Casino Zonder Cruks


� - Ireland's online store for sustainable living


Ireland's newest online store for recycling, waste management and renewable sustainable products has opened its doors. aims to offer a wide range of innovative products within these sectors at competitive prices - together with delivery anywhere in Ireland! International orders are also welcomed.

Ireland is experiencing double-digit price inflation with regard to waste management and energy costs. offers householders and commercial bodies, alike, well designed and innovative products that can help you handle, separate and recycle your waste.

On the energy side, offers a wide range of renewable products to heat your home / commercial premesis in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner - and reduce your dependence on fossil fuels (carbon negative).

With the recently announced price rises of 19% to 35% for Gas and Electricity, generated energy has become a serious cost for every home and business. Remember 'GREEN' living can save you money!!

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