that will provide a forum to contribute to defining the national strategy on water metering.

Why Should You Attend?

The National Water Metering Summit is designed for key industry decision-makers, including:

  • CEOs/Directors/Senior Managers/Engineers responsible for water services in local authorities
  • Relevant policy-makers, decision-makers and advisors in national government
  • Decision-makers in utilities and relevant product and service providers.

Attending this event will increase your understanding of the issues and challenges ahead in rolling out domestic water metering and what it means for your organisation -

  • Get the latest update on the domestic water metering programme and what it means for you
  • Understand what the meter needs to achieve
  • Understand government, industry and customer expectations and obstacles
  • Learn about the current metering technologies and what�s on the horizon
  • Discover the drivers & benefits of Smart Metering applications for water and hear examples of applications from around the world
  • Hear about the opportunities for collaborating with Energy Utilities and their smart metering programmes
  • Learn about water tariffs - how to balance economic, environmental and social objectives
  • Discover the key legal issues surrounding procurement strategies for rollout of metering contracts.

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

Increase your brand profile and generate business leads face-to-face with decision-makers attending this event. For details contact -
Marion Wallace - Tel:087 2461662 / Email: [email protected]

For Booking/Registration details -
Click Here

To view the list of speakers - Click Here

Download Summit Programme - Click Here

Contact information

Marion Wallace
Conference Director
Tel: 087 2461662
[email protected]

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