Casino Zonder Cruks



Organo TOVEKO Filters


Organo TOVEKO� filters are manufactured in various grades of stainless and duplex steels in a range of sizes from 0.75 - 12 sq m of filter area. The standard materials of construction are 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel. For high chloride-containing feed streams, Organo can also manufacture in 2205 or 254SMO grade duplex alloys.

Each filter is fully pre-assembled and tested in Organo's factory prior to delivery and comes to site complete with its own control system.

It requires just a flat concrete slab to sit on, power and compressed air supplies and pipework connections to be completed, before it can be filled and commissioned.
This means that, when necessary, the filter can be operational in only one or two days after arrival on-site.

The TOVEKO� continuous, gravity fed sand filter is unique -
  • It is only 2.3m high. This means -
    - You can often gravity flow into it, avoiding pumping systems
    - Its low profile is beneficial for sensitive sites
  • Wash water requirement is typically only 2-5% of feed flow - lower than its rivals
  • The unique sand washer is highly efficient - making it particularly suitable for removal of sticky/stubborn solids, such as oil
  • Each filter has an automatic head loss detection system, which controls start, stop and, most importantly, the rate of sand washing. This makes it largely self compensating when presented with short term peak loads
  • Each filter has an inlet launder along its entire length - enabling it to cope with large fluctuations in feed flow and pressure drop across the sand bed.

Recent orders have been received from two Irish Companies for more TOVEKO continuous gravity sand filters for small tertiary filtration applications.

The first is for a model S-150 filter, destined for a country golf resort in County Wexford . This has a filtration area of 1.5m� and will easily handle a flow rate of 15m� per hour - making it suitable for a population equivalent of approximately 1,800.

The filter will be used to achieve a discharge quality of 5mg/l suspended solids - a quality that has been proven to be achievable in previous contracts in Ireland, where this relatively stringent requirement is becoming increasingly common.

The second order is for a model S-25 ('Mini') filter. This variant of the standard TOVEKO filter design was developed with the small user specifically in mind. With a filtration surface area of 0.25m� it can easily handle flows up to 2.5m�/h - making it ideal for small packaged plants designed for population equivalents up to approximately 300.
Each TOVEKO filter is pre-assembled complete with its own control system and tested prior to delivery to site. This makes site installation quick, simple and cheap. The low height of TOVEKO filters makes them ideal for environmentally sensitive sites where tall structures are not permitted and also permits gravity flow where systems are installed above ground.

Organo is currently looking for additional distributors for TOVEKO filters in a number of countries - for further details - Click Here

For more information 0n Organo products - Click Here



