Environmental Efficiency
has been in operation since the late 1980s and is one of the most
significant commercial providers of energy and environmental consultancy
in Ireland. The company Directors - Bob Sutcliffe and Noel McGrath
- are chartered engineers and work with a team of 16 engineers and
environmental experts.

Environmental Efficiency offers its clients
professional expertise to the highest standard in all areas related
to environmental management and compliance issues. With a customer
base of over 350 clients, the company has a wide experience of Irish
industry and has carried out energy and environmental projects for
pharmaceutical, chemical, construction, timber processing, food
and drink, printing, electronics, engineering and waste sectors.
Clients are provided with a personal service which
is unique to the company. The in-house team of experts are on hand
to help and advise clients at all times on the dedicated callsave
facility - 1850 929200.
Environmental Efficiency is an approved consultant
for -
the Irish Concrete Federation - and |
the Carbon Trust (UK). |
Energy Audits
An energy audit is a recognised technique for identifying procedures
and techniques to reduce energy costs.
The average saving achieved by Environmental Efficiency
is 23% within a 15 month payback. One key to Environmental Efficiency's
success in this area is that the company first identifies best
practice for the sector and then examines how it can be implemented
for the client.
The energy consultancy services also comprise feasibility studies,
energy consumption benchmarking, project implementation, renewable
energy and related consultancy. |
Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmental Efficiency undertakes EIAs in all sectors and has
specific expertise in quarries and housing developments. This work
includes planning applications where necessary.
Environmental Management Systems
The company has assisted businesses with regard to creating and
implementing EMS's to ISO 14001 - which have enabled them to meet
the accreditation requirements of both NSAI and SGS. Assistance
is also provided in obtaining grants from Enterprise Ireland.
IPC/IPPC Licence Application, Compliance and Maintenance
An IPC licence is a legal requirement for certain activities that
exceed a defined threshold. For example, using more than 10 tonnes
of organic solvents per year in coating operations (e.g. printing
or paint spraying) requires an IPC licence. Environmental Efficiency
can assist in all aspects of IPC/IPPC applications and reviews.
Bund integrity testing is essential to maintain confidence
in the ability to limit the impact of accidental discharges
from storage facilities.
Environmental Efficiency is foremost in performing such tests
to various protocols, including visual inspections by chartered
Waste Management
Environmental Efficiency helps businesses meet their legal requirements
and reduce the cost and quantity of the waste they produce. Services
include -
- waste auditing
- minimisation
- waste permit and licence applications
- raw materials assessment
- waste to energy feasibility studies - and
- project implementation.
Environmental Monitoring
Air, dust, surface water, waste water and groundwater monitoring
are carried out in accordance with the relevant BS, ISO and
DIN standards. Environmental Efficiency participate in the EPA
inter-laboratory testing scheme. The company has a large range
of sampling equipment and media in stock which gives it a rapid
response time. Where the parameters for analysis are less common
- or very low detection limits are required - Environmental
Efficiency can subcontract. |
Occupational Health
Environmental Efficiency can undertake occupational Air and Noise
monitoring. Occupational noise can be a significant issue - particularly
with the recent lowering of the noise limits.
Noise Monitoring
The company has a significant noise monitoring capability - with
a wide range of noise meters (including third band octave and narrow
band) and IOSH Accredited Environmental noise surveyors.
Vibration Monitoring
Environmental Efficiency can also provide Vibration Monitoring to
the British Standard - BS5228, BS6472, BS6481, BS7385 - which will
include a baseline survey, continual monitoring and calculations
on a daily or monthly basis.
The company offers training in Environmental Legislation and Environmental
Awareness. Training can also be offered in a wide range of environmental
areas including -
- spill response
- occupational noise
- waste management - and
- environmental awareness.
For more information, case studies and flyers
- Click
- or contact:
Bob Sutcliffe
Tel: +353 (0)1 276 1428
Email: [email protected]
