Landia, founded in 1933, has over 60 years of
experience in the manufacture and supply of pumps to industry
and agriculture. The company has specialized mainly in the development,
production and marketing of mixers and pumps for the treatment
of difficult mediums. |
In 1950, the company developed a pump with a special
knife system to pump difficult mediums with a high dry matter content.
This pump became - because of its functions and very high quality
- a large success and formed the basis of Landia's further development
of products and know-how in this area. Several hundreds of this
type of pump are sold every year in Denmark and abroad.
In the 1970's, the first submersible motor and mixer
was produced. At the same time, Landia started to develop an export
market throughout Europe.
In 1986, a water environment plan was introduced in
Denmark. This followed a pressing need for the use of mixers in
connection with biological nutrient removal in waste- water. Together
with leading Danish consultants, Landia developed a complete production
program in this area. At the same time, the company acquired an
extensive know-how from their experience with a large number of
reference plants in Denmark. Landia was, therefore, one of the first
companies in the world with a specialised knowledge regarding the
mixing of activated sludge.
In 1990, Landia started to develop its traditional slurry
pumps even further. A new chopper pump with a unique knife
system was developed, so that today, Landia can supply a complete
range of dry installed, wet well and submersible pumps for
chopping and pumping of difficult mediums.
The pumps have been successfully installed in a large number
of industries - such as abattoirs, fish, vegetable and other
food processing industries, as well as within the paper industry.
Landia's aim has always been the highest quality together
with good quality control - and, thus, in 1994, the company was
certified under ISO 9001.
The knowledge acquired with a high quality product on
the domestic market gave Landia a head start on the export markets,
resulting in considerable growth. Consequently, in 1993 - and again
in 1998, Landia was placed amongst the 100 fastest growing companies
in Denmark.
Today, the export market makes up approximately 60%
of Landia's total business, with more than 30 distributors worldwide
in 26 countries - together with subsidiaries in the UK and the USA.
The company's main markets are Western Europe and the USA.
Consultancy and problem solving are a continuously growing
part of Landia's service in connection with production and sale
of pumps and mixers. To solve each problem individually, Landia's
specialised engineers work closely with customers and end-users
in order to ensure the optimum implementation of Landia's products
and equipment.
The quality aim of Landia ensures that the company complies
with the demands of quality-conscious markets. It is vital that
both distributors and customers feel a high degree of content and
security with the company's advice, products and service, wherever
problems with pumping and mixing of difficult mediums need be solved.
The compant develops, manufactures and distributes
pumping and mixing systems -
- Pumps to chop, shred, cut, mascerate, grind and comminute;
- Mixers to agitate, homogenize and create liquid currents.
The product range includes:
- Chopper pumps
- Pumps for difficult liquids
- Mixers
- Recirculation pumps
- Aerators
Landia produces submersible mixers, flowmakers and pumps.
The company has undertaken tasks which demand specialist proficiency
and solves problems within, for instance, flow creation, mixing,
pumping and aeration at wastewater treatment plants and in
The product range includes:
- Mixers
- Flowmakers Recirculation pumps
- Pumps for difficult liquids
- Aerators
Landia can, with its module system, select the optimum solutions
for mixing and pumping of liquid manure and slurry etc. Our
experience and our special knowledge guarantee the correct
The product range includes:
- Slurry pumps
- Channel mixers
- Mixers
- Sluice gates
For further information, contact:
Hugh Vaughan
Landia (UK) Ltd.
Waymills Industrial Estate
Shropshire SY 13 1QN
Tel: +44 (0)1948 661 200
Fax: +44 (0)1948 661 201
e-mail: [email protected]
Web: velcome-to-landia.htm
Christopher French
6 Arnold Road
Solihull B90 3JP
Tel: +44 121 745 2666